SEN 97-32 - 1 Dec 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-32
SCAT Electronic News 1 Dec 1997
America's Cup Results
Latest results posted on SCAT Web site .. Looks good for Jim Bradley
[CD of remaining contest at Palm Bay]. An instant analysis shows ..
F1A, Brian Van Nest is probably too far behind Matt Gewain to beat him.
F1B, Paul Crowley can pass Jerry Fitch into first place .
F1C, Gil Morris has a one point lead over Doug Joyce, but in fact it's
anybody's game. Even Bob Waterman can win this one. Bob, are you going
to Palm Bay to check out what the site is really like ? How come the
only other California flyer besides Doug in the top 10 is Ken Oliver in
tenth place. Lost Hills too small for you guys ?
F1G John O'Dwyer has the lead but he is not out of reach of the wiley
Chuck Marcos.
F1H, Martyn Cowley [who has won this category every year] is in the lead
but he can be beaten by Brian Van Nest.
F1J, F1J promotor Bruce Augustus has the lead but Faust Parker can
probably just beat or tie him if the field at Palm Bay is big enough.
America's Cup Rules Time
It's that time again when we review the America's Cup rules. Items include
how to adjust schedule for 'missing' contests in Galeville and Canada.
What points should be allocated for contests with few [only one ] entrant
or many entrants. Should contest that do not have participants in a
particular class for a number of years be 'de-certified' for that class ? At
what point does a person moving to this country [or Canada or Mexico]
become a resident and hence eligible for Americas Cup Points ?
The America's Cup Contest is cordinated by Jim Parker
[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] and Tom Coussens [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] send
schedule, results, corrections and comments to Jim . Also if you are an
organizer send send schedule, contest flyer and results here
[This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] as well as to Jim, so we can put it on line.
Model Aviation Report on 97 World Champs
Great report in Model Aviation by Martin Dilly. Bob Gutai made the front
cover. Where were the team shorts Bob ?
F1A ramblings
Jim Parker and Pierre Brun were seen at Elsinore, I think that had to see if
the 5 minutes in the morning on Don and Lee's Big Als were for real. Jim
looks like he's towing fine as he broke the wing under tow of the old
airplane we were setting up with one of my electronic timers for Jim's son
Dallas. Another young glider flier in the works to make sure David Ellis
and Steven Coussens do not rest on their laurels. Don Zink had a mid-air
with one of Lee's models in the early morning fog.
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It's object is to support FAI Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
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SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Roger Morrell