SEN 2712 - News Real and Pseudo
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1383
SEN 2712
News Real and Pseudo
3. USA F1E team selection
4. Real and pseudo News on FB
From:Fabrizio Ceccarini
For information:
Due to the rapid epidemiological outbreak of virus Covip-19 and in
compliance with the Government Decrees on March 9,2020 to contain the spread
of infection over all Italian territory, we inform all of you as registered
and/or potential participants that the contest in subject is cancelled at
the date.
We are now evaluating a possible postponement on May 23-24, 2020 (Reserve
dates: June 6-7,2020) looking at the organizational aspects and the
evolution of the virus spread containment.
We are sorry for the inconvenience sure to solve the status of things in the
shortest term.
My best wishes to all of you and for a good health. See you all at the new
Aero Club VO.LI Aeromodellistico
The new 2020 Free Flight Forum Report has just been published and once again it contains papers on a wide range of free-flight topics. Look at this lot. How can you resist?
Warps - Right way? Wrong way? What way? - Mike Woodhouse; Moment Arm - A Novel Stability and Control Arrangement - George Seyfang; How Big Should I Build My Next Coupe? - Alan Brocklehurst; Scale Matters - Ivan Taylor; Evgeny Verbitski - An Appreciation - by Mike Fantham, Ken Faux and Peter Watson; Do Freewheelers Drag? - Spencer Willis; The Hammer and the Feather - Aram Schlosberg; The Performance of Rubber Motors - John Gibbings; Gurney Flaps - George Seyfang; Gyros in Free Flight Scale - Ivan Taylor; A Glass Act - Russell Peers; A Glider for Every Occasion - Stuart Darmon; A Love Letter to the Free Flight Community - Bernard Guest.
The UK price is £12.00 including postage; to Europe it’s £15 and everywhere else £17. Sales of the Forum Reports help to defray the heavy expenses of those representing Great Britain at World and European Free-Flight Championships. Cheques should be payable to ‘BMFA F/F Team Support Fund’ in pounds sterling, drawn on a bank with a UK branch; you may also order by credit card, which is a lot easier (and cheaper).
Copies are available from : Martin Dilly
20, Links Road,
West Wickham,
or by phone to: (44) + (0)20-8777-5533, or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
USA F1E team selection
From: Robert Sifleet
The next F1E World championship will be held Aug. 24-27, 2021 at Turda Romania.
The team selection for the USA team will be held July 10 2020 as part of the MMM championship at Denver Co. For a copy of the team selection program and entry forms contact:
Robert Sifleet This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 765 273 7405 or,Colleen pierce at AMA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The deadline for program entry is June 10 2020
Robert Sifleet
F1E TSC. Chairman.
Real and Pseudo News on FB
2020 SCAT Annual is being postponed from this weekend (Mar. 14-15) to Mar 28-29.
3/4 inch of rain this week has made the Lost Hills a slick mud area as reported by our Holloway friends. Forecast is more rain and winds Sat and Sun 8 mph with gusts to 15 mph.
We are making every effort to contact the flyers that normally come to the SCAT Annual, please spread the word.
I apologize for an inconvenience this change may cause.
Jim Parker
SCAT Annual CD
[real news]
Bob Hanford
Bob Hanford Rain is definitely a reason, but "winds at 8, gusts to 15"?!? Here in Oklahoma/Texas/Kansas, we WISH for those kind of days!
[where are Oklahoma/Texas/Kansas ]
Ama Guy
Ama Guy Thanks Jim I’ll spread the word
[real news]
Ray Elliott
Ray Elliott 8-15 mph, that's practically calm! For the second of our area meetings here in the UK this coming Sunday the forecast is currently 23 mph gusting to 38. Oh, and there is the chance of rain It won't be cancelled. How many actually fly is another matter. For the first event 2 weeks ago the weather was just as bad.
Chris Edge
Chris Edge They don't like to get their bikes dirty, Ray. CHE
[always pseudo?]
Roger Morrell
Roger Morrell Chris Edge as in many cases the decision was more complicated. We could not decide if we would take Continental approach and use a D/T flyoff or the English approach and increase the max to at least 5 minutes so the models would fly over the orchard , then the discussion was what is the right amount to clear the orchard and not land on the highway. While all this was going the representative of the of the FTTDA - Federated Tow Truck Drives of America informed us that the would be a supplementary $500 cleaning charge on top of their usual "modest" fee for their tow truck if they had to tow any car out of a gypsum puddle and $1000 if they had to tow the SCAT President's Classic RV aka the Loaf. So finally with respect of everyone's wallet and the feelings of the Loaf the date was changed.
[pseudo – has to be in response to CHE]
Roger Morrell
Roger Morrell and I had just clean my (electric) bike
[that’s real – first time in 2 years]
Steve Helmick
Steve Helmick The breeze will dry the surface quickly, especially in the low humidity. Weather Guessers are often wrong and apparently have books full of excuses. Sometimes they are correct, tho, and take lots of credit for that, as if they created the fine day. ??
Mike Schwartz
Mike Schwartz The right decision, Roger
[real comment]
Notice we did not say fake only pseudo … no intent to deceive.