SEN 97-29 - 19 Nov 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-29
SCAT Electronic news 19 Nov 1997
Electronic Timer Seminar
As most of you know, people have been working on Free Flight electronic
timers for some time. There are a number of people in the US and Europe
that produce electronic timers. Each person seems to have a slightly
different approach. This makes it confusing for the modeller because the
features and advantages of a particular approach are not very clear. Matt
Gewain and I had been talking about organizing a seminar on electronic
timers. [Matt makes the CST Smart System amd I make the Black Magic]
We are currently thinking of doing it in February at the time of the major
Free Flight contests in California. Suggested dates are either Saturday 7
Feb or Friday 13 Feb. The Saturday is during the Isaccson Winter Classic
and the Friday is the day of the Mini-events before the Max Men 14
Rounder. We would hold the seminar near to Lost Hills in the evening
after dark. Our intent is have brief introduction and overview followed by
a presentation by someone representing each of the different timer systems.
After the presentation there would be time to show and demonstrate each
system in detail and speak individually with the presenters.
We would like to know if you are interested in attending and which of
those two dates you would prefer [so we can book the right size room etc].
Send e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Also we have already contacted a number of other people who make
electronic timers and asked if they want to participate. If you were not
contacted and want to present information please let me know.
More on Car stolen at Patterson
Don Leath and Bill Bogart report ..
Don called at 9:45 to say that he has recovered virtually all the
contents of his stolen car.
Tools are missing. Two perpetual trophies are missing.
Model box lid was sprung cracking two fuselages in the lid.
Surfaces are ok. Both brief cases not bothered including one
check for $1200 and a personal note from his brother.
Stuff was found in a white Olds in Wasco. Police ran the license
plate number and found it was stolen. They called Don at 2 this morning.
He went to their station and reclaimed the stuff. They told
Don that there are two gangs in LH and Wasco doing the dirty deed.
Honda not located yet. Most likely spot for hiding stolen cars is in
the mobile home comunity just north of the fire station.
Police visit that spot at least once a day. There are other places
around that are watched daily.
New York Times Article
The Tuesday Nov 18 New York Times has an article about MAV's [Micro
Air Vehicles]. These are 6 inch wing span R/C airplanes to be used for a
number of military and civilian recon and rescue missions. The mention
the work done by Aerovironment and showed the Black Widow that
Martyn Cowley's friend Matt Keennon had at the field. I was very
interested because they use technology similar to what I use in by
electronic timers and I'm always looking for new ideas. The
Aerovironment example is the only one to have flown. Maybe in light of
the stolen car incident the Lost Hills or Wasco law enforcement needs to
have a solar powered one of these watching the local chop shop .
SCAT Meeting Reminder
Club Meeting this Friday evening 21 November at Jim Parker's House.
Roger Morrell