SEN-511 December 2 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1418
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 2 December 2000 issue 511
Table of Contents
Team Selection Review - F1Tom
FF Team - Bevan
MiniMaster Available again - Hines
Half a Starters - Thorkildsen and Gregorie
Top Ten Too Much -Biggles
Over the top Again - Biggles and Sweepttelee
MM Date - Woodhouse
Helping on the MM - The Alien
Flyoffs with 7 - Achterberg
SW Regionals Partner - Markos
Team Selection Review
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There are still several participants of the Team Selection contest that I
would like to get some model data in order to get a good overview of what was
being flown. Regardless of your results it's good information that will be
compiled in the Review along with lots of photos and other neat FAI material.
Besides, in exchange for your data I will send you a copy of your own, FREE.
Now, to make it easier, forget the questionnaire and just email me
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the following info:
Name and Address:
Event: F1___
Model (i.e. Stamov, Andriukov, Own design):
Timer: Mechanical or Electronic
F1A - Towline:
F1B - Front End (Variable, Constant Pitch):
Rubber Batch Date:
F1C - Engine:
Thanks for your help, Tom Laird
FF Team
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've been searching the NFFS and SCAT sites since October to see who is
on the 2001 Team, and how the contest went, but it sems to be a big
secret. Am I looking in the wrong places? Thanks,
Dave Bevan AMA 45861
[Dave, the results are no secret - they were published in SEN -
avaiable on the Web site - of Oct 14 and Oct 16.
The team is
Randy Archer
Ed Keck
Ken Oliver
Walt Ghio
Blake Jensen
Roger Morrell
Andrew Barron
Steve Spence
Lee Hines
There has also been information about other countries teams
in subsequent SEN. Note that when you go to the
Web the SEN is archived under NEWS]
MiniMaster Available again
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yes, that is correct, Stan Buddenbohm has decided to accept orders for
his F1H MiniMaster kits again
All interested parties may contact him at:
5652 Meinhardt Rd
Westminister, CA 92683-2432
Half A starters
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We appreciate the info you shared and I know there for awhile you couldn't
even get 1/2A starters. I personally don't like using them on 1/2A's but on
the high rpm stuff it seems to be required or if you use folding props or
the razor sharp props it is necessary.
> limitations are of your starter if it has any.
This part by Martin Gregorie ..
Agreed! I originally built it for 049s and just was pleased to see that it
worked for 06 engines as well. In fact I've never stalled it, even on a
flooded engine and before I fitted the gearing. The cup is small, to suit an
049 spinner, and that might have quit a bit to do with the no stall.
The points I wanted to share were:
- there's plenty of power in a set of 1800 mAh NiCds for a day's
flying and the gearing can only improve matters. By reducing
the load on the motor the gears also reduce its power
- the standard Master Airscrew 3:1 gear boxes are strong
enough for this type of abuse.
- small engines start much better on 2-3500 rpm starters than
they do on a 12000-15000 starter. I added the gears to slow
the output shaft rather than to get extra torque when I noticed
that my Shuriken started MUCH easier on a 4500 rpm
commercial starter than it did on my ungeared unit.
I'm guessing, but this may apply to all sizes of engine.
Ten Too Much ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* It's OK, I was just kidding - British humor and all that ! (but
wait a minute, what about 10 x 45 minute rounds, starting at 8:00am,
fly-offs begin at 3:30). That would work ! Should be able to fit in
about 2 or 3 fly-off rounds before it gets dark, then break out the
Chem-lights and keep going until mid-night - talk about getting your
moneys-worth !
- Biggles aka Marathon Man
Over the Top again
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: for SEN - OK , we started something here:
* You're right on. But wait, 150 second maxes - hey that's for
Sissy's, I already fly 180 sec all day in F!H comps anyway - just to
watch them fly ! Why not really show those F1A guys and lets go straight
to 300 sec maxes for all 10 rounds - like Herman always reminds us they
did in the good old days. Now you're talking a real Manly Max Men
contest !
Onwards and Upwards !
- Biggles
Ernesto in SEN 510 of today had some good comments, possibly not realising
you were going over the top again (to test the waters,eh?) re 10 rd F1H
when he had the good suggestion to fly 7 rds for minis.
I say, go for it and use 150 sec max, weather permitting, as well!
Let'em fly, that is why they exist, not to sit and collect cobwebs in our
birds nests.
MM Date
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> I do like Mr. Makarov's suggestion of moving the date however. Just
> one week later would connect with my mid semester break, and I could spend
> the whole week there. Do it!!
Please don't move the 2001 meeting some of us have already booked and paid
for our flights - non refundable! As for 14 or 7 I happy either way. The
only isue that I have is with the recovery. Need to get a bike organised!
Michael J. Woodhouse
[Mike - That weekend is locked up for the MM. While last year we turned
on some British Weather so you would not feel homesick - this year
will no doubt be different. I do not think the weather is any
better a week or two later anyway.]
Helping on the MM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have to differ with you on the organizers needing help for the MM. I
think Vasily hit the nail on the head.
I spoke with George and it sounded to me like the MM is getting a bit much
for the few that run it. I am sure he would welcome any help he can get as
this contest has grown quite a bit in just the last few years, and it might
just get out of control in a few more. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't
there something like 200 event entries at last years MM? That has to be a
whole lot of paperwork, plus everything else that's involved with running a
contest of that size. (approaching World Champs for numbers)
It seems that almost everyone likes the 14 round concept, so(just a
suggestion)maybe it's time for one of the other clubs, or a group of clubs
to lend a hand in order to keep the 14 round format.
George has never impressed me as someone who would ask for help. He just
seems to knuckle down and do it himself, and always does a great job. Keep
up the good work George, 14 or 7, I'll be there.
This all came about due to a recount and we are now tied on &%^$#@%%$#@(my
Bob( Alien) Gutai
Flyoffs with 7
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It has been interesting reading about this event in Feb. As it has grown in
size and will probably be bigger next year, has anyone thought about the
possibility of that perfect, not so uncommon, February in the desert?
Let say that day happens and you have 200 entrees and let say 150 max out.
Now, after the 5 and 7 minute flyoffs, night has closed our glorious day of
flying. What to do, we still have 100 plus maxed out?
Simple, 10 minute fly-off in the morning!! Where does anyone suppose we are
going to get 200 timers at the crack of dawn? Well, guess we will have to
go with 100!! Same problem!!! It could happen!!
The 14 rounds seems to take its' toll and even on good weather days the
second day always takes a big bite. If anyone thinks the fly-offs are
unmanageable after 14 rounds with say 70 or so flyers and all the rest of
the contestants still on the field to time and help, wait till there are 100
in the flyoff at the crack of dawn and a lot of ex-contestants still eating
breakfast at Denny's~~~~!!
For contest management sake, play it safe and have 14 rounds and let the
flyers make the fly-off smaller all by ourselves!! Oh hell, throw in
another 7 rounds and we probably won't have a flyoff at all!!!
Hope everyone's seriously thinks about they above scenario and keeps a
great event, a great event!!!
Michael Achterberg
SW Regionals Partner
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have just made my flight reservations for the Eloy AZ contest and would
like to hear from anyone who might want to share a rental car and motel for
the weekend. My flight arrives in Phoenix on Friday, Jan 12 at 11 am and
departs on Sunday, the 14th at 630 pm. No takers last year, but I'm the
eternal optimist.
Roger Morrell