SEN-478 Sept. 28 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1357
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 28 September 2000 issue 478
Table of Contents
Max Men 2001 - Steffensen and others
Wakefield School - Wood
Arm Chair Sportsmen - Woodhouse
FAI Program - Shailor
Unfortunately the factory has increased prices.
Model Magazines and books - Myers
USFF Champs Events ? - Terzian
Fonzie - Vincent
Max Men 2001
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MaxMen 2001
Time has come to plan for the next season and my question is : Any dates
for MaxMen 2001 ?
Ingolf Steffensen
[The Max Men International is 16, 17 ,18 and 19 February.
Monday the 19 is a Public Holiday in the USA and is the bad weather
reserve flyoff day]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
91 inches MAKAROV glider. Second generation timer (11 minutes)
For detail contact.
Pierre Brun
email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .After 5 pm any day.
Wakefield School
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
There is no school to train the USA Wakefield flyers as I understand was
conducted in Russia in the good old days. Therefore it is very difficult to
become proficient in the art of Wakefield flying. Each flyer essentially has
to train himself. The Americas Cup Contests provide a wonderful training
ground for ambitious Wakefield flyers in the USA but should not be considered
for selecting our Wakefield team. The Americas Cup should be considered to
be the school and practice ground for potential FAI team members with the
team selection flyoffs being the final exam. Maybe in the old days flyers
could achieve a team position without being prepared but, I don't believe
is possible any longer (too many great flyers). I don't think it ever
happened very often. I have been to enough contests to know that there are
magnificent flyers at every Americas Cup contest. Forty Five of those flyers
will gather at the team selection flyoffs. Any of those flyers who wins his
way onto the team by the selection process will represent the USA team in a
wonderful manner.
It should be noted that the World Championship requires mistake free
performance to place well and exceptional performance to win. That kind of
demand is made in all top level competition be it Chess, Racing, Olympics or
whatever. That top level of performance should be demanded of the
competitors who propose to represent us in World Championship competition.
your friend,
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Arm Chair Sportsmen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
on 27/9/00 6:24 am, SCAT user at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> Here we go again. People that don't fly F.A.I. on a regular basis trying
> to tell the FAI planners how we should run our team selection program.
Sounds like you have been reacting to what has gone on in the UK. Most
things get wrecked by the guys in the arm chairs. They usually revert to
this form of arm chair flying when the real stuff gets too dificult for them
to hack. No method is perfect we have tried most ideas in the UK. The
basic issue is that it comes down to how good are the flyers? The problem
that we have is that we, in the UK, with a few exceptions are not good
enough so it doesn't matter who we select the team!
Michael J Woodhouse. - We have quit AOL.
FAI Program
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been reading with interest the various suggestions as to how we can
solve the disparity in numbers of entrants at the finals flying F1B, A and
C. These have ranged from punitive "round-splitting" measures to break up
F1B rounds to utilizing the America's Cup to select our teams. In my
opinion, none of these are workable or fair.
If the real problem is higher entry in F1B and lower entries in F1A and C,
the sensible approach would be to raise the number of entries in F1A and C.
I would suggest an "open finals" for both F1A and C, since that is about
what we have now, anyway. At least in terms of F1C flyers, loss of models
attempting to make an arbitrary 75 minute goal would be unnecessary.
We should keep the 75 minute goal, or even go back to the old semi-finals
format for F1B, only. A limit of, say, 40 flyers across the country would
be the limit.
For those in F1A and C, a single finals entry fee, incorporating both the
program entry fees and final entry fee could be paid up front with a pass to
the finals.
We will all have our chance to voice our opinions on the next program in the
upcoming team selection committee mailing.
Bill Shailor
Unfortunately the factory has increased prices.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unfortunately the factory has increased prices.
New rubber prices are:
$ 23.50 1lb post paid in USA. 1 lb= $ 20.30 + post elsewhere.
10 lb=$ 172.00+post elsewhere
Model Magazines and books
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a line to tell everyone in the world that Shirley Turner has got a
list(big) of model magazines and books that were in Ed's collection. Ed
passed away from Luekimia just two years ago this month. She has been
trying to get her list together and has just finished. A SASE with 66
cents in postage will get a 9 page list. Or you can fax a request to=
Shirley at 817-589-1519
Thanks for the help in keeping these out of the landfill.
Dick Myers
USFF Champs Events ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I received a copy of the USFF Champs flier in various FF newsletters and am
glad to see that it has regained its America's Cup Status! I am also happy
to see that the Mini-FAI events are scheduled during the weekend rather than
on Monday (or Friday) as in years past.
I am somewhat perplexed that somehow the AMA Hand Held Catapult Glider event
has been omitted along with .020 Replica. Was this by choice or accident?
They have always had great participation and in fact I thought it had been
determined that a separate award category was going to be put in place for
Juniors in the Catapult event this year.
Would you check with Terry (Kerger) and Ron (Boots) and let us know if this
was just an oversight? Let me know what dates they are scheduled for if they
are to be included. Fred T.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think I remember the Tv folk hero you mentioned, The Fonz. Did he not wear
too much hair oil and, like some of the unpleasant ground pawing model eating
creatures we find on our flying fields wear a leather jacket?
FFonZ I believe was coined by the founders of the national Kiwi ff bulletin
I now edit, FFoNZ NewZ, and of course stands for Free Flighters of New Zealand.
Roger Morrell