SEN 2594 – Photographed, Revised, Broken
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1376
SEN 2594 – Table of Contents
Photographed, Revised, Broken
1. Free Flight Digest on Instagram
2. September in Lost Hills – revised
3. Fragile 1/8” rubber
Free Flight Digest on Instagram
From:Adelaide Machado-Ulm
To expand our Free Flight presence on the social media “interwebs,” we now have a Free Flight Digest Instagram account!
To do:
1.) Download the Instagram app or go to the website
2.) Sign up (follow the instructions on screen)
3.) Search for Free Flight Digest or the handle @free_flight_digest
4.) Hit the blue button labeled “follow,” or use the link hit “follow” near the top of the screen.
September in lost hills
Fai (a, b, & c) & vintage fai power contest
September 21st & 22nd, 2019
Lost hills, California
21st schedule
F1A F1B F1C 7 rounds starting at 0800 1 hour rounds
First round for all 3 FAI events 240 seconds All other rounds 180 seconds
Vintage FAI Power 5 rounds starting at 0800 All rounds 180 seconds
Fly offs start at 1530 weather permitting Engine run per NFFS Rules
22nd schedule
F1A F1B F1C 5 rounds starting at 0700 1 hour rounds
First round timed to the ground all other rounds 180 seconds
Entry Fee $20 each event
Total time determines 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in each event
Cash awards (depends on entries in each event)
1st 50% 2nd 25% 3rd 10% of entry fees from each event
C/D Larry Norvall This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook: LJNorvall
Join us for some flying before Endless October
Fragile 1/8” rubber
From: Aram Schlosberg
A quick and dirty way to discover fragile rubber is to tie a few hard overhand knots with dry rubber as it comes out of the box.
I happen to have be preparing 2011 1/8” rubber and one overhand rubber knot just snapped. Later, the rubber proved to be very fragile and the entire segment landed in the garbage. Don’t know whether this also applies to stripped 1/16” rubber straight out of the box.