SCAT Electronic News 17 August 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 17 August 1999
Table of Contents
price list - M&K
Bird flight - Ackery
Avian Aerodynamics References - Thornb.....
America's Cup - Parker & Coussens
price list M&K
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger, I send you our last price-list. Please, publish it in SCAT.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes, Sergey.
Makarov & Kochkarev F1A products, August, 1999
Price list
No names of items price,USD
"Long" bunt model
wing span 2330 mm stabilizer area 3.9 dm2
wing area 30.15 dm2 stabilizer arm 735 mm
wings 4th generation
1. 1. 1 - with 2-position wing wiggler...................1490.-
1. 1. 2 - with 3-position wing wiggler.................. 1540.-
1. 1. 3 - with electronic timer and 3-pos. wing wiggler. 1850.-
"Short" bunt model
wing span 2150 mm stabilizer area 4.1 dm2
wing area 29.8 dm2 stabilazer arm 705 mm
1. 2. 1 - with 2-position wing wiggler...................1250.-
1. 2. 2 - with 3-position wing wiggler...................1300.-
1. 2. 3 - with electronic timer and 3-pos. wing wiggler .1650.-
Entry level" bunt model
wing span 2160 mm stabilizer area 4.1 dm2
wing area 29.75 dm2 stabilazer arm 700 mm
1. 3. 1 - simple configuration ......................... 600.-
2. 1 complete fuselage + stabilizer with electronic
timer and 3-position wingwiggler ............... 870.-
complete fuselage
2. 2. 1 - for "Long" model .............................490.-
2. 2. 2 - for "Short" model .............................490.-
2. 2. 3 - for "Long" model with 3-pos. wing wiggler .... 530.-
2. 2. 4 - for "Short" model with 3-pos. wing wiggler.... 530.-
front fuselage with window cover
2. 3. 1 - with 2-position wing wiggler...................340.-
2. 3. 2 - with 3-position wing wiggler...................380.-
not finished front fuselage with window
cover (all mech. set up and adjusted,
not glued left and right parts)
2. 4. 1 - with 2-position wing wiggler ..................310.-
2. 4. 2 - with 3-position wing wiggler ..................350.-
clip mechanism and block of tubes for line to
timer set up on tail boom
2. 5. 1 - with Alu-Carbon-Alu tail boom and single roller.80.-
2. 5. 2 - with Carbon-Glass tail boom and single roller...75.-
tail boom
2. 6. 1 - Alu-Carbon-Alu..................................27.-
2. 6. 2 - Carbon-Glass .................................. 22.-
2. 6. 3 - Alu-Carbon-Glass ...............................24.-
2. 7. 1- covers for nose fuselage........................ 31.-
2. 8 - mechanical timer 3 function, 8 min with box...... 50.-
2. 8. 1 - box only.........................................2.-
2. 8. 2 - mechanical timer 3 function, 11 min with box... 60.-
2. 9. 1 - towing hook with plate......................... 54.-
2. 9. 2 - towing hook with plate and switchers for e-timer 75.-
2.10 - rudder delay ....................................11.-
wing wiggler
2.11. 1 - 2-position .....................................24.-
2.11. 2 - 3-position controlled with hook.................50.-
clip mechanism for "bunt"
2.12. 1 - holder of stabilizer............. ..............11.-
2.12. 2 - post with knurled nut.......................... 10.-
2.12. 3 - single roller ..................................23.-
2.12. 6 - tail unit with 2 bent tubes for line ............6.-
2.13 - set for front fuselage (9 elements) ............ 35.-
2.13. 1 - window cover.................................... 6.-
2.13. 2 - channel..........................................5.-
2.13. 3 - 2 screw plug ....................................6.-
2.13. 4 - angle piece for timer............................3.-
2.13. 5 - angle piece for lines............................4.-
2.13. 6 - adjusting component for DT.......................6.-
2.13. 7 - adjusting component for rudder...................5.-
2.13. 8 - adjusting component for roller...................5.-
