SCAT Electronic News 20 August 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 20 August 1999
In reply : Mail No :005824 Aug 20 11:18:55 1999 From inet:eugene_ag@yahoo>> on question Table of Contents
Special Thanks - Morrell
Special Thanks #2 - Parker
Looking for drawings
Travel to America's Cup -Borden Ont - Markos
Rubber Bandit - T-Bob
R/C and Sex
Special Thanks
To Mr Masamo Orima of Japan who sent me two t shirts from
this year's Japanese Team to the World Champs in Israel. As usual
the Japanese Team attire has a very attractive design and is always
a hot collector's item at the World Champs - this year will be no exception.
I'm not sure if this makes up for me not going or makes me regret
more that I cannot be there !
Special Thanks #2
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As you can tell I don't check my e:mail daily. As it turns out, after
getting the mica film from Randy and the timers for Stamov, I interviewed
with my current boss for a variation of my current job. Real Dilbert stuff--
re-org time. As I was leaving work, a co-worker spotted a rash on my neck.
When I got home, Cathy took a look and reminded me that the last time I
looked like that, I had scarlet fever. Went to the doctor--- yep, I'm on
penicilline. So if you are not feeling so well---.
[ I'm feeling fine ! - does your boss have pointy hair ? and it's only
real bad if you talk to Catbert - the evil HR director]
We called Jana and Brian and warned them. From various medical experts, I 'm
likely non-contagious now but I will definately will be non-contagious by
5:00 pm Saturday. Jana and Brian are staying with Kate Joyce who will take
them to the airport.
Need I mention I had a minor car accident that morning in my new car? Guy
pulled a U-turn across by lane-- saw it coming but did not quite stop in
I'm feeling better now that the box and suitcases are packed. So Dallas and I
will be on the plane tommorrow.
Could you please pass this note on. I've recieved several phone calls from
modelers through the country and did not speak to most of them-- I was a
sleep or off getting supplies and have not had time to call them back. I'd
like to thank them all.
This has been the bumpiest preparation for any major contest I've attended.
I'm hoping that it will smooth out from here and that the whole USA FF team
will fly to our fullest potential.
Thermals, JIM
PS-- gotta love that guy Aram, who would of thought of setting the first
round time like setting grades at school on a curve?
[Jim, after these adventures the Champs will be easy ! ]
Looking for drawings
Dear sir,
Could you do me a favor to tell where can I find F1A model drawings on
the net.
Eugene Gavlitsky
[There are not many
but the SCAT Electronic news of june 18 1999
has one from Denis Varhos
go to
click on editorial and latest news
scroll down to june 18
any others ?]
America's Cup -Borden Ont
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I'm planning on driving to the Camp Borden America's Cup contest in Canada
over the Labor Day weekend and am looking for a travelling companion to
share driving chores and expenses from Chicago. The 1st and 2nd rounds are
scheduled for late Saturday PM, the 4th of Sept (note error in the calendar
which indicates the contest on Sept 3-4!) with the 3rd - 7th rounds on
Sunday the 5th. Borden is about 10 hours drive from Chicago.
I plan to leave on Friday the 3rd in the morning and return back to Chicago
sometime on Monday, Sept 6th. Anyone wanting to join me could fly into
O'hare (please not Midway) on Thursday evening and I would provide overnight
accomodations at my home before we leave on Friday AM. To sweeten the
offer, I can take along an extra motorcycle. My only specification is for a
non-smoker. I actually have room for two passengers plus gear in my Tahoe
which is equipped with a great selection of Bach, Beethoven and Mozart CDs.
Please anyone reply by eMail or phone at 847-982-7681 (days) or 847-945-9225
Rubber Bandit
We were wondering the other day what the status was with the
Rubber Bandit ... then I got this e-mail..
Hello: Not sure if you are the right person to contact but the Rubber
Bandit wing should be completed by the end of August. I will post the
new pictures as they become available. Thank you for your time.
Please view site
R/C and Sex
I decided we needed some salations material to liven things up since
things were quiet just before the World Champs ..
I have been working on some special order electronic timers and
the customer [from outside the USA] wanted some special connectors "JST".
He said they were standard Futaba connectors - but they are not.
They are polarized 2 wire connectors. I looked for them and eventually
found a source. The one that goes on the battery has two metal
sockets where the 'other one' plugs into. However when I looked
at the label on the package it said it was the male connector.
Why is this ? because the other connector has the 'male' prongs
that go into the socket - but it has a shroud that goes around the outside
of the first connector .. So one connector plugs into the other which
in turn plugs into the first one ? Which is the male and the female.
No wonder these R/C guys are confused ?
Roger Morrell