SEN-510 November 30 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1245
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic news 30 November 2000 issue 510
Table of Contents
Maxed Out
MAX MEN 14 rounds for ever - Nuettgens
Power of 14 - Vincent
MAX MEN revision - Busnelli
Strong Starters - Strong Starters
14 rounder - Brooks
Decalage and camber?? - King
MM 14 - Leath
MaxMen Encore - Beschasny
Maxed Out
I think that George and team are about Maxed out on our MaxMen 14 Rounder
help that we'er giving them ..
So let's look for new material and get back to tech stuff.
MAX MEN 14 rounds for ever
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
To fly in the cold time of the year to California and fly this 14
rounder-MAXMEN in nice weather (compare to Europe), this is a dream of every
European Freeflight sportsman. Some people make this dream true, others like
Pierre dream a little longer. When I compare my first visit in 1997,
where only a few European flyers came over and last year, you can see, how
attractive and apriciated your MAXMEN is.
For me this MAXMEN has this "macho" reputation like you wrote and something
magic like Wimbledon in Tennis. Don't change it and don't let you disturb by
last 2 years weather problems. Next year Californian summer will start in
February again.
You should go on with this historical 14 rounder and increase the flights 1
and/or 8, if possible, in order to reduce the fly-off, if this is the real
or other explanation, why only 14: The Europeans need the first 7 rounds to
wake up from the hibernation and the next 7 rounds for making fit for the
Fly offs.
Ansgar Nüttgens
Power of 14
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Noted all the comment about reducing the Maxmen to 7 rounds with interest.
I presume if George is looking at reducing the contest
for next year it is because
of the huge work load he will face running both the Maxmen and
the World Championship.
When Moira and I looked at visiting California this year,
basing our sightseeing
around a contest, we picked the Maxmen because of the 14 round format and the
mini event before.
After all if you are spending thousands of dollars on air fares you want to
get as much flight time in as possible.
Though the weather shortened the contest it was the greatest
aeromodelling event
of our lives and I thought George and his team ran it brilliantly.
All in favour of 14 rounds, perhaps (tongue in cheek) George could run
the worlds on that basis.
I will be there then, even if only to carry the drinks
MAX MEN revision
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To whom it may concern:
Although I had an opinion about modifying the format of the 14 rounder I did
not want to express it by throwing in a quick word and I kept on lurking in
the background until someone steps out and gives some reasons for doing the
Thanks to Walt for explaining, but I do not believe that some few isolated
minor incidents justify the switch in format to such a unique tradition.
I would not like to see the Max Men becoming a Micro Men.
Regarding the proposal for making the Mini events a 10 rounder, it is a cute
idea but it would lengthen the competition another day, which means further
stress on the organizers and flyers-travelers. A solution in between and more
viable would be making the mini events a 7 rounder so we can fly them in one
E. Busnelli
Strong Starters
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Not that it matters for FAI, but if you try to start a Nelson .40 or K & B
7.5 or a .60 size motor for an AMA gas motor you get to see what the real
limitations are of your starter if it has any.
Terry Thorkildsen
14 rounder
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I was one of the fliers who had to miss the Monday flyoff with a clean
score in F1B, but that's my fault, not the organizer's, or the weather. I
took a chance--tough luck. The 14 round format at least makes it easier
to rationalize the time, money, and effort it takes to attend. Don't
change it.
I do like Mr. Makarov's suggestion of moving the date however. Just
one week later would connect with my mid semester break, and I could spend
the whole week there. Do it!!
Decalage and camber??
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have had some interesting correspondance with Thedo Andre about some
deacalage measurements he has done, in comparison with simulating them on my
Glide sim.
It seems he has found a higher value for decalage than the sim predicts when
using some high cambered Makarov sections for F1B. I believe I may need to
alter the zero lift angles of the wing in the sim. At the moment the zero
lift angle gets lower, linearly with increasing camber. But I think cambers
higher than about 6% may not reach the low zero angles that are curent in the
sim. (Due to the low Re Nos involved). I have been trying to revise the
graph to allow for this, with a little success, but I am interested to know
if anyone else has noticed an increase in decalage, other things being equal,
when using high cambered airfoils. I heard lately that some people have been
experimenting, with some success, with quite high cambered airfoils. Any
data would be really useful.
Peter King
MM 14
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just want to put in my whole hearted support for the full
14 rounds of the Max Mens.
Don Leath
MaxMen Encore
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear fellows,
I realized that almost 100% of flyers votes for Max Men International 14
rounder. Very nice! However, I probably missed to see anyone suggests
any help or support to current CD and guys behind CD's desk to hold
and run this unexceptional event...
Just latest SCAT club meeting flyers got this idea and they will do.
How we are , THE VISITORS, could be helping? Let's think all together.
May be we suppose to get better organized , to keep up with FAI rules
firmly , to MAKE
good SAFETY codex and go follow it without any even smallest brakes
down... May be we can chase our ""birds"" for each other somehow?
I can remine lots of points when I did wrong and another guys who are
well known and respectable.
I assume that we have to support MM organizers to keep real 14 format
forever this way.
That's because voting from the side looks like everyone wants to have a piece
of cake ,but nobody wants to cook it! Definitely,MAX MEN
14 rounder International is the piece of cake. Let 's keep it right
like this!
180 s forever
[Vasily - the most important things visitors can do for the Mm -
or any other contest for that matter - is show up ! I do not think
getting help is an issue for the MM International]
Roger Morrell.