SEN 2771
- Details
- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1477
SEN 2771
1. Estate sale of model engines
2. Back in Business
3. USFFC – Update and reminder
Estate sale of model engines
From:Brian Eggleston
Hello Roger (Mr. Sen),
Could you please include this request for help in the next SEN issue.
Mike Thomas was a well known Canadian competitor in F1B and F1D events that frequently represented Canada at World Championships. Very sad to say he passed away earlier this year after a short illness. I am helping his estate dispose of his extensive collection of model aero engines including spark, diesel and glow examples in VG or NIB condition. You can find a link to pictures of the engine collection here :
This link is being kept up to date as the engines are sold.If you are interested in having a listing of the engines describing their condition and wish to make an offer or require more information please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Roger thanks for your help in posting the above notice on SEN.
Many thermals,
Brian Eggleston
Back in Business
September 5th & 6th Training Area Salisbury Plain
Prior to the Covid 19 outbreak the weekend was programmed to be our weekend double World Cup contest. However, it was not to be. We kept the date on the calendar, and we were able to run an ad hoc event under the current Covid 19 rules. It was decided that the event would be relaxed with the minimum of organisation. Sufficient organisation was put in place in order to observe social distancing plus the minimum of paperwork. The FFTC decided that the contest fund would stand the cost of the event, there would be not site or entry fee. However, donations would be requested. The free flight community has built up fund to cover support to the flyers if and when needed. When the fund was started such a contingency as being experienced now was never expected and would have been miles away from our wildest dreams!
The FFTC hoped that a relaxed and safe event would encourage flyers to come out and have a go. Many turned up simply to air models that had laid dormant since March as well as getting their brains switched back on trying to remember how things worked. Old acquaintances were renewed and lock down stories were shared. From what I gleaned considerable in-house activity had generated plenty of additions to the fleets of models.
We had hoped for decent weather and things turned out pretty well. The Saturday was a tad breezy but the wind never got above the mid-teens and it was warm. Saturday was given over to the combined specifications and not too difficult max of 150 seconds was applied.
In rubber Chris Redrup was flying a neat BMFA open model, in discussion with Chris we agreed that the dihedral was a bit excessive, however Chris maxed out. There was also max out for Mark Benns flying and trimming at the same time an F1B.There was no max out in glider. Peter Tribe had started early and was looking good, but he failed on his last flight. Julian Pennington flew steadily although he dropped time, he beat Roger Heap who was flying one of the late Jane Howick’s models. Four maxed out in power the most impressive being Roy Vaughn’s “Creep” somewhat over engined, which, despite a rolly pattern (too much wing warp) climbed to an enormous height. John Hook gave up after the first flight after a DT failure that took the model miles, the model was recovered but John failed to recover!
The two rubber flyers decided on a DT fly off (DT at 90 seconds). Chris Redrup’s model decided not to fly a decent pattern (too much DH?) allowing Mark to gain a narrow win. In the Power flyoff Roy again climbed high but DTed early. A tracker failure made for a long but successful search.
Sunday, as promised, had a very light drift. Although FAI it was decided that there would be no flight line or rounds and 150 second max. We wanted to encourage people back into the air. This arrangement made social distancing and other covid restrictions easier to manage.
There was plenty of good air available so the maxes were plentiful. In F1A the only flyer who had any real problems was John Williams who scored a zero on his 4th flight. In F1B the only dropped flight was from me! My excuse being that the model had not been out of the box since January and the glide was a tad tight. No drops in F1C and all looking good, Neil Allen was seen messing with a home built folded, he used a standard model for his contest flights. There was to be no fly off in F1Q as Trevor Grey dropped a few seconds on his 4th flight.
In the mini classes. Garry Madelin turned up late in the day to slam in 5 quick maxes to win. In F1J there could have been a flyoff but Ken Faux called a halt and went to help Paul Chapman to de-tree his model. This allowed Neil Allen a walk over with 5 maxes to win. F1G was a Bristol and West match between Martin Stagg and Alan Brocklehurst. Both dropped time, Martin the least so he won.
Gary Madelin, who had arrived late, said that he had intended to get his balloon aloft but decided against it as rain was on the way. Mark Gibbs, who works, for the MET Office concurred. The rain was steady for the flyoffs. John Cater took FIA with a good clean launch after a line tangle with Julian Pennington and a tow in. The 5-minute fly off launch window can make for a traumatic time! As the rain was steady the F1B fliers agreed not to fly and thus tied for first place. By the time of the F1C flyoff the rain had eased to a steady drizzle. The rain cleared the skies and gave excellent visibility. Neil Allan climbed the highest and logged has 2nd win. Neil also picked up a bottle of wine donated by Brian Silcock for the best performance of the weekend
All in all, I think what we came for. A lot of flying and enthusiasm rekindled. Thanks to all for attending and following the guidelines, in particular Peter Tribe on the organisational front.
Michael J. Woodhouse.
September 18 – 20, 2020 at Lost Hills, CA.
