SEN 2525 - America’s cup 2018 + Fab Feb Rubber + USA Team stuff
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Table of Contents – SEN 2525
America’s cup 2018 + Fab Feb Rubber + USA Team stuff
- 2018 Am Cup Final Report
- FAI Rubber pre-order announcement
- U.S. Team Selection Program Participants
- Fab Feb 5 by 5
- America’s Cup results table
2018 Am Cup Final Report
What a great year of FAI FF competition in North America this year. Ken Bauer had a wonderful year in making the USA F1A team by winning the first day of the Team Selection Finals and took first place in F1A Am Cup with 101 points. I gave him a run for the money for the Am Cup win but I could not get the win at Boulder City that I needed and so I placed second. The rest of the field spread out the points and so the third, fourth and the two fifths (tie) had totals in the 80’s and 70’s. Mike McKeever, Sholmi Rosenzweig, Brian Van Nest and Jim Farmer (first time in the top five).
The top two in F1B was a repeat of last year were Blake Jensen placed second to first place Alex Andriukov, USA F1B team member. They both had 105 points and Alex won via the second level tie breaker. Walt Ghio was third with 103 points followed by Aram Schlosberg and Tony Mathews.
Faust Parker had another great year, he regained his first place position with 101 points in F1C and the USA F1C team. The rest of the field did not have 4 qualifying scores so their totals were in the 70’s and 60’s: Yury Shvedenkov, Ron McBurnett and Taron Malkhasyan. Taron, pervious Jr F1P W Ch and he made the 2019 USA F1C team.
So if you were not reading carefully, the 2018 F1A,B and C Am Cup winners also made the USA 2019 FAI FF team.
In F1P, similar to last year, Randy Secor and Mike Fedor tied at 75 points with the tie breaker going to Randy. Hadyen Ashworh, Jr W Ch silver medalist placed third followed by Glen Schneider and Dave Rounsaville.
Tiffaney O’Dell continues her dominance in F1G with 101 point win. John Clapp made a good run this year but fell just short. Mike Richardson as usual was in the running placed third. Geralyn Jones joins the “Girl Rubber Power” movement with a fourth place finish. Peter Brocks, always in the hunt was fifth.
An anecdotal argument against the idea that the FAI events are too difficult for the current USA modelers to enter is Blake Jensen. 4 years ago, Blake bought a single CF used F1H. His stated reason was to get some exercise for his legs to supplement his F1B winding arm. With the help of the current top F1H flyers, he quickly learned, he had his share of mistakes but soon found himself competing well. This all paid off with his F1H Am Cup 101 point win this year. He placed in 11 contests and won 8 of them! The rest of us did not break 100 points: Mike McKeever, Jim Parker, Brian Van Nest and Bob Sifleet.
F1J is nearly the same picture as F1C with Faust Parker the only flyer with 4 scores totaling 100 points. The rest scored 70 points or less: John E Lorbiecki, Mike Roberts, Glen Scheinder and Mike Fedor.
Seems F1Q participation is still down due to the rule changes (energy limiter requirement). However for those flying there was some excellent competition. Bob Sifleet repeated his first place position with 101 points with Jack Murphy nipping at his heels with a second place 100 points. The difference is the Bob won the only contest with a single bonus point (NATs). Behind them are Tom Ioerger, Dick J Ivers and, Ben Tarcher (first time in the top five).
Bob Sifleet repeated his F1E first place position with Peter Brocks in second. So Bob, if you are making a run at Peter’s consecutive Am Cup wins, you need 9 more wins to tie his 2006 (first AmCup F1E year) through 2016 wins. Mike Richardson, Tom Ioeger and Geralyn Jones (Girl Magnet Power?) placed third through fifth.
F1S continues to grow. Jack Murphy moved from his last year fifth position to first with a score of 85 points. Wins were spread out. Out of the 22 contests flown, there were 9 single first place winners, 4 two contest winners and there was Derick McGuckin with 5 wins but at only 2 fields so he only gets to count 3 wins. Julie Parker won two contests and placed second, Derick and Dick Ivers tied at 75 points for third and Clint Brocks was fifth.
Congratulation to the 2018 America Cup winners!
And so the 2018 AmCup score keeping comes to a close. The first place trophies are in work (always a top secret—they change every year). The award banquet like last year will be at the Lost Hill Recreation Room (North), Saturday February 16, 7:00 pm. $23 person, 17 and under $17. Register on line: <>
I’d prefer non-flyers to pay for the banquet via the “entry” link above and pay Lindy on the field. In a pinch I will take walk ins up to Thursday evening, February 14 (I’ll be flying F1A on Friday). There is a 100 person limit set by the Wonderful Park rules.
2017 Am Cup Winners are responsible to have the perpetual trophies properly engraved, polished and at the banquet for the 2018 winners. If you are a repeat winner and it’s difficult to transport the trophy to Lost Hills, if you wish, leave it home and we’ll borrow a trophy for photos.
2017 Am Cup Winners: F1A- Mike McKeever, F1B-Alex Andriukov (2018 winner), F1C- Ed Carroll, F1P- Randy Secor (2018 winner), F1G-Tiffaney O'Dell (2018 winner), F1H- Jim Parker, F1J- Faust Parker (2018 winner), F1Q- Bob Sifleet (2018 winner), F1S- Don Deloach.
