SEN 2766
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1414
SEN 2766
1. Peter King
2. Covid and Free Flight - FAI Survey
3. Harvest Classic
Peter King
From: Chris Edge
Sorry to report the passing of Peter King, well know to us here as an F1B flyer and theoretician, but professionally as a world-renowned jazz saxophone player.
Covid and Free Flight
The good news is that ours, well outdoor FF at least, is an activity conducted in the open air where it is easy to socially distance. Event organizers, see below and the recent article in FF Digest about the MMM’s decision process around their 14 Rounder, are taking addition efforts to address pandemic related issues. This is important because different people have different level of concerns relating to their personal circumstances and while an organizer may not be so concerned if he does not address other people’s then attendance will be down. We have attendance in a number of event being down this year, not because the organizer did not make an effort but people were just comfortable in travelling the distance to somewhere they are not familiar with and possibly eating out and staying over night. It appears that this situation will continue for quite some time.
FAI free flight is more affected than many other parts of the Free Flight community because by it’s nature it can require travel internationally or even long distance within a large country to attend a team selection event. To that end no matter if we want to go to an event there maybe constraints beyond our control such as the availability of (air) transport, being able to cross borders, having to self isolate on arrival, added costs, diminished budget, etc ,…
We see on social media and our own specialist publications that people are working on related activities such as building that model you always wanted to, designing something new, asking questions about how to do something, etc. It is very important to do this to continue our social interaction that is an important part of Free Flight. Free flighters come from many countries, many walks of life, all ages, many political groups, etc in these trying times it is very important to just focus of Free Flight activities in these specialist social media groups and publication and keep all the other issues in their place.
Many health experts, particularly mental health professionals are reporting an increase in non- directly covid related health issues. We all have some degree of frustration, loss and uncertainty around many aspects of our daily life. Under normal circumstance our hobbies, sports and pastimes are get away from those but now everything is affected.
The FAI has a group, FAI Medico-Physiological Commission (CIMP) that deals with both mental and physical health issues related to all air sports. They are conducting a survey and you can participate at this link
Harvest Classic
American Cup/National Cup
Wawayanda, NY
September 12-13, 2020
Saturday Sep 12th start 10 am
FAI events: F1G(rubber), F1H(glider), F1J+F1P(power) F1Q (Electric)
Sunday Sep 13th start 9 am
FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B(Wakefield) and F1S (Electric).
AMA events: E36, Electric A, electric B, E 20, HL Glider, Cat. Glider, P-30 can be flown on either day.
All FAI events will have 5 rounds. Round lengths will be at least one hour.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic flyers are required to maintain social distancing. Face masks are required, don them when appropriate. Practice social distancing. Please bring a pen to record your scores. Those using golf carts are encouraged to use gloves. Towels and cleaning materials are also recommended.
Entry fee is $25 for all events. Junior $15. Fuel donation $5. (Please bring the exact amount)
(Camping is possible on the field. Super 8 in Middletown is open as well as other motels. Directions to the field are on )
CD: John Clapp (570) 888 0997
Assistant CD: Aram Schlosberg. (917) 446 3222
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