2.14 - rudder covered with mylar .......................28.-
2.15. 1 - electronic timer 13 function with interface,
switcher and connector........................ 200.-
2.15. 2 - accumulator.....................................20.-
2.15. 3 - charger for accumulator.........................30.-
2.15. 4 - digital diary (for programming) ................90.-
2.15. 6 - bunt mechanism for electronic model ........... 40.-
2.15. 7 - servo holder with wheel.........................30.-
2.16. 1 - adjusting fuselage + stabiliser.................15.-
2.16. 2 - adjusting fuselage + wings..................... 30.-
complete wings covered with polyester
or "micafilm"paper with pin(s)
3. 1. 1 - for "Long" model 4th gen. wing span 2330 mm....580.-
3. 1. 2 - for "Short" model wing span 2150 mm............540.-
complete wings not covered with pin(s)
3. 2. 1 - for "Long" model 4th generation................510.-
3. 2. 2 - for "Short" model..............................470.-
wing panels with pin(s) inner parts and tips
prepared to glue togeter
3. 3. 1 - for "Long" model 4th generation.............. 440.-
3. 3. 2 - for "Short" model..............................400.-
complete D-boxes with pin(s)
3. 4. 1 - for "Long" model 4th generation............... 280.-
3. 4. 2 - for "Short" model..............................240.-
complete longerone with pin(s)
3. 5. 1 - for "Long" model 4th generation ...............110.-
3. 5. 2 - for "Short" model...............................90.-
3. 6 - a set of spars and aft edges for wing..........50.-
3. 6. 1 - aft edges only..................................14.-
3. 6. 2 - spars only......................................40.-
3. 6. 3 - kevlar thread for longerone 80 m ................4.-
3. 7 - a set of covers for D-box of wing ................5.-
3. 7. 1 - 2 covers lenght 760 mm (sp.weight 2.6 g/dm2)....40.-
3. 7. 2 - 2 covers lenght 445 mm (sp.weight 1.7g/dm2).....40.-
3. 8. 1 - pin for wings D= 5.0 mm; l= 160...180 mm .......11.-
3. 8. 2 - pin for wings D= 5.5 mm; l= 160...180 mm........11.-
3. 8. 3 - pin for wings D= 5.8 mm; l= 160...180 mm........11.-
3. 8. 4 - set two pins D= 5.0 mm; l= 160 and 100 mm......17.-
3. 8. 5 - set two pins D= 5.5 mm; l= 160 and 100 mm.......17.-
3. 8. 6 - 1 pin with glass-carbon fibre blocks D= 5.8 mm.21.-
3. 8. 7 - 2 pins with glass-carbon fibre blocks D= 5.0 mm.27.-
3. 8. 8 - 2 pins with glass-carbon fibre blocks D= 5.5 mm.27.-
3. 8. 9 - pin for wings D=6.8 mm; l-160...180 mm .........11.-
3.9 set of capstrips for wing ........................18.-
stabilizer covered with mylar weight 6.8 g
4. 1. 1 - for "Long" model area 3.9 dm2; span 455 mm....56.-
4. 1. 2 - for "Short" model area 4.1 dm2; span 455 mm ....56.-
stabilizer without cover weight 5.5 g
4. 2. 1 - for "Long" model .............................. 44.-
4. 2. 2 - for "Short" model ..............................44.-
4. 3 - a set of carbon spar with web, aft.ed. for stab..17.-
4. 3. 1 - aft edge only ...................................6.-
4. 3. 2 - spar with web ..................................11.-
4. 4 set of capstrips for stabilizer....................8.-
5. 1 complete towline 50 m with unit...................50.-
5. 2 thread for towline 100 m for two lines............14.-
5. 3 unit for measure angles of rudder..................20.-
5. 4 key for timer .....................................7.-
If you would like to order items there is not in the catalog or
If you have interest to get anything write us about your proposals
to any addresses:
Sergei Makarov
RUSSIA, 123480, Moscow,
Geroyev Panfilovtsev, 1-1-143
tel., home +7 095 494 0271
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAX +7 095 158 4905
Mikhail Kochkarev
RUSSIA, 125130, Moscow,
Vokzalny 3-34
tel., home +7 095 159 3442
FAX +7 095 908 6147
FAX +7 095 158 4905
Stefan Rumpp
Braikestr. 6
72622 Nurtingen
Tel. 07022/90 36 50
Fax. 07022/90 36 51
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave.
