SEN 2677 - USA Juniors, J and FabFeb update
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1320
SEN 2677 Table of Contents
USA Juniors, J and FabFeb update
1. USA Jr Team Selection Standings
2. J for sale
3. Fab Feb Entries Flash
USA Jr Team Selection Standings
Good News: We have seen some outstanding good flying from the juniors that have entered the Jr program. Hayden leads in F1P and won F1P AmCup!
Bad news: No F1B flyers. Charlie Jones and I are working a couple of potential Jr flyers.
The Jr World Champs will be at Deva, Romania, Aug. 3-9, 2020. What a wonderful opportunity for young people to not only develop aeronautic- mechanical- electrical knowledge and use but to see how other young people in the world live and fly free flight.
For those with some FF experience but not familiar with the FAI models and competition, it can look intimidating. Now days, building of the model is not required, in fact few do. There are quality models available at low to no cost to young flyers that demonstrate an interest in F1A, B or P. The hardest part is finding an event appropriate mentor if the junior flyer does not come from a FAI free flight family or live near an active FF site. With proper models and instruction, I’m amazed how quickly young flyers can master these events. Contact Charlie or me and we’ll see if we can link you up.
The cost for the Jr WCh for the junior team members are covered by AMA, Team Selection Program and generous donations from flyers across the country. Historical we have been able to cover all entry fees, car rental and hotel cost. The junior’s guardian (required by AMA) pays little to none for their share of the car rental and hotel room costs for the duration of the WCh (typically 8 to 9 days). I’d recommend if you have any thoughts of getting an interested junior flyer involved, that you talk to any of the previous Jr team families, Charlie or myself or read some of the articles on the NFFs website under the Competition / Junior.
A great start for a new FAI FF interested junior would be to make any of the Fab Feb contest at Lost Hills, Feb 2020. Contact us and we’ll arrange a training session.
The end of the current Jr Team selection program is the 2020 Max Men contest. However, the program has allowances to place flyers on the open team positions. At this time there are 3 open positions in F1B and 1 open position in F1P. This placement process is based on the Jr Team Selection Committee’s recognition that the junior flyer has the needed skills and models to fly at the Jr W. Champs.
The current standings are:
Goldstein, Noa 285.6
Ulm, Adelaide 251.5
Stalick, Roman 188.7
F1B- no entrants
Ashworth, Hayden 300.0
Stalick, Roman 195.1
USA FAI FF Team Selection Committee
Jim Parker This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Charlie Jones This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
J for sale
From: Roy Summersby
Hi Roger can you put this add in SEN please
For Sale
NEW 4 panel F1J Slava / Sergei built
Late model fuselage, mechanical timer
Ora Covered. Ready for Cyclon / Fora
$375 can deliver to Lost Hills in Feb
Ask for photos Roy Summersby
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Volunteers for the 2020 US Outdoor Free Flight Nationals (July 27-31)
From: Ed Carroll
As many of you may know, I am the Contest Director for the Nationals this year. I was also the Contest Director for the 2016 Nationals and I came to appreciate how important the AMA staff and a host of volunteers are to the success of the competition. At this time, I ask that anyone who would like to assist at the Nationals please contact me as soon as possible. I am in need of people to help run events, and assist in scorekeeping and other tasks. If you are planning on coming to the Nationals and are not flying every day, help on even one day or part of the day will be appreciated. Please contact me by the email address below or text/call me to chat about specific details.
Ed Carroll
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Fab Feb Entries Flash
Entries over 100 – more details later