SEN 2704
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1696
SEN 2704
1. 2019 AmCup Correction
2. Photo from Fab Feb
2019 AmCup Correction.
We had another wonderful Am Cup banquet and award ceremony at the Wonderful Park in Lost Hills California, Feb 15, 2020--- it was MaxMen F1A day-- a bit crazy for me post Fly Off rush to get to the park. Thanks to the SCAT people and Julie and Faust Parker for the room set-up and clean up. Great Mexican food from Gabby's and live music by Ken Bauer and Dave Rounsaville.
I made an Excel sorting error in F1G. The score totals and placing were correct but were listed in 1st, 3rd, 2nd order from which the certificate were generated. This resulted in the 2nd and 3rd place certificates being wrong. A new certificate will be sent to Peter Brocks for his 2nd place and I'll let 3rd place Mike Richardson keep the 2nd place certificate he was given.
Thanks again to all the clubs and CDs that support the Am Cup. I'm already 4 contests behind reporting the 2020 season.
2019 Corrected F1G Placing
O'Dell, Tiffaney 1 Brocks, Peter 2 Richardson, Mike 3 Jones, Geralyn 4 Clapp,John 5
Thermals, Jim Parker
Photo from Fab Feb
Merry Smith
Brian Furutani