SEN 2559 - Looking for, a bike, a kit, some rules tweaking ?
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- Hits: 1165
Table of Contents – SEN 2559
Looking for, a bike, a kit, some rules tweaking ?
- Looking for a Chase bike
- F1P - Kits Available?
- World Cup Scoring
Looking for a Chase bike
From: Dean Clark
Hello all,I am looking for a chase bike. Years ago when I took a hiatus from FF I let my awesome Yamaha mini enduro go to a better home. I have watched Leeper and others use the Yamaha TTR 125 with good success. Craigslist is full of bikes but wanted to start here. If you have any recommendations for a good chase bike I’m all ears, or for those looking to thin their heard let me know what you have.
Dean Clark This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1P - Kits Available?
From: Dave Johannes
Please post this request in an upcoming SEN:
I am looking for an Astro Star kit for F1P competition.
Remember that a number of kits were produced for the Junior program.
If anyone has one of the kits and is willing to sell, please contact me with details.
Thank you.
David This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Text by Ian Kaynes
Extract from Free Flight News with minor editing to fit SEN
This describes the proposals submitted for consideration at the
April 2019 CIAM Plenary meeting. . Comments about
the proposals should be sent to your national CIAM delegate.
The full agenda can be downloaded by going to then expand the item
Meetings-CIAM, then 2019 then expand the Plenary meeting
sub heading and the agenda is the first item under that (the
web site is not very user friendly!).
The decisions on the proposals will be made at the Plenary
meeting on April 5 and 6, preceded by a Bureau meeting on
April 4 and a Free Flight Technical meeting on the morning of
April 5.
Free Flight Volume F1
These are the proposals for changes to the Free Flight Volume
F1C timing
The USA have submitted two linked proposals for F1C. One
adds to the Characteristics 3.3.2 that “F1C must use an
electronic timer(s) to control the functions of the model upon
release for flight.” The other replaces item (c) of the Timing
section 3.3.9 (which requires the motor run to be timed by two
timekeepers with stopwatches) by “The motor run will be
certified by demonstration of the timer setting to the
Flyoffs in Open Internationals
Add new section F 1.1.4 Additional Flights in Open
Internationals. This describes when special flyoffs are permitted. And has the text that describes the rules for DT flyoffs and altitude flyoffs
Extend F1S rules to allow RDT.
F1E Working Time
This proposal adds the sentence “It is not allowed for a proxy
to hold a place in the line for the competitor before the
competitor himself has reached the end of the line.” to the end
of the F1E working time in F1.1.3(c).
CIAM General Rules
The following gives an indication of the more general
proposals including any with a potential to impact free flight.
UK propose to increase championships teams in F2 Control
Line from three plus one junior to three plus two juniors. This
has no impact on free flight
Finland propose to add a female team member to all teams and
also an additional junior to make a 5-person team. This
includes free flight - even though we have separate junior
championships it would still add a junior to all championships
teams. It acknowledges the junior championships by specifying
that the teams at these be increased to 4 if they include at least
one female junior. The reason does not justify the
discrimination or additional size of the events.
France makes a similar proposal to add an additional female
team member and an additional junior team member, but the
addition of the junior is only for those classes which do not
have separate junior championships (i.e the junior addition
does not apply to free flight but the additional female member
does apply for free flight).
UK propose that when the Plenary meeting makes decisions on
the location of Continental Championships then only delegates
from countries in that continental region may vote.
Championships Bids
The 2021 Championships will be awarded at the Plenary
meeting, Current bids are:
2021 F1ABC World Champs France, Mongolia, Romania
2021 F1E World Champs Romania
2021 F1ABP Junior European Champs Bulgaria, France,
Romania, Russia
2021 F1D European Champs Romania
Note that the French bids for ABC World Champs and ABJ
Euro Junior Champs are conditional on receiving both events,
which will be run together.
Mongolia have also submitted a bid for the 2020 F1ABC
Asian-Oceanic Championships
So do what Ian suggests – Read the details and talk with your country rep.
World Cup Scoring
Recent SEN issues had an analysis and some some comments about the new World Cup Scoring. I understand from Ian Kaynes that a check was done on the new scoring using the 2017 data and there was no substantial difference in the overall results.
We used the World Cup Scoring to determine the “Top Dudes” for Fab Feb. We did get a some queries as to why some top individuals did not do better in the ranking and did we make a mistake in the calaculations. What is important is that Fab Feb is different from the whole year. The top sportsmen who did not do so well in Fab Feb are very good and will no doubt do better in the over all year.
So Top Dude means best in the Fab Feb, just 3 events and World Cup winner is the best over the whole year, not the same thing.