SCAT Electronic News 24 August 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1342
SCAT Electronic News 24 August 1999
Table of Contents
A useful tool - Markos
F1A Models for sale - Shailor
F1A/B/C World Champs in Israel
news from Israel via Cathy Parker
A useful tool
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have found that a tool known as a "pitch line level" is very useful for
accurate measurements of angular differences between wing and stab as well
as for checking wings for wanted/unwanted warps and angular differences
between right- and left wings. It is usually sold as a set with a "line
level" for about $2.50 for the pair. These are spirit (bubble) levels about
3 inches long with hanger hooks for attaching to a line. The line level
only tells if the line on which it is hung is level. However, the pitch
line level gives a reading in increments of 1/8" to 1/2" rise per foot; the
same as about 0.6 - 2.4 degrees! Perfect for the angles we are interested
in measuring. See, for example, Peter Alnut's Sympo article of a few year's
past about setting up an F1A to have 2.5 degrees between wing and stab.
To use this device, simply place the assembled model upside-down on a stable
platform and make the wings "level" i.e., the angle between the LE and TE =
0 degrees. Place a support on the wing (if it has undercamber) to hold the
tool and take readings in as many locations as you feel necessary. For the
dihedraled portion of the wing, the support has to be beveled to hold the
tool in a horizontal configuration. A loose rubberband keeps the support
from slipping down to the tip of the wing. I clipped off the hanger hooks
because they just get in the way and also raise the CG of the level making
it more unstable for the application I wanted it for.
I have calibrated the device using a 1-foot length and shims of 1/8" to 1/2"
and found it to be remarkably accurate to the markings on the scale. The
use of the pitch level is much faster and more accurate than any other tool
I've tried for the same purpose.
It's small enough to carry along for checking models that seem to have
changed their characteristics after travel or repair.
F1A Models for sale
I have two carbon wing gliders for sale. They are 91 inch span and weigh
155-160 gr. ea. Makarov airfoil. They are conventional zoom launch. One wing
is double covered tissue, the other with Polyspan.
Fuselages are Superba-type, mechanical timers, with own design fins.
Stabilizers are tissue covered, and weigh 7.5gr.
Both are in very good shape and tested. Extra, never used, Superba fuselage
included. $500.00
For more information, my E-mail address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
F1A/B/C World Champs in Israel
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I remember that two years ago during the F1A/B/C World Championships in
Sazena (Czech Rep) it was possible to follow the progress of the
competitions from home by the internet, since interesting reports and
results were published almost 'live' at the end of each day.
Do you know if anybody is running such a service also this year for the
Champs in Israel?
[ It was a little easier in Sazena because I was there. The organizers
were very cooperative and gave me information on disk.
I have made arrangements with people to get results to us but it depends
on the local facilities.
The web site of the Champs is
At this this has only the invitation etc for the Champs and Negev Open
I assume it will be updated.]
news from Israel via Cathy Parker
From: Judi Batiuk
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Judy: Jim called today, everyone's stuff showed up at hotel in evening
after they returned from flying field. Jim's airplanes are fine, he's
very relieved. Brian will be in flyoff tomorrow morning, my guys will begin
practicing and helping Brian. Jim says maybe a deal can be worked for
Dallas to fly in Euro. Jrs. Champ. after all, if organizers are sympathetic to
problems US Team has encountered so far - George is working on it. Jim
will call us one more time before we leave. Love, Cathy
[Jim Parker is on the US F1A team and his son Dallas was selected
as the top FAI FF junior in the USA. That person accompanies the
USA Team to the World Champs]
Roger Morrell