No significant changes for the 2019 Am Cup season. SCAT did discuss revamping the Am Cup rules but decided to wait and re-discuss for the 2020 season.
We received two requests for Am Cup status and SCAT has agreed. The Dual Club Lost Hills contest is added to the Am Cup list for 2019. We also added Jack Murphy’s new Casino Cup near West Wendover, NV in May to the list. I’ll assume the 2018 AmCup designated contests want to continue into 2019, if not true, notified me.
One rule change is the current 30$ Am Cup fee is sited in the rules as being “requested by April 1” (no joke but easy to remember). The 2019 rules will change to:
c) A $30 US America’s Cup Contest Sanction Fee is due on or before April 1 of the current schedule year, after the April 1 dead line the fee is $50. Acceptable forms of payment are Money Orders or Checks made out to SCAT and sent to the address below. Non-payment by the end of the year may result in the removal of the contest from the following year’s schedule.
Request: Please forward contact info for a name I do not have: Bradin Powel, top junior F1G at the NATs.
Tabulated Final 2018 AmCup Placings
F1A 1 Ken Bauer
F1A 2 Jim Parker
F1A 3 Mike McKeever
F1A 4 Shlomi Rosenzweig
F1A 5 Brian Van Nest
F1A 5 Jim Farmer
F1B 1 Alex Andriukov
F1B 2 Blake Jensen
F1B 3 Walt Ghio, Walt
F1B 4 Aram Schlosberg
F1B 5 Tony Mathews
F1C 1 Faust Parker
F1C 2 Yury Shvedenkov
F1C 3 Ron Mc Burnett
F1C 3 Taro Malkhasyan
F1C 5 Guy Menanno
F1P 1 Randy Secor
F1P 2 Mike Fedor
F1P 3 Hayden Ashworth
F1P 4 Glen Schneider
F1P 5 Dave Rounsaville
F1G 1 Tiffaney O'Dell
F1G 2 John Clapp
F1G 3 Mike Richardson
F1G 4 Geralyn Jones
F1G 5 Peter Brocks
F1H 1 Blake Jensen
F1H 2 Mike McKeever
F1H 3 Jim Parker
F1H 4 Brian Van Nest
F1H 5 Bob Sifleet
F1J 1 Faust Parker
F1J 2 John E Lorbiecki
F1J 3 Mike Roberts
F1J 4 Glen Scheinder
F1J 5 Mike Fedor
F1Q 1 Bob Sifleet
F1Q 2 Jack Murphy
F1Q 3 Tom Ioerger
F1Q 4 Dick J Ivers
F1Q 5 Ben Tarcher
F1E 1 Bob Sifleet
F1E 2 Peter Brocks
F1E 3 Mike Richardson
F1E 4 Tom Ioerger
F1E 5 Geralyn Jones
F1S 1 Jack Murphy
F1S 2 Julie Parker
F1S 2 Derek McGuckin
F1S 4 Dick J Ivers
F1S 5 Clint Brooks
F1A Top Junior Noa Goldstein
F1B Top Junior Kyle Gerspacher
F1P Top Junior Hayden Ashworth
F1G Top Junior Bradin Powel
F1J Top Junior Hayden Ashworth
FAI Rubber pre-order announcement
FAI Model Supply will once again be providing rubber and supplies to all
those who *pre-order* for delivery at the FAB February Contests in Lost
Hills, CA. We have already received a number of orders at this time.
If you are interested in ordering items, we ask that you please send us an
email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We will confirm back to you with an invoice indicating your total cost from
the group shipment to be collected at Lost Hills or prepaid arrangements
available prior to the contest via PayPal. Our plans are to distribute at
the contest registration on Friday February 8.
We will need to receive your order by January 28, 2019 to guarantee
delivery in Lost Hills. Any order/request received after that date can not
be guaranteed to be delivered at the contest.
Thank you,
*FAI Model Supply - Charlie and Geralyn Jones*
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
U.S. Team Selection Program Participants
From: Chuck Etherington
I emailed the Program/Finals Questionnaire to everyone in the Program. However, there is always the possibility of address changes, etc. that will cause delivery failure. Please email me if you did not receive the questionnaire and I will send it to you. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks.
