SCAT Electronic News 29 December 2001 issue 660
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 2041
SCAT Electronic News 29 December 2001 issue 660
Table of Contents
Simpson on C
W-Hobby - Wiley
World Free Flight Review - Mazzocco
Fwd: [pmac] SW Regionals, January, Eloy, Arizona - Andresen
sulfnbk.exe virus hoax
F1D - Goldstein
Junior F1A - Markos
F1C cost @ $8000 - Schrodter
Exchange rate - Boutiller
Lets go fly - Acme
Comments on W-Hobby Junior Model - Nikolajevas
F1D - Shepherd
Re: Go for it, Larry - Bennett
Simpson on C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think it is time to move on from all the remarks regarding banning geared
engines, the high cost of F1C models, etc, (though I did enjoy Herman's
that set the record straight on F1C costs). All F1 classes cost a lot of
money these days, what doesn't. Nothing is going to change in the immediate
future, as evidenced by the following.
In November 2001, at the CIAM Bureau meeting, France's proposal to the CIAM
to ban the Geared models was sent to sub-comittee (where it will sit until
the year 2005) as no proposals to change any FAI competition rules will even
be considered until the March 2005 CIAM Plenum Meeting when they will
consider rule changes to go into effect January 2006.
What this means is that we will fly until January 2006 with the existing
rules (all F1 events), this includes the 2003 World Championships and the
2005 World Championships. By 2006 there will be so many F1C fliers with
geared models that they will be the norm, not the exception, and will be
here to stay.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
I have read several comments on W-Hobby gliders. I have built and flown
several and thought I might share my thoughts. The Juniors I have are
first-generation. They fly well (after all, Peter knew how to design a
glider for that time), but one has to pay attention to the pod and the wire
running from the hook to the timer to insure that the timer will start on
release. This took me considerable time to figure out how to make the ##!!
things work, it is not 100% reliable, and this is not what one expects from
an introductory kit. The tail booms were also weak and all of mine are
reinforced. W-Hobby has modified the pod, but I have not tried it. Quality
goes up with the Sija. The kit (first-generation) was a joy to build and I
had no problems with circle-tow, release, and etc. I still have the Sija and
enjoy flying it for fun. It is a cheap ($99) introduction to circle towing.
I also had a Superba, which I sold when I made the choice to concentrate on
F1B. It was the only bunter I have ever flown, so I can make no comparisons.
All I can say is that it was quite adequate for me for purposes to learning
how to bunt.
Happy New Year,
Ed Wiley
World Free Flight Review
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just picked up a hard cover book entitled "World Free Flight Review" Volume
I 1975-1976-1977 Edition edited by Bill Hartill and published by the World
Free Flight Press. What a fabulous book! It is 416 pages long and packed
with pictures, drawings, commentary, competition results, etc. Several
people that regularly write in to Scat are shown in all their glory 25 years
Does anyone know the history behind this book? Was there a Volume II? How
well did this book go over? It must have been a huge undertaking.
Please send responses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where they may jog some memories.
Thanks, Rey Mazzocco
This book was written by Bill Hartill. Bill was one of the SCAT founders.
The book is still available from Bill and as you say it is very well
written, great photos and provides an invalable record for FAI
Free Flight in the late 70s.]
Fwd: [pmac] SW Regionals, January, Eloy, Arizona
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Appreciate that most of the SEN readers are Am Cup orientated, but know some
are also interested in Nat'l Cup, ROW ,AMA Events, CatG, RCOT, Collecto etc.
This message by Al Lidberg explains the overall schedule.
You still have time to make travel arrangements to come to the Southwest
Regionals Model Airplane Championships, 19-21 Jan 02, Eloy, Arizona: 3
-AMA, NFFS, SAM. FAC Free Flight [19-20]
-FAI Free Flight [19-20]
-SAM RC OT [19-21]
-MECA Collecto [19, pm]
See all the details at:
Steve Riley and I just spent a very neat afternoon:
[1] Setting up the water delivery for our ROW [Rise Off Water] pond at AMA
etc FF. ROW is great fun - and we saw a new AMA ROW Mulvihill rubber record
set at SWR 2000 from our portable puddle!
