SEN 2584 - Stick your arrow feathers on an old timer
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1014
SEN 2584 – Table of Contnets
Stick your arrow feathers on an old timer
1. Looking for Texas Timer Micro
2. Stick it to me
Looking for Texas Timer Micro
From: gilbert morris
Hi Roger, If any one has a subject timer (it's a small nylon clock timer
with snap fuel cut-off and costs about $50 new but now discontinued) and
willing to sell, please let me know <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Gil Morris
Stick it to me
See on Face Book . For those who like the “old fashioned glue” . Note that it cannot be mailed from the USA but there are possibly similar sources in other countries.
Mark Vancil : to Free Flight
If you like using Ambroid, Duco or Sigment, I believe we now have a very good, perhaps superior, substitute in Ambrulose. I’ve tried it out, out of hopeful curiosity, and I’ve found it’s great....its natural viscosity and drying time are perfect for free flight models, just like Ambroid. You double coat the two surfaces of course as usual, but it is strong, sandable, dries relatively quickly, and very light when dry (unlike CA). I like the plastic dispenser also, as it does not clog up, and there is very little waste of glue. Advantages of this type of glue is that once dried, you can easily unglue it for repairs or readjustments with acetone or lacquer thinner. It can be thinned with acetone (but not lacquer thinner as lacquer breaks it down and removes its adherence qualities). Try it, I’m sure you’ll love it. The seller is on RC Groups and on EBay and his moniker is “Otakar.” If you buy off RC Groups direct, it costs 10% less. From Otakar: “The main difference between this cement and the original is that it is made from Virgin Gun-Cotton and not recycled Nitrocellulose as the original Ambroid was. Otherwise the formulation is the same. With the Gun Cotton and all solvents being hygroscopic, adhesion to higher moisture content materials is better. Since wood and other plant based products such as cotton and paper are made of Cellulose, hence the good adhesion properties of Nitrocellulose cement. All the modern adhesives are synthetic Nitro Butyrate and do not have the same adhesion. This was done to reduce the flammability of the modern cement after drying. Nitrocellulose cement is actually more flammable after drying than while still wet with solvent. It is the basis of all modern smokeless gunpowder and many rocket fuels.”
Phil Burress : I searched "ambrulose" on ebay and found it:
David Steed : Ebay user is Otakar.k
Mark Vancil I got mine off EBay, but his site link is However, I don’t see the glue displayed there. Here’s the only contact detail I see: Condor Models International 10 So. 360 Palisades Rd. Burr Ridge IL 60527 (630)321-0580
Wade Lloyd :
This looks like the most reliable source (editor comment)
Nitrocellulose Adhesive Fletching Glue (-this means it is for gluing “feathers” on arrows editor)
Mark Thomas : I just ordered some from 3 Rivers Archery. Use code 'CATW' for 5% off.
Matthew Kruse : A few years ago I found out that the guys hit hardest when Ambroid left the market were the Canvas Canoe enthusiasts. Ambroid was the preferred material for sealing or patching a Canvas Canoe.