North Hills, CA 91343, USA
tel. Home 818 – 8924110
Bird flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some references that may help,
1) the 1988 NFFS Sympo has the article "Slotted Wingtips on Soaring Birds
and Models", by Hans Gremmer
2) Aeromodeller Annual 1978-79 has the article "Bird Aerodynamics" by Prof
E.F.Blick (university of Okalahoma, USA) ( from Shell Aviation News),
I could supply a photocopy by snailmail if required.
David Ackery
New Zealand
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Avian Aerodynamics References
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At least 20 years ago I read some on avian aerodynamics including the
Scientific American article mentioned by Martin Dilly something by the Dr.
Raspet mentioned by John OD.
I also recall reading about a training a hawk to fly in a wind tunnel.
This study showed that the hawk changed its flight speed mostly by reducing
wing span (the F-111 approach) rather than changing camber .
A bit of searching on the Web with Alta Vista gives a few URL's to see:
Avian Wind Tunnel:
Bird Flight Anatomy:
Searching a few databases via the Univ of Wisc and Madison Public library
gives quite a number of references. Here are a few likely ones; email me
if you want them all. "Nature" is a first rate scientific journal that
will be at any university or college.
Pennycuick, C. J. (Colin J.)
Bird flight performance : a practical calculation manual /
C.J. Pennycuick, with photographs by the author.
Oxford, England ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1989.
xi, 153 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer disk (13 x 13 cm.)
Rüppell, Georg, 1940-
Uniform Title:
[Vogelflug. English]
Bird flight / Georg Rüppell.
New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1977.
191 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm.
Burton, Robert, 1941-
Bird flight : an illustrated study of birds' aerial mastery /
Robert Burton ; foreword by Christopher Perrins.
New York : Facts on File, c1990.
160 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.
Journal Articles
10. Gliding birds: Reduction of induced drag by wing tip slots between
the primary feathers; Tucker, Vance A; Journal
of Experimental Biology, Cambridge; Jul 1993; Vol. 180; pg.
11. Aerodynamics and the evolution of long tails in birds; Nature,
London; Feb 18, 1993; Vol. 361, Iss. 6413; pg. 628,
4 pgs
13. Pitching equilibrium, wing span and tail span in a gliding
Harris' hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus; Tucker, Vance A;
Journal of Experimental Biology, Cambridge; Apr 1992; Vol.
165; pg. 21
14. The profile drag of a hawk's wing, measured by wake sampling in
a wind tunnel; Pennycuick, C J; Heine, Carlton E;
Kirkpatrick, Sean J; Fuller, Mark R; Journal of Experimental
Biology, Cambridge; Apr 1992; Vol. 165; pg. 1
The U, J and L of bird flight
Nature; London; Nov 6, 1997; R McNeill Alexander;
Volume: 390
Issue: 6655
UMI Publication No.:
Start Page:
Subject Terms:
Respirometric measurements of the power needed for birds to fly at various
speeds have been at odds with
aerodynamic theory, but direct experiments confirm theory. Much more power
is needed to fly slowly than to fly at
intermediate speeds.
>From another gereral journal database:
1 On the tails of birds: what are the aerodynamic functions
of birds' tails, with their incredible diversity of form?
Adrian L.R. Thomas. BioScience, April 1997 v47 n4 p215(11).
Elec. Coll.: .A19485586.
Abstract: Birds' tails allow them to increase the total lift that the
wings can generate, thus enabling birds to fly efficiently at low speeds as
well as perform quick maneuvers. Their tails, which are often elaborate and
elongated, provide them with stability and control.
2 A bird is not a plane. (avian flight)(Cover Story) Doug
Stewart. National Wildlife, Feb-March 1996 v34 n2 p32(10).
Elec. Coll.: .A18082662.
Abstract: Birds' ability to fly contradicts many long-held theories on
aerodynamics. Their ability to fly is a result of lightweight bones, strong
muscles and uniquely designed feathers. The study of birds' flying abilities
may have an impact on the design of planes in the future.
