SEN 2531 - Reacting to the motor while watching the Hummingbird in a thermal and counting F1A sportsmen
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1580
Table of Contents – SEN 2531
Reacting to the motor while watching the Hummingbird in a thermal and counting F1A sportsmen
- It’s about reaction time
- Humming Bird Model Products attends its first contest
- For Sale - WTR – 3 Thermal Detection System
- Fab Feb Entries so far
It’s about reaction time
From: Mike Roberts
For SEN please.
I could be wrong (not possible you say), but I believe both Ed’s proposal and the previous proposal from Larisa and Artem, are trying to eliminate the “variable speed” thumb issue when timing F1 Cs. I have been using electronic timers for eight or nine years now and have at times experienced scored engine times that varied by three tenths of a second during a seven round event with no change to the engine program. Given that one one hundredth wrong can eliminate a competitor, it would be wonderful to not have to worry about this possibility.
Perhaps, after the timer reviews the program and does a ground check, the timer could hold the flyers programmer until after launch, thus eliminating the possibility of an “adjustment “ to the engine run time. I do hope that in the near future we may have certified chips or something that we can install prior to the first round of our contests that give us a legal engine run without having to struggle to determine engine stop with a stopwatch.
I am an active F1 C flyer with many years of electronic timer experience.
Just another free opinion.
Best Regards
Humming Bird Model Products attends its first contest
From: Bernard Guest
Hi All,
So Hummingbird Model Products (see <> ) will be at Fab Feb from the 5th to the17th. I will have pitch gauges (single gauge for F1B and F1G), Balsa Strippers, Tiny Timers for F1S/E36/AMA Electric, and some short kits (Nos Wake, Vargo Wock, and AMA one designs model Elite Skyrockets). Will also have some other goodies. Please come by and check out my wares.
thanks for your support.
Bernard Guest
Hummingbird Model Products
For Sale again in SEN - Thermal Detection System
From: Roy Summersby
Hi Roger,
Can you put this in SEN again please? Had a buyer and he dropped out.
For Sale
WTR – 3 Thermal Detection System $500
Paper Chart Recorder for the determination of rising air streams.
These machines I believe were built and used very successfully
by F1C flyer Leonid Fuzeev in Russia.
Comes complete with instructions and is in aluminium case.
You would need a pole for the wind meter.
I can send photos and can deliver to Lost Hills in February.
Roy Summersby This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fab Feb Entries so far
There over 140 people entered in the FAI events. We have a had a number of people ask who as entered so far. Here is a list of the F1ABCPQ entries.
So far the country outside of the North America with most people attending is China
Family Name Given Name 3 Letter Code
Malila Lauri SUI
Valo Jari FIN
Niiranen Meri FIN
Mitchell Phil AUS
Baños Alfredo Daniel ARG
Fathers Albert AUS
Jensen Steffen DEN
Kongstad Karsten DEN
Zak Yehuda ISR
Issakov Saar ISR
Arigos Lucas ARG
Arigós Aníbal Enrique ARG
Carter John GBR
Saribekyan Artavazd ARM
Gao Xuyun CHN
Cooper John GBR
Bauer Ken USA
Findahl Per SWE
Persson Anders SWE
Bachmann Christoph SUI
Rosenzweig Shlomi USA
Parker Jim USA
Rasmussen Peter DEN
Echivard Didier FRA
McKeever Mike USA
Brun Pierre USA
Pecenkovic Enes BIH
Pecenkovic Jasminka BIH
Brocks Peter USA
Balassiano Aviv ISR
Puhakka Risto USA
Aberlenc Frederic FRA
Greub Martin SUI
Abad Javier ESP
Van Nest Brian USA
Sitton Shmulik ISR
Campbell Malcolm AUS
Danier Jama CAN
Wang Huaqiang CHN
Dong Ziyi CHN
Jones Thomas USA
Farkas Leslie CAN
Goldstein Guy USA
Baruch Abraham ISR
Obligenarz Tomer ISR
Machado Ulm Adelaide USA
Ulm Eugene USA
Family Name Given Name 3 Letter Code
Norvall Larry USA
Nereng Vegar NOR
Barberis Didier FRA
Felix Ronald USA
Jensen Steffen DEN
Bodin Jean Luc FRA
Stefanchuk Stepan UKR
Fitch Jerry USA
Crowley Paul USA
Fibish Tuvia ISR
Schwartzbach Christian DEN
Dong Qingming CHN
Liu Ruizhe CHN
Richardson Michael USA
Baruch Abraham ISR
Matsuo Tetsuro JPN
Andriukov Alexander USA
Larsen Dag Edvard NOR
Batiuk George GER
Wu Qiong CHN
Seifert Michael GER
Paff Dieter GER
Drapeau Jean Luc FRA
Ball Philip GBR
Eimar Bror SWE
Ackerley Cameron CAN
Chevenard Didier FRA
Guest Bernard CAN
Jensen Blake USA
Obligenarz Tomer ISR
Squires Paul NZL
Lovejoy Graham NZL
Benns Mark GBR
Jones Charlie USA
Davis Michael USA
Morgan Vin AUS
Cao Jiarui CHN
Hemsworth Craig AUS
Ghio Walt USA
Kulakovsky Oleg UKR
Kovalenko Mykola UKR
Vichar Igor UKR
Booth William USA
Mathews Tony CAN
Clapp John USA
Morrell Roger NZL
Koike Masaru JPN
Kawai Ryo JPN
McGuckin Derek USA
Schlosberg Aram USA
Yoshida Kazutoshi JPN
Sheng Xinpu CHN
Wang Na CHN
Zhao Yue CHN
Zhencheng Yuxuan CHN
Saribekyan Artavazd ARM
Ioerger Thomas USA
F1C and F1P
Family Name Given Name 3 Letter Code
Roberts Mike USA
Summersby Roy AUS
Gao Yuan CHN
Faux Ken GBR
Ducassou François FRA
Deng Hongyu CHN
Ji Wei CHN
McBurnett Ron USA
Babenko Artem UKR
Savukhina Larissa RUS
Parker Faust USA
Jack Alan GBR
Briere Gauthier FRA
Buskell John CAN
Perkins Daryl USA
Terzian Fred USA
An Ruijian CHN
Jing Shibo CHN
Li Wenze CHN
Dong Ziyi CHN
Shvedenkov Yury CAN
Parsons Carl David USA
Schneider Glenn USA
Ji Xiangxue CHN
Secor Randy USA
Rounsaville Dave USA
Family Name Given Name 3 Letter Code
Tarcher Benjamin USA
Kaynes Ian GBR
Ioerger Thomas USA
Murphy Jack USA
Sifleet Robert USA
Sitton Shmulik ISR
Saribekyan Artavazd ARM
Schlosberg Aram USA