SCAT Electronic News February 7 1999
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SCAT Electronic News February 7 1999
Table of Contents
SCAT Annual Results
Tissue Removal
For Sale
Scat Annual
Saturday was very windy and we only got 4 rounds in. Sunday
was Lost Hills on it's best behavoir and we got the remaining
rounds and mini events with no problems. As we left the
field mid afternoon Sunday there will still many people left
taking advantage of the excellent conditions to do some trimming.
F1C flyers Kerger and Perkins were learning the art of circle
towing on some of Mr Stamov's fine equipment. Terry's u-control
experience was apparant. In the F1J there was as serious needle match
between F1B flyers Tom Laird and Norm Furutani. Tom's 20 year old
model just pipped Norm's older design, but recently built Geef.
But watch it Tom, because Norm finally figured that if he didn't
learn the motor out so much it would run better [was this advice
from Al Hotard , Norm ?]
Dimitro Kozlyuk was seen trimming a composite winged CzeckMate,
pity he didn't have it ready at the beginning of the contest
as it would have been ideal for Saturday's wind.
After extensive testing with his similarily adorned coupe
Bob Critclow has figured that's its not just the dots on the underside
of AA's F1Bs that make them fly so well.
The windy weather caused some people to wimp out and form a
somewhat raucous spectator gallery, that reminded me of
the Italian spectators at the Monaco Grand Prix.
This was further reinforced by the fact that although they
might have been to old to fly, they were not too old to
notice the difference between Kate Joyce and the guys such as Lee Hines
and made suitably appropriate [or if you prefer inappropriate comments] :-)
The Saturday Night pot luck dinner festivities went off very well,
the dinning area organized by Pierre Brun and the mega barbeque
on wheels stoked by Hector Diez's son Fernando.
Thanks to the Coussens Family for CDing and Bob Wiehle out
from his hospital visit to supervise. Also there on Sunday
after noon in time for the last rounds, prize giving and
food were Frank and Carmen Zaic.
1. Pierre Brun .. only person clean
2. Ernesto Busnelli
3. Hector Diez
4. Brian Van Nest
5. Kate Joyce
Morning high time Martyn Cowley
1. Herb Sessums + 300 + 420
2. George Batiuk + 300 + ??
3. Rick Rohrke + ??
4. John Sessums
5. Larry Norvall
Morning High time John Sessums
1. Randy Archer .. only person clean
2. Doug Joyce
3. Terry Kerger
Morning high time, undoubtably Randy Archer
1. Martyn Cowley
2. Brian Van Nest
3. Norm Smith
1. Bob White .. only person clean
2. Dick Wood
3. Larry Norval
1. Bruce Augustus .. only person clean
2. Tom Laird
3. Norm Peterson
Junior High Time David Ellis
Tissue Removal
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Most of this originated from Sal Fruciano & he said a sheet is being
included with Starline Polyspan.
1. Take component, roll of clear food wrap and acetone or thinner
2. Roll out enough food wrap to cover bottom surface.
3. Place component on wrap.
4. Pour some acetone or thinner (maybe an ounce for a half wing)
on the component.
5. Wrap the wrap around the component, or add seperate layer on top
with enough overlap to seal fumes from evaporating.
6. Do something constructive for an hour.
7. Remove wrap.
8. Lift one corner and peel tissue off in one piece.
9. Tell your buddies how you really slaved away recovering that wing.
This apperaed in a PMAC newsletter about a dozen years ago, but like
the helical can-formed prop, it remains one of the best kept secrets
The trick is that time cures.
Try this once and you'll take all that nasty methylene chloride stuff
to the hazardous waste dump.
For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1c model for sale acterberg desined and built test flown if interested
call charlie stiles at 517 321 6828 or 517 3314834.
Roger Morrell