[2] Visiting with George Tallent, noted O&R engine guy at Picacho, AZ, just
south of Eloy. He took a brief look at the sideport .23 I bought along -
deemed it generally OK, found a new bearing race for it to replace the
missing part - and then ran it on his test stand. His 'secret weapon' on the
test stand - a motorcycle coil [what a spark!!] - and the engine started
right up. Now, all i must do is put an airplane around it! GT spent some
years building sprint cars and the conversation drifted more than a few
times! We should all be so energetic at age 80! He'll be there at SWR, flying
I hope many of you can join us: Weather should be OK, might be cool in the AM
[tho we haven't seen ice on the ROW pond yet] , but it's expected to be
fairly pleasant later on - Come fly with us!!
AL [SWR contest mgr; AMA FF CD]
A. A. Lidberg model plan service
ff/rc kits and plans
now with on-line credit card ordering
sulfnbk.exe virus hoax
Normally we do not comment on computer viruses. But many
of you will have received a not from feloow modellers about the
This is what the well known anti-Virus company McAfee had to say about it:
McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of a new email HOAX.
This email message is just a HOAX. Although, the SULFNBK.EXE file
may become infected by a number of valid viruses (most commonly
W32/Magistr@MM, the details of this HOAX message are not based on
actual events.
We are advising users who receive the email to delete the message
and DO NOT pass it on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.
SULFNBK.EXE is a Microsoft Windows utility that is used to restore
long file names
For more details about this virus hoax, please go to the website at:
Hope this information is helpful to you. Thanks.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In reply to :>> Ive been inquiring on building
Indoor News and Views just ran a Steve Brown article on building F1D
prop blades as a 2 part article in issue 103 and 104. I am working on
getting it onto my site, but other things have delayed me. I do have the
INAV articles by Steve Brown on my site that deal with building a motor
stick and tail boom & stab.
At .6 gm per motor a 10 lbs box is a 3 lifetime supply.
Yes F1D does have a builder of the model rule. It is buried pretty deep
in the FAI code, but it is there. So if you want to fly F1D you will get
to rediscover what the hobby of model building is all about.
Along the F1D lines, I have just launched a new business selling very
high quality and individually graded sheets of indoor balsa. Details at
To see the INAV articles that are on the web and get subscription
information take a look at my original site
[Denver, CO]
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Junior F1A
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The recent review of the Junior F1A model by Rozenkrants prompts me to tell
of my experiences. I purchased a ready-to-fly Junior about 6 years ago. The
only required construction was joining the wing tips to the center panels.
However, a number of pre-flight changes were made to increase strength and
reliability. The most important of these was to remove a 3/4" strip of the
inner wing planking from the bottom and insert 1/2-inch hard balsa fill
between the plywood ribs, drilling each out with a 5/32" bit to accept the
wing joiner wire. The 4 mm wing wire was very stiff and was changed to 5/32"
music wire to be a little more forgiving. I have seen two other models
without such modifications suffer the same damage as noted in the previous
I've had no experience with the new tow hook, but there is a photo of it on
the W-Hobby website. I see no reason why it should unlatch unexpectedly if
the spring tension is set to about 8 lbs. This can be accomplished by
removing coils from the spring if it is too loose. I always used a stretchy
50-lb-test nylon towline too. The main complaint with the hook was the
extreme effort required to fit it back into the model after removal (it helps
to use a hemostat to hold it). I recall also that the timer start required
some fidgeting to work reliably.
Other changes I made were to add a new faceplate to the timer and a stab
kicker function for easier towing; replaced the fin/rudder hinges and also a
better anchored rudder arm fashioned from dural. The solid wire rudder line
was replaced by braided cable. The model weighed 413 grams after I had
removed a large portion of the lead ballast to get to a 54% CG.
The main reason I bought the Junior was to have a model that I could use to
teach a beginner about circle tow and also to see if it was worth
recommending to beginners as a first circle tow F1A. I have done just that a
number of times. It's a great bargin. The required mods are probably no
more that I would go through with any new model.
The model was quite good in windy weather, one of the easier towing models
I've had.
It loved thermals. I would fly it under extreme conditions to keep from
damaging my "better" models. If lost, I was only out $150! Unfortunately,
that's exactly what happened two years ago due to pilot error on a windy
Muncie afternoon. After I had the Junior set up for a flight, I noticed a
crack in the tailboom and put some CA glue on it. You can guess that the CA
fixed the DT line to the boom and of course I found a huge thermal. With the
15-20 mph West wind, it's probably in Ohio.
