SEN 2754 Tangent Contest Flash
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1583
SEN 2754
Tangent Contest Flash
Tangent contest flash:
Our AMA and double FAI contests are scheduled for August 21-23 in beautiful Tangent Oregon . The WMC has a list of Covid guidelines for the field and we ask all who attend to follow these protocols.
The NW FAI Challenge will be run the same as is has been in the past while the Tangent Classic will be a $5 per event points only contest for this year.
Please email CD Blake Jensen at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or, call 503-313-9422 with questions or for updates.
August 22~23, 2020 Tangent Oregon
An Americas Cup Event
Saturday August 22: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q and F1S
Five 90 Minute rounds Round One Start Time: 8:00 AM
To be flown in conjunction with Tangent Classic Meet
Sunday August 23: F1A, F1B, F1C/P
Seven One hour rounds Round One Start Time: 8:00 AM
Perpetual Trophy (Watercolor by Sarah Brandt Tracy) for F1B
Embroidered Hats to Third Place All Events
Entry Fees: $20 First Event and $10 for Additional Events
This year’s Tangent Classic will be held as a $5 per event points only contest with F1A/B/C/P to be held on Friday and F1G/H/J/Q/S on Saturday 8:00 AM start time both days
2020 COVID-19 Guidelines will be observed during the competition weekend (Printed separately) Please email Blake Jensen for a copy
Advance entry/payment is encouraged. Please bring exact change for field entry Or, pay via PayPal to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RV/Tent Camping Allowed on the Field
Please Check with CD for Permitted Location
Contest Director: Blake Jensen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 503-313-9422
Assistant CD: Pierre Brun
To get to the site: Take 228 exit off I-5, Head East toward Lebanon, Turn Right at Seven Mile Lane and Follow the Signs to this Years Field
No Moto Flapping Allowed
General Conditions of Competition at WMC Contests in 2020
With all of our concerns about Covid 19 I think we can all agree that hosting this contest demands all of our attention as we strive to have a fun and SAFE event. As CDs we will take our roles seriously and will be politely insisting on compliance with the following procedures. If you don’t intend to follow our rules, please don’t come to the contest.
Contest Management
Contestants will complete forms at the forms table, one at a time while observing distancing and wearing face covering. Forms will be attached to clipboards. Use hand sanitizer as appropriate.
Hand in cash at the CD table.. Exact change please. Only CDs or designees will be behind the score table.
While Flying
Maintain 6 feet distance on the field. Mask or face covering for any closer.
Keep your own pen. Use a scorecard. We have extra pens available to you at no cost.
Wear a mask or face covering when you report to the CD table. We have free masks in case you forget.
The timer will bring the time card to the CD table and announce the contestant, the event and the time in seconds. The timer must assure the score is recorded correctly and then initials the time card as such.
CD records time. The CD or designee never handles the card
Sanitizer on table. Use it often.
Vintage/Pro P-30 Event on Fridays
Place model on scale yourself. Do not touch the scales.
CD will adjust the scale as needed but should not touch the model. The CD doing processing will wear gloves. Models will not be stamped.
Prizes will be arrayed on the table. When your name is called. Go to the table to get yours. Wait until the person ahead of you has moved back to their place before moving in to get yours..
Bring your own water.
Bring exact cash for entry. (checks are OK). All adukt entries are $10 for Vintage/Pro P-30 and $20 for the main events. Youth are free, but they must complete the designated forms
Do not hand in time cards. Instead tell the CD the name of the contestant, the event, and the score in seconds. Drop completed cards in the box on the CD table
Bring your own mask or facial covering. All contestants and assistants or non-flying companions must follow the same rules regarding safety. People not doing so will be asked to leave the field. No refunds. A supply of spare masks will be available at the field.
Scale Event
Contestants place model and documentation in the trailer.
Retrieve model after judging in time for official flights Sunday morning.. Keep distancing to 6 feet prior, during and after launch.
General prizes will be arrayed as usual on the plywood boards. Please wait until each person ahead of you gets his prize before moving up to get yours. Keep distance and wear face covering.
After Hours
Getting together with friends and sharing stories, a beverage or snacks, or a meal is part of the ambiance of these events. Lately they are fraught with danger. Indoor bars, house parties or other gatherings, movies, etc. have all contributed to increases in cases. If you host friends please take those precautions you have been taking since March: sanitizing, distancing and masks are all important in protecting each other from each other. If you head to town for a meal, or are staying at a motel remember you will be bringing “it” to the field and potentially spreading it around unless you take measures to protect yourself and others. Avoid becoming a carrier.