Feb. 29 2000 Millenium Leap Year Day
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 2104
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 29 Feb 2000 - Millenium Leap Year day
Table of Contents
Mogul Timer Owners - Brokenspar
World Champs 2001 at Lost Hills ?
Lost F1A - Livotto
San Val Annual - Thorkildsen
Here's your bike, Mike - Grigsby
Ramrod Follower- Leath
chris murphy - Sapwell
FAI FF in UK - Pudney
Seguin Spring meet ? - Kowal
Bob Wiehle - Busnelli
Feb. '00 rubber - Schroedter
Dethermalization or Backdoor Radio Control - Schlosbergom
180 Is Max - Johannes
Mogul Timer Owners
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Squirt your switch once lightly with brake cleaning
chemical and you loose the color coding on the three
positions.....Rod may not know this yet.
There's a few other things you should not squirt with
this stuff...
World Champs 2001 at Lost Hills ?
Seeing the 2001 World Champs are not going to be held in OZ a
group of American FAI sportsmen are working with the AMA and NFFS
to put a proposal together to host the 2001 event at Lost Hills.
There is not much time before the CIAM meeting and still a lot of work
to be done but it should be ready in time.
I know that all sportsmen from many countries had a
very enjoyable time in '93 so let's repeat that in 2001.
Lost Plane
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Hi Roger, Last Friday afternoon before the Max Men, I lost my glider, it
did not DT. The direction was South, South West, towards Black well's
corner, it was pretty high and circled into a cloud and Craig and I did
not see it come out. So if some of you are wondering towards that
direction after your models, please keep an eye for mine. Thanks..Juan
San Val Annual
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Hi Jim [i.e. ramrod250]
If you like doing freeflight the old way than come to our San Valeers annual
on April 8th and 9th at Taft where we still fly it with a lot of strap down
models, nostalgia, normal dt's, enforce BOM except on FAI or stated events
and just have fun!
Terry Thorkildsen
CD for San Valeer's Annual
Here's your bike, Mike
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Damn; wish I'd known Mike Woodhouse, (or any other foreign competitor,
for that matter),
would need a bike for the Maxmen! Judy and I can't get out right now,
because my 89 year
old mom is near death, and one of us needs to stay home with her, (Judy
still works, so 5
days a week, it's me). I wouldn't have been able to deliver one of our 2
Honda 70's to Lost
Hills, but if arrangements could have been made, they would have certainly
been available!
I ordered something from Mike a while back, and got it real quick, and
better than I'd
hoped for. It's the least I could have done.
Roger (lurker) Grigsby.
Ramrod Follower
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To SEM Readers;
Mr jim haught got it right: it takes special rules and special people
to fly free flight. we must be very careful when we change our FREE FLIGHT
rules in order to insure that we don't wind up with something that IS NOT
don leath
chris murphy
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sorry no answer from chris,s brother on phone at present.. will ring after
tea and post info later
hec sapwell timaru. nz
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Dear Roger
Re Bernie Butler's enquiry (28.02.2000) the British Model Flying
Association's web site is at:
It lists all the UK clubs - is that the site you were thinking of?
Jan Pudney
Adelaide, South Australia
Seguin Spring meet
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Could someone please let me know when the spring
Americas Cup event is in Texas??? A schedule of events
would be most helpfull. Thanks ---Ken---
P.S. how about a map to the field.
Bob Wiehle
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On Saturday 19, Bob Wiehle put up his first flight of this year. I was
there to help out, witness and take some pictures.
Take a look and forward to the SEN at your discretion:
Bob Wiehle
Thank you
E. Busnelli
Feb. '00 rubber
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I just ran a pull test on the sample of the February '00 rubber that
John Clapp gave me last weekend. John said it tests 4100. From what I
was able to determine, without taking the time to get an exact figure,
this rubber is indeed quite good. The stretch ratio is slightly less
than the previous batches. John said that it is "tougher".
It looks to me that the wake flyers would be wise to get a hold of a
sample and check it out themselves.
George Schroedter
Dethermalization or Backdoor Radio Control
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Dethermalization or Backdoor Radio Control
RDT (remote dethermalization) offers a clear advantage in terms
of avoiding pending catastrophes: DTing a model with a jammed
bunt or just before it hits a building, tree or power lines. To prevent
RDT being used to get second attempts, the American proposal for
the next CAIM meeting specifically precludes a second attempt for
RDT models that are DTed within the 20-second window. RDT
also has a secondary effect of reducing chases.
However, RDT faces two important technical issues before being
widely accepted. First, it could be modified to trim the model
in-flight, as the control signal is processed by the electronic timer =
and passed to the servo(s) on board. Pushing a sequence of keys
on a transmitter - say 1-2-3-4 - would DT the model, but alternative
sequences like 1-3-2-4 might subtly change the model's trim.
Various remedies can be used: the timer might be responsible to
punch the button(s), instructed by the flier or their representative.
This is clearly clumsy and precludes the flier DTing the model
during the chase. Another possibility is mechanical: require that
a RDT signal be transmitted by a single key/button/switch. But
a sequence of pushes/switches might also be a back door
communication channel.
The best solution seems to be a guarantee by each RDT
manufactures that their RDT function is irreversible - like putting
the timer to sleep once the designated signal was received and the
DT activated. This is feasible as the number of manufactures is
likely to be rather small. Post contest processing of winners is an
additional deterrent.
The second issue is that RDT can be jammed by a strong signal
at the approximate transmission frequency, similar to jamming
unwanted radio broadcasts or enemy radar. This could be
mitigated by specifying a ceiling on the intensity or power of a
RDT signal, which could also be guaranteed by the RDT
To a large extent, these issues were dormant while RDT was
confined to F1C and scarcely used. Expanding the usage to
F1A and B requires a discussion to assure that RDTs are also
WYSIWUG (what you see is what you get).
Aram Schlosberg
180 Is Max
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Hi Roger,
Does anyone out there know where our club can purchase a copy of "180 Is
Max" ?
It seems that I just saw a reference to that excellent film but I can't
remember where.
Thanks for the help. Bob
reprinting from a few issues back .....
180 is max
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger:
Last week I made to myself a long awaited gift.
Searching on the Web I found , in the National Film Board of Canada site ,
the film " 180 is Max".
May be a little expensive at $80 + $10 of postage,for a 16 minutes short,
but it worths. The cassette is in VHS format.
This film, more than a document on the Free Flight World Championship of
1971 in Gotenburg, Sweden, I belive is an artistic creation, having won
international film awards.
Several known faces (30 years younger), Koster, Verbitsky, Sugden, Allnut
amongst many others.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
My contact for ordering was Paula Couture (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Daniel Iele
Roger Morrell