Category II – AMA Sanction – American & National Cup
COVID 19 protocol. See below
US FF CHAMPS REGISTRATION: Proof of current AMA Membership and current Lost Hill’s Membership required.
$30 includes first Event. Additional events are $10 each. Gold card $75 includes unlimited event. Juniors $5 per event with
awards in all events.
Awards: Cash: Five or more flyers 1st/$50, 2nd/$25, 3rd/$15. Four flyers 1st/$25, 2nd/$15. Three flyers 1st/ $15. Two flyers 1st/$5
JR EVENTS will be 1st/$15, 2nd/$10, 3rd/ $5.
Sweepstakes: $100 cash
Lost Hills Member’s Meeting, Saturday, September 19th at 6:30 p.m. at CD table
Timecards: Submit timecards to CD table or event table after each official flight.
Hand Launch and Catapult Glider will be flown from a pen - submit time cards to CD table every two flights.
All Engine Runs and Max Times are per the AMA Rule Book and NFFS Official Competition Rules.
FAI Saturday Events – (7) one hour rounds, starting at 8 a.m.
F1A first round max 240 sec. F1B, C, P first round max 240 sec All other rounds 180 sec. Flyoff rounds no earlier than 4 p.m. per CD.
F1C special rules, RCDT not required 4 second motor run.
Vintage F1C first round max 300 seconds between 8:00 a.m. and 8:15a.m. Then 4 flights any time, 180 second max.
FAI Sunday Events - F1G, H and Q (5) forty-five min rounds beginning at 8 a.m.
F1G, H 120 sec max F1Q 180 sec max
Flyoff rounds no earlier than 1 p.m. per CD.
Sweepstakes Total time for a maximum of 5 AMA events as indicated by *.
ED Carroll, Contest Director, Cell 818 489 5039 : Lost Hills Web Site:
Friday September 18 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Modern Events
A Electric
Moffett and Mulvihill
Super D Gas*
Nostalgia Electric
Early 1/2 A Nostalgia
Nostalgia Rubber Large & Small
NOTE: You may fly your first three
flights of any Nostalgia or Classic event
on Friday and finish Sat or Sun.
Classic Towline*
Jimmy Allen
1/2 A Texaco (ROG)
Texaco (ROG)
A Pylon / A Fuselage
B/C Pylon / B/C Fuselage
.020 Replica
Saturday September 19 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Modern Events and FAI
A Electric
Moffett and Mulvihill
Catapult Glider* Pen (Jr and Open)
A Gas*
C/D Gas*
F1A, F1B and F1C/P
Vintage FAI Power
Nostalgia Electric
Early 1/2 A Nostalgia
Nostalgia Rubber Large & Small
1/2 A Gas Nost.
B Gas Nost.
C Gas Nost
Classic Towline*
Classic 1/2 A Gas
Jimmy Allen
NOTE: Old Timer Only…ALL O/T Events
can be flown any day at any time during the Contest.
You do not have to start and finish the same day.
7:30 a.m. Gollywock Mass Launch
9:30 a.m. “The Mikkelson Memorial” Twin Pusher Mass Launch
Night Gas
Sunday September 20 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Modern Events and FAI
A Electric
Moffett and Mulvihill
Hand Launch Glider* Pen (Jr and Open)
F1S from Glider Pen
1/2 A Gas* (Jr and Open)
B Gas*
F1G, F1H, F1Q
Nostalgia Electric
Early 1/2 A Nostalgia
Nostalgia Rubber Large & Small
1/4 A Gas Nost.
A Gas Nost.
Golden age
Classic Towline*
Classic A/B Gas
Jimmy Allen
Small Rubber Stick
Small Rubber Cabin
Large Rubber Stick
Large Rubber Cabin / 8 oz. Wakefield
7 a.m.-7:30 a.m. Dawn Mulvihill & Big E
September 18-20, Lost Hills, California
These rules will be in effect for the coming USFFC to be held in Lost Hills, California September 18-20, 2020. The rules have been vetted by the AMA and have their approval. I have used portions of the excellent COVID 19 protocol used by the Magnificent Mountain Men for their recent contests this year.
Anyone not willing to abide by these rules may be asked to leave the field by the Contest Director.
1. The first rule is: if you have a temperature at or above 101 and/or don’t feel well. If you develop a temperature during the weekend, please go home and self-isolate as you contact your health provider.
2. At all times, please socially distance from your timekeepers, helpers, and other competitors. This means stay at least six feet away from other folks. If you must congregate, remember to wear a mask.
3. Please use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day.
4. When you register and enter your events, you will be given time card(s) and a pencil. Record your times in pencil (ink will run with hand sanitizer).
5. Periodically throughout the day, please go to the score table and call out your scores to the CD working there. The scores will be entered on a computer spread sheet. Do not turn in your time card(s). Remember to socially distance when you’re near the score board or CD tent. To help us keep the score board results current, please report your scores after each round in FAI events, and every hour or so in the AMA/NFFS/SAM events. It can negatively impact the sporting nature of the contest if a competitor holds back their scores and only reports them late in the day.
Fly well, thermal often and have a great, fun weekend,
Ed Carroll, CD