SEN 2734 Contests and Q thoughts
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SEN 2734
Contests and Q thoughts
1. Hatschek Memorial Contest May 17
2. Summer Contest
3. Development of F1Q – thoughts from Dietrich Sauter on FB
Hatschek Memorial Contest May 17
From:Andrew Barron
Dear Free flight friends,
Some of you have already received notice of the upcoming contest at Barron
Field in Wawayanda from Tom Juel, Alan Abris or Aram Schlosberg. This note
is to expand the distribution somewhat, in case we have missed someone who
is interested, and to discuss the field use constraints.
The meet will be held on Sunday May 17 with a start time and end time
designed to allow as many as possible to come without requiring an
overnight stay in the area. I have been to the field to practice several
times in the past few weeks. It is in good condition for our flying.
Social distancing is important. Park your cars farther from each other
than usual. For your flights, have your timer be at least 2 or 3 meters
away. Please state the result for the contest director or assistant to
record (you can maintain a flight card but don't put it in someone else's
If you are a towline flyer. Place your model on the ground and start to
string out so that you can keep sensible distance. Your launcher can then
comfortably pick up the model to assist you.
Please have cleaning wipes (ideally disinfecting wipes) with you and clean
the steering wheel and any part of the golf carts your hands have touched
after each use. Be understanding that offering rides is problematic.
Likewise clean appropriate parts of the portable toilet after each use.
Masks are needed anytime you are in the general vicinity of others. What I
have been doing is wearing a bandana around the neck. It is down off my
face when I am towing or retrieving far from others. But when I am in the
vicinity of others I raise the bandana over my mouth and nose.
I suggest bringing your own food and being gassed up before you start your
drive. This way you don't need to stop at any stores on the way to the
field or on your way home.
Some may wonder about holding the contest in New York while the coronavirus
is still a concern in the state. Please understand that the number of
participants at these Barron Field meets have not been very large in recent
years. 15 to 25 participants is typical. These moderate numbers make it
possible to keep the appropriate social distancing. New York and other
states are wisely encouraging people to get outside and get healthy air and
healthy exercise, subject to the now familiar constraints I have here
Hatschek International Challenge
American Cup/ National Cup Wawaywanda, NY
Sunday, May 17, 2020
FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B(Wakefield), F1C(power) and F1G(rubber), F1H(glider), F1J+F1P(power) F1Q and F1S (Electric).
AMA events: E36, Electric-B, E 20, HL Glider, Cat. Glider, P-30
All events start flying at 10 am. All FAI events will have 5 rounds. Round lengths will be at least an hour, adjusted as needed. Award giving around 3 pm.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic flyers are required to maintain social distancing. Face masks will be used as needed. Golf carts will be assigned and those using them are required to use gloves. Bringing a towel and cleaning materials is recommended.
Entry fee is $25 for all events. Fuel donation $5. (Please bring the exact amount)
Rain Date! Mid May weather can be tricky (precipitation and/or wind). If it looks terrible by midday, Thursday May 14th, the contest will be postponed by a week to Sunday May 24 and you will be notified by e-mail.
CD: Aram Schlosberg. (917) 446 3222
Summer Contest
Date: July 11 / 12, 2020
Site: Lost Hills California
CD: Walt Ghio
Events: F1ABCQS, E-36, Vintage FAI, 1/2A Gas, Open Power (any gas powered model)
Cat 2 Rules
Note: Sunrise 5:52, Sunset 8:16
As the Free Flight world has been keep indoors for the last few months and everyone needs an outlet, I have set up two one day contest to get you out of the house. Long day Saturday with a rest period for the expected heat of a July afternoon. Early start for the Sunday contest with a short schedule to get you home for dinner. Several events to select from to keep you busy for the weekend. Cash awards. Entry fee, $10.00 per event, per contest.
Saturday F1ABCQS, Vintage FAI Events
Note: Vintage and F1S will use Rd 3 thru 7 for their five flights
Rd 1 7:00-8:00 Max 240 seconds
Rd 2 8:00-9:00 Max 240 seconds
Rd 3 9:00-10:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 4 10:00-11:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 5 11:00-12:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 6 12:00-1:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 7 5:00-6:00 Max 180 seconds
Flyoffs 6:00-8:00
Saturday E-36, 1/2A Gas, Open Power Events
Fly your event flights between 8 am and 1 pm. Includes all flyoff flights if needed.
Sunday F1ABCQS, Vintage FAI Events
All FAI events will have a flight to the ground to settle the contest results.
Flight to Ground 6:30-7:00
Rd 1 7:00-8:00 Max 240 seconds
Rd 2 8:00-9:00 Max 240 seconds
Rd 3 9:00-10:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 4 10:00-11:00 Max 180 seconds
Rd 5 11:00-12:00 Max 180 seconds
Sunday E-36, 1/2A Gas, Open Power Events
Fly your event flights between 7am and 12 pm. Includes all flyoff flights if needed.
Walt Ghio
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Development of F1Q – thoughts from Dietrich Sauter on FB
(some small editing)
These days there was a long discussion about development, complexity, changing rules and searching for possibility of coexistence from different solutions in F1Q.
It was for me interesting to read different proposals and opinions. This kind of discussions come up from time to time and if we would go back in this blog, we would found many words to it.
I personally don’t understand this discussion. Since more than 10 years I fly F1Q and went through many rules changes. I built all my Q’s complete by myself and it was no big deal to follow the rules. Of course I am happy, that during the last years we are ‘fixed’ and just Energy Limit is adjusted to satisfy the field size and technical progress.
The technique itself of the actual planes – even the models with the geared F1B size blades – are simple compared to other classes. There is no complex and expensive prop mechanics like in F1B. There is no complex mechanics like in F1A. There is no complexity in wing design compared to F1C or F1A. There are no limits of special material like F1C motors ore rubber. And also for F1Q there are suppliers of electronics motors, gears, blades and models for those who can’t or won’t built.
For my self who likes to build with the background of knowledge, machines and material it is much more difficult to follow in my main class F1A, where only with buying expensive material it is possible not to lose touch because progress is so fast.
And even when people decide not to go for a F1A Flapper, a F1C Folder, a Ukrain / Russian high tech F1B, a F1Q with big blades,… it is possible to have fun on the field ore win competitions. Hope to see many people people flying F1Q on the field. It is a fantastical class.
Ray Elliott
I totally agree Dietrich, I too build my own models but don't have your skills with carbon. That doesn't matter, even winning isn't that important. The key for me is that it is a class that allows for different options, and , most importantly, it is an enjoyable class to fly.
Paul Güngör Seren
I also totally agree ! I had never so much fun with other classes. I like the current rules very much and we should more and more increase the number of active F1Q pilots!
Maurizio Ghelfi
I allow myself to write this thinking about a speech made with Mario Rocca, my friend since I was a teenager. the brain is better than the materials few rules, clear and whoever uses the brain most wins !!! without controversy and without research exasperate !! a well designed balsa model is as good as a carbon one !!! its technical solutions lie in the. Simone of the project!
Mihály Váradi
Dietrich, I completely agree with you. I hope that the rules are not going to be more complex. Maybe we could reduce the amount of available energy to use from 3 Joule to 2 or 2,5 Joule. Many people avoided the F1Q category because of the always changing rules. If we would like to have more competitors then we need to stop these ever changing requirements. The limiter had introduced equality among the competitors and the gearing made the category more fun.
Jack Murphy
I have not commented on these recent posts re: F1Q but I like
Dietrich Sauter's comments... I too like to build my own models and do not wish for a highly regimented formula dictating hardware and concepts that may not conform to my imagination...
Ray Elliott