SEN 97-28 - 17 Nov 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-28
SCAT Electronic News 17 November 1997
Applogies to Al Hotard's grandson .. Cody is the name not Cory.
..Something to do with my limited keyboard skills.
Patterson Report
First the bad news is that the CD's car [a 1980 Honda Accord] was stolen
from outside his motel on Saturday night. It held the trophies, interim
results, some money and all of Don's Nordics plus tools etc. I thought that
Jerry Fitch was being unduly paranoid by always taking his model box etc
into his hotel room, but apparntly not.
The second piece of bad news was that it rained Saturday morning and
that send a number of flyers back home. It cleared up Saturday afternoon
and these guys missed a good contest.
On the good news front we determined that the 'road' that runs from the
flying site to highway 46 [hits highway 46 about 1.6 - 2 miles west of
Holloway Road] is all sand and does not have any gypsum so it passable
in wet weather when the normal entrance gets slippery.
Good news for Inza Hartill, she gets a new car. SCAT founder Bill Hartill
and buddy Ed Turner somehow got Inza's car in a mud hole so deep that
they decided just to leave it there ! :-) Just joking, Brian Van Nest did tow
them out, but I think Inza is still going to call that auto dealer.
While it was easier for F1B [see below] the mild lift and calm, conditions
made it a tough day for F1A, with only 3 making the flyoff. I was just
leaving as that was being flown and I think I heard then say Tom Coussens
It was great to see the Parker and Coussens boys out there and enjoying
themselves. The endless energy of the young helps when it comes to
flapping, and probably makes the drive home quieter.
This must have been some kind of a record. There were 17 flyers, 13
maxed out and 3 that dropped only dropped one flight and made over
170 seconds in that flight !
In the first fly off round, one flyer had launched so 12 were waiting when a
hawk came cruising over. Based on personal experience hawks are much
better at finding lift than crows. Everyone launched and we went up all
around that poor bird. I can see it complaining about alien invaders to it's
We do not have the full results but they will be in a later edition when the
CD and his helper get the paperwork sorted out. However Blake Jensen
and Mike Acterberg went to the 11 minute round to determine the winner.
Blake coming out in first place.
A number of people were flying the October 1997 rubber and reported
good results.
F1C was a big disappointment for those flyers .. Charlie Stiles, Bob
Waterman, Gil Morris, Rob McBurnet, .. who can from a long way away
only to find very poor local turn out. The flyoff was between Charlie
Stiles, Bob Waterman and Gil Morris.
Lost Hills Lore
For those who are curious the "Bob's" on the derlict car at the entrance to
Lost Hills refers to Bob Waterman. You will have to ask Bob or Mc
Burnett to explain, but I think it has something to do the beans that went
with Bob's breakfast burrito.
1998 Team Selection Finals Site
Seems like the Free Flight Team selection commitee is still working on the
site for the 1998 finals. There has been some concern over safety and
sufficent man power at the Palm Bay site. These issues are currently
being addressed.
Roger Morrell