SEN 2543 - Fab Feb – another step forward- Flipping up Fotos, Sympo Solicitation
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Table of Contents – SEN 2543
Fab Feb – another step forward- Flipping up Fotos, Sympo Solicitation
- North American Cup - Update
- Roll’in and Flipp’in
- Photo Whoops
- Sympo Call for Papers
North American Cup - Update
From: tony mathews
Weather was very mixed. Cold, wet and rainy and Breezy for the 1st two
Warmer, sunny with light winds for the last three rounds.
The flyoffs were scheduled for 3:00 pm. The flightline was moved 500 meters
F1C was flown 1st in light winds with 16 competitors clean. 5 sportsman
made the 6 minute maximum.
F1Q was flown 2nd with 4 sportsman clean. Final results were Sitton (ISR)
1st, Murphy (USA) 2nd and Sifleet (USA) 3rd.
F1P did not require a flyoff and was an all Chinese junior affair.
Final results were:
Li Wenze (CHN) 1st, An Ruijian (CHN) 2nd, Jing Shibo (CHN) 3rd.
Congratulations to the junior sports flyers in F1P!
F1A and F1B were not flown due to very high winds suddenly appearing just
after the F1Q flyoff.
There are 34 sportsman still clean in F1B and 19 in F1A.
Weather forecast for Thursday morning looks very bad. We will try to make
the flyoff for F1A,B and C on Friday or Saturday morning depending on the
We will announce the details on SEN and Facebook. Stay tuned and Keep your
fingers crossed!
Tony Mathews
Contest Director
Roll’in and Flipp’in
From: George Voss
You guys need to come fly with us in the Midwest. If it’s less than 20mph, we fly. Some fly beyond 20mph but the rolling and flipping on the DT causes damage. We use less desirable models then…ask Faust and Julie!
Photo Whoops
From: Bernard Boutillier Text (3 KB)
Hello Roger,
The link for Ike and Kiwi photos does not work.
Here it is again
2019 NFFS Symposium
Call for Submissions
Model aircraft have evolved for centuries and it is not just a USA thing. First there were basic gliders, then elastic bands, ignition motors, glow engines, new construction methods, new adhesive and finishing materials, you name it. With each technological advance we Free-Flighters have embraced new technologies, leading us to changes we only imagined, and in many cases didn't expect! Many factors influence the evolution of our aircraft and the way we operate them, though--not simply technological ones.
We now have over 50 years of NFFS Symposia under our belt and during this time we've seen and documented much of the changing Free Flight landscape. As we kick off another year, the persistent question remains…not what is the future of Free Flight, but what will Free Flight look like in the future? So--with one view to the past and the other looking forward, we'd like to offer a theme for the 2019 Symposium: Evolution in Free Flight - The Need of Invention
While we'd much prefer to hear your thoughts on this theme, we offer a few teasers or ideas for you to ponder, in no particular order:
* Articles we are looking for want to have a premise, not just a presentation. Why is your article/model created? Where will your technology take model aircraft? Need spurns invention. How have we ridden that fine line between max performance and practicality?
* Evolution of any particular aspect of free flight aircraft airfoils, aerodynamics, engines, propulsion, timing & control devices, composite materials, e.g. why did the introduction of carbon fiber influence your designs--or electric motors and systems.
* Rules, technical implications of rule changes at any level… FAI, AMA, Indoor:
o Our most stable rules--what are they and why have they remained successful? What are the fundamental attributes of a great competition rule?
o What rule changes might we be on the verge of making? What pressures are there on our present rules--which may really be, what has become of our airplanes and events and what will become of our airplanes as rule changes are implemented?
* Entry & Exit of Free Flighters into and out of the hobby. Where do they come from? Where do they go? What attracts them? What dismays them? What converts spectators into passionate participants? Your successes and failures pursuant to getting new flyers? (suggests data survey?)
Put your imagination to work and submit a topic you wish to pursue for inclusion in the 2019 NFFS Symposium.
If similar topics are received, we will make an effort to put those authors together for a collaborative article. If you've been kicking around an idea for an article that doesn't quite match this theme (for instance, a purely technical article on construction or aerodynamics), submit it anyway! Maybe with the addition of a little context, it could very possibly find a home in the 2019 National Free Flight Symposium.
Submit a synopsis of your proposed article with title and/or idea, preferably with an outline of your topic and what your article will be about as soon as possible to:
Rick Pangell, Your 2019 Symposium Editor
6994 So. Prescott St., Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: 303-798-2188
Or E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.