America's Cup
Jim Parker sent this as he was departing for Israel ..[good
luck Jim]. It does not include the complete Nationals results
as they have not been sent to us yet. Can someone please ask
the CD to do that, .. other wise we cannot include them.
This time we are also including Jim's
Excel file as an attachement,.. so the curious can see how
Jim does it and the staistican can further analyse.
Roger, here's the EXCEL 4.0 file. I could only figure out the F1A and the
Jr F1A and F1J results from the info on E-Scatter.
Thermals, JIM
18-May-99 Rev NC 1999 AMERICA'S CUP POINTS
F1A i Total
Sportsmen 1621113 1011X 152 9 3 24125
Spence, Steve 1 1430 25 25 94
Cowley, Martyn 2 19 27 29 75
Fedor, Mike 2 20 25 30 75
Parker, Jim 2 2920 17 9 75
Barron, Andrew 5 15 7 24 27 73
Barron,John (Jr) 17 22 25 64
Brun, Pierre 27 12 19 58
Busnelli, Ernesto 22 22 44
Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 27 17 44
Sifleet, Bob 22 15 37
Hines, Lee 25 25
Diez, Hector 17 7 24
McKever, Mike 24 24
Bradley, Jim 20 20
Fedor, Jeff* 20 20
Thornbery, Jim 20 20
Barron, Peter (Jr) 17 17
Avila, George 15 15
Troutman, Mark 15 15
Coussens, Tom 14 14
Ellis, Dave (Jr) 12 12
Erguner, Omer 12 12
VanNest, Brian 12 12
Markos, Chuck 10 10
Schlosberg, Aram 10 10
Allnutt, Peter 9 9
Joyce, Kate 7 7
No. of entrants 39
F1B Ea FFBi Total
Sportsmen 2443125 107 X 106 19 5 141
Sessums, Herb 1 2527 26 7 85
Brush, Al 2 15 20 25 60
Batiuk, George 3 25 22 11 58
Sessums, John 4 201512 6 53
Woods, Dick 4 10 1216 15 53
Ghio, Walt 5 30 16 46
Crowley, Paul 30 15 45
Morrell, Roger 22 22 44
Andriukov, Alex 27 27
Clapp, John 27 27
Hinson, Rex 26 26
Parkyn, Chris 25 25
Pearce, Fred 25 25
Norvall, Larry 7 17 24
Joyner, Louis 21 21
Pratt, John 21 21
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr 20 20
Luken, Jim 20 20
McGlashan, Jerry 20 20
Gunder, Taylor* 17 17
Rohrke, Rich 17 17
O'Reilly, Jim 15 15
Ellis, Dave (jr) * 12 12
Watters, John 11 11
Felix, Ron 10 10
Fitch, Jerry 10 10
Mulligan, Mike * 10 10
Wegener, Rich* 10 10
Barron, John (jr)* 7 7
Kairys, Valentas* 6 6
Stafford, Jim 5 5
Tracy, Dan 5 5
Troutman, Mark 5 5
No. of entrants 45
F1C Ea FFBi Total
Sportsmen 8 183 5 3 2 X 3 2 9 3 56
Joyce, Doug 1 11 20 25 20 76
Spence, Henry 2 25 25 25 75
Archer,Randy 3 162525 66
Warren, John 4 21 25 46
Kerger, Terry 5 6 2017 43
Sifleet, Bob 20 15 7 42
Simpson, Reid * 20 20 40
Gutai, Bob 15 22 37
Kirilenko, Andrei 25 12 37
Parker, Faust 15 15 30
Simpson, Roger 30 30
Johnnes, Bob* 27 27
Keck, Ed 26 26
Fedor, Mike* 20 20
Pinto, Juse* 20 20
Poti, Norm 17 17
Kibiki, Keichi 15 15
Fedor, Mike 10 10
Schlachta, Frank* 10 10
