SCAT Electronic News September, 16 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1328
SCAT Electronic News September, 16 1999
Table of Contents
May 99 rubber and winding methods - King and Hunt
Bilzen url - Breeman
Your rules change proposal - Salzer
392 Batteries - Haught
MaxMen 2000 - Steffenson
May 99 rubber and winding methods
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I have had some correspondance from 'indoor flyer', Bernard Hunt. He gave
his permission to forward it to SCAT. I think it may be an interesting
subject for discussion. I will forward any feed back to Bernard. The
following is quoted from his letter.....
I guess you will have picked up that the May 99 batch of Tan 2 is pretty
I found it very tricky to wind so I modified my winding technique to try and
reduce the number of blown motors. I gave each motor a single gentle break
in (90% of max turns held for 1 min) and then I wound for real. I found an
extremely slow wind was necessary, particularly towards the end to stop
motors blowing. This resulted in fabulous energy values around 4700lb. I
also found that a similar winding method pushed up the energies of other
good batches too (July 97 to 4900 lb). Perhaps I have been winding too
quickly in the past.
How do my experiences compare with those of you outdoor fliers?
Bernard Hunt.
Best wishes,
Peter King
.. for send out two copies of an issue a couple back. Comes of
trying to test motors at the same time ..
Bilzen url
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The url should be
Cenny Breeman
Priestersweg 3
3621 Rekem
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your rules change proposal
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Aram,
Please permit me (as an Austrian) to put in my two cents worth of ideas
concerning your rules change proposals:
a) increased maxes
why don't we wait for the effect of the 30g wakefield rule? right now we
are flying 35g of rubber, and a reduction of more than 14% is what I
... in the number of participants at the average competition. Just
the numbers of participants (to European contests at least) from before
and after the 5s-run in F1C.
Enhancing the max before finding out what the result of the rubber
reduction will be seems premature. Furthermore it will even more limit
the interest of newcomers, who have a hard time doing 3min on 35g as it
b) F1A line pennants
Ok, this will clarify matters.
c) Team positions
Sorry, in my opinion you are absolutely wrong.
Look at an ordinary contest (even WC), where the regular schedule for
flyoffs is observed: 300s, 420s, 600s - not the sudden death flyoff as
used in Israel - people do get to the 3rd flyoff, and thus will be
able to fly as many seconds in the flyoff alone as they did in the 7
rounds before. They simply have more flights than the poor guy
1s short of the flyoff.
Using your proposal a 2-man-team could beat a 3-man team, if only both
could go to the second flyoff ... NOT my idea of a good team grading.
Actually the reverse of your proposal might be a better idea: use _only_
the placing of the team members, lowest sum wins. Then the current
emphasis on reaching the flyoff would be eliminated, and a team would
which simply beat more people than the second best team - and use the
flying time only to break a tie. (or keep the tie break as it is, i.e.,
use the
single best place).
d) Flyoff rules
Actually. that is what my copy of the rules book says: Flyoff launch
period is 10 Minutes.
Splitting a flyoff in two shifts - is done, if necessary, and always
leads to grumbles, because "the others had much better air".
If you do it, however, it should be absolutely mandatory that the two
shifts fly as close to each other as possible:
10min for the first shift, a pause just enough to time all flights to
the current max, and then the second shift.
(Your 15-min-break is much too long, all 2nd-shift flyers can be waiting
at the poles).
Allowing sufficient time for retrieval is, of cours, necessary.
And: never propose to do a 2-shift flyoff in the morning. Conditions
change too fast, and the 2nd shift will always have different air -
it will be 30min (even by my rule) from the beginning of the first to
the end of the second shift.
So - sorry for disagreeing with you!
.. but thanks for thinking and trying to do something about the rules.
Klaus W. Salzer
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392 batteries
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Concerning the availability of 392 batteries, I too have seen some truly wild f
luctuations in price among various vendors here in Indiana--up to $2.50 apiece
or so in some cases!
But with a little snooping around, some decent pricing can be found, if you don
't go the bulk route from Jim W. or other sources. For instance, a regional gro
cery chain, of all places, carries 392s for 57 cents each! I thought this was a
mistake at first, but the price has been consistent for more than a year. I ju
st chuck a few in the cart when we buy groceries--keeps the inventory moving (s
o they will keep stocking them!) and I always have a fresh supply.
I have wondered what the inventory control person must think of the dramatic in
crease in sales of 392s during the past 18 months, though!
Americas Cup results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
Bob Sifleet wants to know the Americas Cup Results for F1H. Is this
available anywhere? I thought that it might be on the SCAT web page but I
could not find it.
Tom Ioerger
[The results were published just before the World Champs
but have not been updated since recent contests.
We will have it as soon as it's reday
Roger ]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
The Giant supermarkets in this area have 392 batteries available at 88
cents each.
Tom Ioerger
Columbia, Md.
MaxMen 2000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As we are planning the coming winteractivities, I would like to know if =
you have settled any schedule for the MAXMEN International 2000. Or if =
you at least can give some preliminary dates.
We are a few norwegians that might be coming over if we can get our =
winter holidays arranged.
Regards Ingolf
[The Maxmen is the Fri 18 [ mini events] - sat 19 and Sun 20
and I think Mon 21 as reserve day. This is the US Presidents
day holiday weekend.}
Roger Morrell