SEN 97-30 - 24 Nov 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-30
SCAT Electronic News 24 Nov 1997
Indoor World Champs News from Bob Stalick
You may wish to inform your readers that the Indoor W.C. at Johnson City
are not quite dead yet.Hardy Brodersen has been working hard at getting
some financial backing forthe event. With some slimming down of the
costs of the event, reducing the length of the event by one day, and raising
about $7,000 (so far), it is possible that the F1D W.C. will still be held in
1998. It will undoubtedly be a more spartan affair than was the case in
Moscow, Idaho in 1996, but at least it will be held. What needs to happen
is a positive vote by the AMA President when he attends the CIAM
meeting in early December.
I'll keep you posted on this day-to-day saga.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Pres.
F1A observations
I was down at Elsinore trying to find out why I stalled out at the Patterson
contest.. and watched Don Zink and Lee Hines flying their Big Al's. The
Big Al [ for AL 33 - Andres Lepp] is a classic [i.e old] design that has been
updated with modern construction techniques. The air was good but there
was no significant thermal activity and they both managed 5 minute flight.
Later they had the Buntbone's going. This is another technology update, the
original design being Bob Isaccson's Wishbone with composite d-box
wings by Vasily Beschesnay so it can be bunted. This is a thermal airplane.
Still seems to thermal as well as it did in the hands of Ike.
October 97 Rubber
I got my shipment of the October 97 rubber and test flew some last
weekend. It looks good. Also at the Patterson a number of people were
using it. They all reported good energy return and reasonable robustness.
Former World Champ Jerry Fitch was positive about it.
Norvell Web Site
New web site for Norvell who import the .049 and 1.0cc engine from
Russia that are used in F1J amongst other things is
Electronic Timer Seminar
So far responses for the timer seminar indicate that Friday 13 Feb is
the favorite.
Reminder to SCAT Members ..
Do not forget to RSVP for the Xmas party on Sat Dec 13.
Roger Morrell