Troutman, Mark 5 5
No. of entrants 29
F1H Ea FFBi Total
Sportsmen 7 114 2 3 4 8 2 3 0 44
Cowley,Martyn 1 262225 6 79
VanNest, Brian 2 161720 11 64
Pailet, Jean 3 15 15 25 55
Sifleet, Bob 4 # 25 46
Ghio, Walt 5 1112 # 44
Smith, Norm 5 6 7 15 16 44
Brun, Pierre 21 10 31
Buddenbohm, Stan 27 27
Fedor, Mike 25 25
Halsey, Anne 25 25
Markos, Chuck 25 25
Pelatowski, Ed 25 25
Grell, Glenn* 20 20
Nippert, Vic 20 20
Sperzel, Hank 20 20
Thorn, Bob 20 20
Troutman, Mark 20 20
Wiley, Edward 20 20
Coeyman, Charles* 15 15
Reuter, Bill 10 10
No. of entrants
F1G Ea FFBi Total
Sportsmen 14225 3 4 6 8 5 166 2 91
Wood, Dick * 1 2025 6 201926 25 96
White, Bob 2 283025 83
Norvall, Larry 3 23 15 25 63
Williams, Joseph 4 10 26 21 57
Protheroe, Tom* 5 20 15 35
Clapp, John 20 11 31
Simms, John 29 30
Hannah, Bruce 26 26
Annis, Jeff* 25 25
Roei, B *? 25 25
Roussel, Lewis 24 24
Dorsett, Chuck* 21 21
Jackson, Bill * 21 21
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr 20 20
O'Reilly, Jim 20 20
Wernicke, Ken * 18 18
Markos, Chuck 16 16
Pinto, Maria* 16 16
Simon, Paul* 16 16
Davis, Mike 15 15
O'Dwyer, John 15 15
Overman, Sherman* 15 15
Bowls, Thurman 14 14
Brocks, Peter 13 13
Kamla, John 11 11
Sechrist, Dave* 11 11
Critchlow, Bob 10 10
Protheroe, Dan* 10 10
Jordon, Mike 9 9
Nelson, Elmer* 8 8
Sneed, Ed 6 6
Stewart, O.C.* 6 6
Cole, Hank 5 5
Hotard, Al 5 5
No. of entrants 47
F1J Ea FFBi Total
Sportsmen 4 114 7 4 3 6 7 5 5 6 62
Parker, Faust 1 1527 26 11 16 84
Spence, Steve 2 1022 21 16 21 80
Pailet, Jean 3 25 15 25 65
Gunder, Austin (J4 15 20 25 60
Augustus, Bruce 5 257 25 57
Happersett, Ken 20 26 46
Fulmer, Keith 25 20 45
Parsons, Dave 20 21 41
Mekina, Joe 17 10 5 32
Peterson, Norm 1215 27
Greer, Jason 15 11 26
Sheffer, Jackie 26 26
Haught, Jim 25 25
Mace, Marvin 16 5 21
Bell, Bill 20 20
Higgs, Adam 20 20
Laird, Tom* 20 20
Poti, Norm 15 15
Vanderbeek, Bill 15 15
Synder, Russ 11 11
Furutani, Norm* 10 10
Gunder, Craig 10 10
Kerr, Tom* 10 10
Simkins, Don 10 10
Brown, Gerald* 6 6
Kerger, Terry 6 6
Simpkins, Don* 6 6
Perkins, Robert 5 5
No. of entrants 42
Ea FFBi Total
Barron, John 84 91 # 275
Barron, Peter 80 88 99 267
Coussens, Ben 38 38
Coussens, Steven 8187 93 261
Ellis, Dave 73 89 96 258
Halsey, Anne 72 69 141
Halsey, CJ 72 72
Parker, Dallas 8695 78 88 269
Marsh, Adam 19 19
Marsh, Alex 3 3
Barron, John 86 85 171
Davis, Evan 7697 173
Ellis, Dave 87 87
Arzamendi, Aaron Jr ## 100
Gunder, Austin 79 95 ## # 295
Greer, Jason 74 ? 74
Marsh, Adam 97 97
Poti, Jason 94 94
Reuter, Jon 30 30
Burgess,Evan 25 25
Marsh, Alex 9 9
Roger Morrell
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