SCAT Electronic News 23 August 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1290
SCAT Electronic News 23 August 1999
Table of Contents
Bike at Muncie - Haught
Does Bob Oppegard Have An E-mail Address or web site?
Birdov Coupe Front End - Wood
The Guys in Israel - Batiuk
Fall Contest -Schlosberg
Bike at Muncie - Haught
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A brief note to those who are coming to the Aeronuts' America's Cup meet next
I am looking to downsize my chase bike "fleet" and so am putting up my 1980
Honda 110 for sale. It was purchased last year from Columbus, Ohio FFer Bill
Hale for $600; I will sell for $500 firm.
Anyone interested, let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or see me at the field.
Jim Haught
Does Bob Oppegard Have An E-mail Address or web site?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just got home from the Moffet Field indoor model fly. About everyone
there had or new someone that have use a Oppegard rubber striper. It
has been well recommended. I do have his new address in Arizona. Herb
Robins had it with him. If you may not have it here it is, Robert
Oppegrad 10837 North 57th Drive Glendale, Arizona Zip 85304 (602)
If you know of an E-mail address or a WEB site for Mr. Oppegard would
you please pass it on?
You may also know of other rubber strippers you may also recommend. If
so please include that information as well.
Thanks Don Long
Birdov Coupe Front End
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
John Oldenkamp mentioned in the San Diego Newsletter that the Birdov Coupe
Front End unlatch pin is very difficult to move , and that something should
be done lest bloody fingers result.
I have had that difficulty for two years of flying the Birdov front end and
have recently figured out the cause and the cure.
The front end has a front bearing carrier and a rear bearing carrier. The
holes for the unlatch pin in these carriers must be lined up to allow the pin
to move easily. These two pieces are only held in position by a press fit.
When the Montreal pin engages the shock causes the front bearing carrier to
rotate relative to the rear carrier and the unlatch pin holes become out of
alignment. The pin then binds and will not push properly.
The solution is to tie the two parts together as follows:
The flange that is pressed in place is .100 from the front face. Install a
1.2mm screw .05 inches in from the front of the bearing carrier opposite
the unlatch pin to tie the two carriers together. That solves the problem.
your friend,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Guys in Israel
From Judi Batiuk
With reference to the US team ...
When I just got in from walking Clyde I had a message from George on the
answer machine. This group of modelers & supporters arrived but many
bags & models did not. He did not say whose. Judi
Fall Contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Skyscrapers' Annual, an American Cup contest, will be held on weekend
of November 13/14 in Maryland. The site is on Tom Higg's farm. By then
soybeans will be harvested and the area will be covered with low winter
wheat. The site is large but transmitters are strongly advised. The major
FAI events will be held on saturday, the minors on Sunday. Because the
weather can be unpredictable at that time of the year, Sunday will be a
rain day for the major FAI events.
Aram Schlosberg
79-02 212 St. Bayside, NY 11364
(718) 479 0478
Roger Morrell