SCAT Electronic news 19 Sept 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1316
SCAT Electronic news 19 Sept 1999
Table of Contents
Diamond Saw Blades, Bilzen International
392 batteries - Rozelle
Rules Changes - Tribe
Burdov F1B ? - Ackery
Free Flight Team Finland has moved - Linkosalo
Diamond Saw Blades, Bilzen International
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Regarding diamond saw blades, I got the 25mm one I use from my
local dental technician; I think they're used for work on dentures and
various similar oral insertions. The cost about 3-4 years ago was about
10 pounds. (say $16 or so). The box it came in has the manufacturer's
name 'Intensiv - Swiss Dental Diamond' on it. There's no sign of wear
on it yet and it's had a fair bit of use.
I can't let the results of the Bilzen International pass without a mention
of all the work by Cenny and Anneke Breeman that has made these highly
enjoyable contests possible. I think this year's was about the eighth or
ninth, and at the prizegiving Cenny announced that it would be the last, as
it is simply too much work for two people to handle. I'm sure I speak for
all those who have competed both at Bilzen and at the earlier site at
Helchteren in thanking Cenny and Anneke for all the special touches that
have made our visits to Belgium over the years so special. Thanks, too, to
the Beast of the Breemans, the vast and very soppy Pyrennean mountain dog
who oversees the proceedings and has a special way with ice cream cones.
The FAI Sporting Calandar will be the poorer without the Bilzen
Martin Dilly
392 batteries
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I too have found supermarkets the most economical source for 392 batteries.
My cost at Publix is 64 cents: cheap enough where I don't bother to record
battery life. For a weekend contest or test flying, I just insert a
set the night brfore
and discard them at the end of the weekend.
Incidentally, the same battery at a Kroger supermarket next door is 83
cents. At the Radio Shack down the mall from the above
supermarkets,$2.75! So it does pay
to shop around.
Walt Rozelle
Rule changes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All very well to propose to' up' the first round max in F1A, but spare a =
thought for the likes of me (and perhaps many others) who build their =
own models and can't run as fast as they might wish, and who struggled =
to achieve the 3 minutes and presently rarely achieve the 3min 30 secs =
It becomes a bit disappointing and discouraging to continuously drop the =
first round, so please don't push it too far out of reach!
Peter Tribe
[Peter - you do your self an injustice.]
Burdov F1B
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Now that ABC has closed for business is there anyone else who does an agency
for Burdov F1B parts. ?.
David Ackery
New Zealand
[David - I know Al Brush in the USA uses a lot of Burdov stuff -
he might know where - Al ? ]
Free Flight Team Finland has moved
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The web pages of Free Flight Team Finland have recently been moved (from
the Forest reasearch Institute) to the web server of the Finnish Aviation
Federation. The new address is:
Please update your links accordingly. Thank you.
Roger Morrell