SEN 2729
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1552
SEN 2729
1. Free Flight Quarterly #75 has appeared
2. Comments on AMA Electric Rule Change Proposals
Free Flight Quarterly #75 has appeared
From:sergio montes
As in many similar occasions, I have the pleasure of announcing our latest edition. It contains a wide range of articles
which, in this time of forced isolation could be a most suitable and informative read.
The cover of the new issue with its table of contents and an extensive summary of all the articles are available in our website:
With best wishes of the Free Flight Quarterly editors for your continuing health
Sergio Montes
Ed. Free Flight Quarterly
Comments on AMA Electric Rule Change Proposals
By Aram Schlosberg Apr 17, ‘20
E36s can also be flown in A and B-Electric. Records held by E36s are astronomical: 20 consecutive flights in E36, 23 in A-Electric and a whopping 41 in B-Electric. The reason is that the flyoff-max dial is stuck at 2-minutes in the three events.
The cross over issue can easily be addressed if flyoff maxes are incremented by 30 second steps (OFF21-7, that also pertains to A and B-Electric). These increments can begin in the seventh flight (OFF21-10 increments them by 1-minute steps). (OFF21-9 requires group flyoffs in the +7th flights and higher maxes only by a general consensus.)
A nice cross-proposal compromise would be: (1) 30-second max increments starting in the 7th flight, and (2) allowing the CD to declare a “group flyoff” beginning at a specified time, either with a 1-minute window or a mass launch.
The crux of the matter (having the flyoff max stuck at 2-minutes) is AMA’s contest board adherence to the “small field” concept. (Exceptions are Mulvihill and Dawn unlimited, both rubber events.) In E36’s case, if the max starts increasing by 30-second steps in the 7th flight, it only applies to very few fliers, even in large contests.
And if E36s flyoff maxes are incremented, there is no need exclude E36 of flying in A and B-Electric by 42” wing spans (OFF21-8) or 3S Lipo batteries (OFF21-3). ///