SCAT Electronic News Sept 4 1999
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SCAT Electronic News Sept 4 1999
Table of contents
WC's results !!!!!!!!!! - Smith
World Champs - Kaynes
Cross Traing - Weiler
Reflections from Argentina - Iele
Stationary Bike ?
WC's results !!!!!!!!!!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phil Smith
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hey everybody, the full results have been posted on the FAI contest page
and they make interesting reading. Nice to see a few different names doing
well !
Keep the noisey end pointing UP
[ I had meant to post Phil's mail yesterday but I overlooked it.
Here is a new Zealander commenting on results posted by an Englishman
[Ian Kaynes] about a contest in Israel on a Web Site that is
[?] in Switzerland !
I guess I should have included you with
those other F1C guys - they'll forgive you for flying HLG as well]
World Champs
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have posted the full results on the FAI web site
[I has mislaid Ian's note because it went to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
it's best to send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
the URL to the results is -
We can be proud that Free Flight competition
results are all there at the FAI web site -
no other aero modelling branch as so comprehensive results - and
this is due to Ian's efforts ]
Cross Training
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News September 3 1999
Hi Roger
Yep that would be me...just as Mr. Dukie has me pegged...I have found in
my travels
during this past season that this cross trainin' stuff with other
sportsmen is very necessary....clears the mind....these combat and F1C
boys are a lot of fun...
so while we're at it and talking about the picture and all, has everyone
bought the new cyclon .049 or .051 from Doug Galbreath as shown in the
picture in Model Aviation...this motor is a real jewel ( and yes, I know
how to start it without an electric starter and I have all my fingers.)
E-mail Doug at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
thermals and streamers
[There has to be something to this cross training - one of Randy's F1C
buddies Terry Kerger who is also a control line flyer recently started flying
F1A. He made excellent progress with circle towing. Terry said that as soon
as he realized that it was like control line in that you had to fly the
model i.e. take control it was easy.
Randy - let us know when you plan a u/c combat match with either Terry or
Martyn Cowley, you might even get me back to Whittier Narrows. ]
Reflections from Argentina
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hey...Which is the feeling of the list after reading Anselmo Zeri's
message?.(Bosnia winning team prizes in F1C and F1B flying 12 Verbitsky's
and 12 Andrukov's).
Is this the game we want to play?... Not me.
It will still make me feel so good when I reach a fly-off with my own matter how I finish, much better that eventually winning with a
market model. But... that is very personal.
Daniel Iele
[I think that it is important to remember that that Free Flight is a contest
for flying airplanes. and many things go to make the winner.
Many people have bought models from Stamov,
Andriukov, Verbitsky etc. , even whole teams. But these guys did
better than most. I think the case of this World Champs
the BIH team were obviously very well prepared, they are also well
known flyers with a lot of experience. That experience stood them in good
stead, after all the beat Andriukov and Verbitsky ! ]
Stationary Bike ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What's a stationary bike ? I've got a Fat Cat at Lost Hills ( Bike
Hraven ). Hav'n't been there for about a year.
Stationary bike ?
What's wrong with fondling engines ? In front of the TV ?
Roger Morrell