SCAT Electronic news 18 August 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1330
SCAT Electronic news 18 August 1999
Table of Contents
Proposal for Extended first round maxes at the WC - Schlosberg
America's Cup Results - Hines
Suppliers for booms,etc. - Tribe
Agency ? - Woodhouse
Pump For sale plus F1C comments - Mattes
Lokking for Mylar bags
Class Room Kits
Extended first round maxes at the WC
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear fellow fliers,
Recently I made a proposal to the Israelis to extend the first round at the
world championship to 4/5/5 minutes for F1A/B/C respectively. Also, to
avoid a very unlikely first round wipe-out, to decrement the max ex-pos by
10 second steps, until 20% of the fliers have a (reduced) max.
This format, is justified in my opinion, by the specific conditions at the
site. There will be seven one hour rounds, no flyoffs in the windy
afternoon, and a 10 minute flyoff early the next day. The site is almost
always very calm until about 10 AM. By 12 AM the wind picks up from the
north west and blows constantly almost until sunset.
The Israelis abhor flying in the hot and windy afternoons, which is why
they have opted to hold the flyoffs early next day. The risk is that there
might be as many as 50 fliers in a flyoff, flying in a ten minute window
very early next morning. Besides being an organizational nightmare, which
I think the Israelis can handle, it would virtually be impossible to
accurately and fairly time so many models simultaneously.
Raising the bar on the first flight is designed to curtail the number of
fliers in the flyoff, to everyone's benefit. In fact, the Israelis love
this proposal and will dry run it at the "negev open" a week before the
world championships. But, they feel that a late format change should be
accepted by a majority of the attending team managers.
If you believe that extended first round maxes have merit, then the
proposed format modification deserves your support.
Aram Schlosberg
P.S. Don't under estimate the dust on the site!
America's Cup Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Mon PM I emailed Steve Kaluf (AMA comp Honcho) requesting NATS
results ASAP. He sent back Tues AM, asking for
a fax No. to get em to me. My neighbor has fax, and Steve sent me the
ones I asked for (glider events only).
He said he was updating the AMA web page right away; I just checked and
it is complete except for F1G(still tent.)
Threat: DON'T forget to include the Cat Glider results! A certain SCAT
member (1st time Cat glider entrant) happened to=
emerge victorious using "Copper Cat" designed and kitted by Stan
Buddenbohm. A fine flyer and a very fun event too.
I am finishing a 2nd Copper Cat as we speak for backup.
Re other AM Cup results; I sent an email to Ken Phair to see if he could
expedite the MMM results for you &/or Parkie.
Any word from their court yet?
Suppliers for booms,etc.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding the query from Michel Djian for supplies of carbon booms from =
Russia/ Ukraine, I obtain mine, (foil covered or plain) from Vasily =
Beschasny who is on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
I understand Vasily will be coming over to CA in September, so I imagine =
he could bring supplies over with him.Contact him direct for prices and =
Peter Tribe.
[ I think that Michel was in France so getting it Europe
is probably better than here. But no doubt Vasily would do that too ]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having noted that Jos Melis has stopped selling the items from our friends in
Eastern Europe I have started to make contact with some of these guys with
the idea of adding some of the items to my list. I already sell for Alex
Andriukov and Yuri Blazhevich as well as getting a few specials produced. So
If any of you guys think that a sensible mutualy fruitful liasion can be
struck up between you and me get in touch with your proposals.
I look forward to making contact.
Michael J Woodhouse
Free Flight (we now take credit cards) Supplies - for all your free flight
needs and more!
www site
Pump for sale and F1C observations from a one time flyer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you could put this in your New Letter I would appreciate it.
I have a few excellent two stage Gast two stage vacuum pumps for sale.
The model
number is "MAA-V109-M8" which retails for about $300 per Gast.
They are rated for
continuous duty and are capable of drawing a vacuum of 28 in. HG.
Open flow capacity is 0.47 CFM. The pumps are slightly used but are in
great shape. Asking
price is $75 plus shipping which I estimate at $5.
Bob Mattes
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PS: I was the event director for F1C at the NATS.
My credentials were based on
knowing the CD, Phil Sulivan, and having flown F1C during the
late 70s and early
80s. It was an interesting exercise but did little to
renew my interest in flying
F1C. Numerous fliers did everything they could get as much engine run time as
possible even to the extent of resorting to overruns which were not called by
their timers. Some appeared to be using AMA engine
run rules "time to last power
stroke" as opposed to complete engine stoppage.
After a few warning to the timers
about long runs this seemed to decrease.
Also the practice of mass launches is more prevalent now than in the past.
This appears to be a way of getting your competitor called for an
overrun at worst and
at best poor sportsmanship. This should not be allowed especially
during flyoffs.
Once the first flier has started his engine any individual who
starts his engine
before the first flier's engine stops should be disqualified.
Looking for ? Mylar Bag for Airline Amenity Kits
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
AVID Airline Products has supplied the airline industry for 37 years. I
am searching for a supplier of a Silver Colored Mylar Bag for a custom
airline tour. Please advise proper contact.
Thank you,
Frank Vollaro
[This is not really what we are about - but seeing Frank was looking
not selling .. there it is]
Class Room Kits
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Class Room Instruction Modules and Free Flight Rubber Powered Kits
leading to S O participation are available to School Technology Classes
from AeroRacers.
Roger Morrell