SCAT Electronic News September 3 1999

SCAT Electronic News September 3 1999

Table of Contents

World Champs - Rounsaville
F1AC explained - The Duke
F1C Results ? - Dona
Wanted - stationary bike - Brun

World Champs
Author :

Some observations from a Great Trip to Israel...with special thanks to
George Batiuk...!!

Some notes on Verbitski's "Gear" model as he now calls it. He used the new
4:1 with the larger spinner for most of the flights. This model "bit the
dust" on a test flight just before the start of the fly off round due to a
timer failure. The rumor was the new "Gear" was already sold at a pretty
high price. I wonder how that works? The pile of debris was pretty deep.
He used built up wings...a departure from his typical foil wings. I'll have
to check my pix and video for more details. (Kosters electronic would have
prevented this crash. Thomas himself saved his "Black Devil" at least 10
times mostly during practice).

The geared model I saw at the 14 rounder was 3.6:1 with a smaller spinner.
This is the model he then used for the fly off. I didn't hear anything
about how the dust affected the gears. The prop on the "Gear" was smaller
with more pitch. Eugene will probably go back the other way. Interestingly
enough, Koster's precise altitude measurements show no real advantage to
the "Gear". More measurements needed maybe?
We were up late the night before the fly off celebrating Kulakovsky's F1B
victory. Eugene, Thomas & Lisbeth Koster, Igor Zilberg, Victor Stamoff and
some others. I played some of Eugene's favorite tunes into the wee hours.
Maybe too much fun??

Interestingly, the contest should have been won by the Japanese flyer who
was on his way to an 8 minute flight when he DT'd early...down @ 4

Still recovering from jet lag..had to go directly to upstate NY on business
till tomorrow.

Dave Rounsaville

F1AC explained
Author :

Weiler is what is known as a modeling transvestite. He flies F1A, but really
is a power guy. You know the kind, sits in front of the TV, fondling engines.
I'm glad he flies glider tho, if he flew power he might be hard on us F1C

[.. I know this is a family show and Weiler will kill me but this
was too good to pass by...]

F1C Results ?
Author :

Roger: If these are the final results, what was the other
postings (few days ago)
showing Verbistky as a winner, including another which appeared to
be fly-off time??


Hobby Club

[ the other results were the Negev International - 5 round World Cup
contest held jsut before the Champs]

WANT AD - stationary bike
Author :

Do you have one of these???
Collecting dust in the attic?, the garage?? or holding up clothes in a
spare room???

Wanted: still functional stationary bicycle will buy, borrow, rent,
repair as payment

Call me

Pierre Brun 818-989-4970 or e-mail will pick up,
if in reasonable distance.

Roger Morrell