Chuck Markos
F1C cost @ $8000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I believe that I was the one who initiated the comments on the costs for =
someone starting out in F1C with the intention of being a serious =
competitor. The approximate figure of $8000, given to me by Roger =
Coleman, included the costs of 2 geared engines, all of necessary =
support equipment---starter, tach, misc. spare parts, etc. These "extra" =
but necessary items cam amount to a considerable sum. As our editor has =
pointed out (more than once), a non-geared F1C can still compete quite =
well. GS
Exchange rate
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May I add a comment to Lincoln's wording in last SEN?
2200 US Bucks can be exchanged for 16720 French Francs
(or 2549 Euros) that is 1.5 times the avery French salary.
Official statistics !!
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Lets go fly
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How much does it cost to fly F1D..............I'm kinda done with all the whini
ng WE fly What We
Fly I think the only person we have to justify the cost to is ourselv
s and our partners
........... I like F1C.....You like F1B....... He likes F1A ........ Let's go
fly....... acmeaero!
Comments on W-Hobby Junior Model
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Please publish this on your SCAT News Board:
We appreciate all comments on W-Hobby products as they help us understand
the customer needs and improve the products. Though we would like to get
complaints directly, it is no problem to discuss them in public.
W-Hobby Junior model is a copy of Peter Allnut's Czechmate. Peter was aware
of that and never had any intentions to claim fee for his author rights. We
list him on our web site as an author of Czechmate.
Design of the wings is almost not changed, wingjoiner is installed in front
of spars, which is not unusual for older models and have no impact on wing
root strength. There are 5 plywood ribs in the root part, all root part is
covered with balsa sheets. Together with spars and web this makes a very
strong box and I do not see any reason why should it break, nor I ever heard
anyone breaking Junior wing. Mr.Rozenkrants should understand that it is
spar that takes the load not wingjoiner. Wing structures based on wingjoiner
as a main strength element usually break just after it...
Mr.Rozenkrats used a wrong term to describe the wing, in his sentence "the
wingjoiner goes through 5 plywood longerons and into the wing there is a
balsa skin above and under the longerosn and that's it" -word "longeron"
should be replaced with "rib". I understand that this was a translation
Fuselage is made of wooden block and carbon shell. I do not see any problems
in weight of 90g... Wings are 140-150g, stab 10-12g, so we have 250-260g for
fuselage. Of corse heavier stabilizer would result in adding more nose
weight and that might be the main problem. However there is a solution: if
modeler is not able to build lightweight stabilizer from the kit, he can buy
8g stabilizer from W-Hobby :-)
Towhook is not of ordinary construction. I agree that one of the first
versions had a "bug" (or defect) allowing towline ring to slide from towhook
before accelerating, but that is fixed long time ago. I do not know what
version Mr.Rozenkrants have as he bought the kit/model not directly from
W-Hobby, so I can not comment on that.
And please note that we are constantly improving all our products, so
someone's experience might be out of date. As for the lower quality of
W-Hobby products, I do not agree with that and would like to hear facts
rather than rumors.
Everyone is welcome on our web site at:
Please send your comments to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
sincerely yours
Vidas Nikolajevas
W-Hobby Free Flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
happy holidays to all,
i'm surprised to find so much interest in F1D..i flew in my last
F1D finals in 1993...i managed to break 40 min., a noble goal, only to
find the top fliers doing 50+ seems access to W/C level sites is
more important than great rubber,or great airplanes in this event...a
W/C capable airplane may only cost 5 to 6 bucks a copy, but it still
costs 1 or 2K to go somewhere to fly them....F1D was a challenging event
before the rule change, now it is doubly
underweight,underpowered pennyplane.tis a of the aesthetic
qualities of F1C for me was the sheer beauty and mindbending performance
they posses. i'd hate to see F1C be reduced to the lowest common
denominator aircraft that F1D has become..NO RUBBER WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS
i enjoy SEN a lot , keep windin' j.
Re: Go for it, Larry
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 12/26/01 1:57:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes,
> < and so I must now try it. Can u imagine how far a
> 10 pound box of Tan II would last on a F1D ship. The mind boggles.>>
Larry, that's about 7,550 motors per box, if you get a .050" slice off both
edges. But let's not say that too loud. We need to expand, not further
whither the rubber market. Anyone for bringing back 35 gram F1B?
<<> there a builder of the model rule for this event? Imagine having to
> build
> your own models.>>
Indeed. See you at Johnson City USIC, I hope?
Mark Bennett,
Roger Morrell