- Chuck
Fab Feb 5 by 5
Got $ sponsorship for the 5X5 HLG event again this year, revised flyer in a day or so with that and the Electric Dollars too
AM Cup Results
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 12 1
Ike 15 2
NAC 15 3
MM 14 4
SCA 7 5
SAN 6 6
NCA 4 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 1 10
Hcu 2 11
HIC 2 12
CEN 4 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 2 15
SKA 7 16
HC 7 17
Can 6 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 2 21
NW 2 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF 5 25
Har 3 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 15 28
Ser 10 29
SWC 4 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 7 32
AZC 4 33
1 Bauer, Ken 101 SWR-2 Ike-5* NAC-5* NCA-4* SKA-2 NAT-1 Kot-1 Pat-2*
2 Parker, Jim 100 SWR-1 MM-1 SCA-4* SAN-2* USF-1* Kot-5* Ser-3* SWC-3 Pat-1
3 McKeever, Mike 82 MM-3 SCA-2 SAN-4* NCA-2 NAT-2 Kot-4* SWC-4* Pat-4*
4 Rosenzweig, Shlomi 81 SWR-3 SCA-3* HC-2 Can-3 USF-4* Kot-2
5 VanNest, Brian 74 SWR-5 Ike-2 USF-3 SWC-1 Pat-5*
5 Farmer, Jim 74 SWR-4 Ike-3 CEN-2 AZC-2
7 Thompson, Mike 66 SAN-3 NCA-1 NWF-1
8 Brocks, Peter 65 CEN-3 COL-2 SWC-2 AZC-4
9 Barron, Andrew 61 MM-4 HIC-2 SKA-1 Har-3*
10 Brun, Pierre 58 NWF-2 NW -1 Ser-4
10 Pecenkovic, Jasminka 58 NAC-2 Ser-5 AZC-1
12 Shitrit, Nir 56 Ike-1 NAC-3* SCA-1 SAN-5*
13 Limberger, Rene 53 NAC-4* MM-2 USF-2* Kot-3* Ser-1
14 Lorbiecki, John E 51 Hcu-1 I-C-2 NAT-5
15 McQuade, Pete 50 CEN-1 COL-1
15 Barron, Peter 50 HIC-1 SKA-3* Har-1
17 Lazarovich, Vlad 47 HC-1 Can-2
18 Goldstein, Guy 46 Ike-4 MM-6* NCA-3 USF-5* Pat-3
19 Sifleet, Bob 45 Hcu-3 I-C-1
20 Fradkin. Igor 40 NAC-1 Har-4
21 Pecenkovic, Enes 38 Ser-2 AZC-3
22 Danier, Jama 32 HC-5 Can-1
23 Stalick, Alex 26 SAN-1
23 Tzvetkov, Tzvetan 26 SKA-5 Har-2
25 Fedor, Mike 25 Hcu-1
26 Nikolajeras, Vidas 22 HC-3 Can-5
26 Allnutt, Peter 22 HC-4 Can-4
28 Lane, Robert 20 NW -2
29 Jones, Charlie 16 NAT-3
30 Fradkin, Igor 11 SKA-4
30 Langelius, Jan 11 NAT-4
32 Farmer, Sam 10 CEN-4
32 Zink, Don 10 MM-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 1
Ike 15 2
NAC 15 3
MM 22 4
SCA 9 5
SAN 8 6
NCA 3 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu 2 11
HIC 1 12
CEN 2 14
COL 2 13
I-C 7 15
SKA 1 16
HC 6 17
Can 6 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 17 20
NWF 6 21
NW 5 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 5 25
Har 3 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 12 28
Ser 11 29
SWC 3 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 7 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Andriukov, Alex 105 Ike-2* NAC-4* MM-2* HC-1 Can-1 NAT-2 Kot-2* Ser-1
1 Jensen, Blake 105 SWR-1 Ike-3* NAC-1 MM-6* CEN-1 COL-1 NWF-5* Kot-3* Ser-3* SWC-1* Pat-4*
3 Ghio, Walt 102 SWR-3* SAN-1 NCA-2* NWF-1 NW -1* USF-2* Ser-2 Pat-1
4 Schlosberg, Aram 77 HC-2 Can-2 NAT-3 Har-3
5 Mathews, Tony 71 Ike-1 MM-4 HC-4 Can-5* NAT-4
6 Jones, Ryan 62 Ike-4 Hcu-1 I-C-2
7 Ackerley, Cameron 61 MM-3 Can-4 NAT-1
8 Felix, Ron 60 NAC-5 HIC-1 SKA-1 Har-1*
9 Malkhasyan, Sevak 59 MM-1 USF-1* Kot-1
10 Jones, Charles 57 SWR-5* Ike-5 Hcu-4 SWC-3 Pat-2
11 Crowley, Paul 52 NAC-3 Hcu-3 I-C-3
12 Norvall, Larry 50 SCA-4 SAN-3 NWF-2 NW -4* Kot-5* Ser-5*
13 Fitch, Jerry 46 NWF-4* NW -3 USF-3 Kot-4* Ser-4* Pat-3
14 Booth, Bill 45 NAC-2 SWC-2
15 O'Dell, Tiffaney 42 SWR-2 SCA-2
15 Simon, Greg 42 MM-5 Hcu-2 I-C-4
17 Morrell, Roger 39 SCA-1 SAN-4 USF-4*
18 McGluckin, Derek 36 NWF-3 NW -2
19 Richardson, Mike 35 SWR-4 CEN-2 USF-5
20 Simon, Evan 32 Hcu-5 I-C-1
20 Horak, Ladi 32 HC-3 Can-3
22 Davis, Mike 28 SAN-2 Pat-5
23 Allen, Carrol 26 HC-5 Har-2
24 Fedor, Mike 25 TCC-1
24 Schroedter,Martin 25 NCA-1
26 Tymchek, Bob 24 SCA-3 SAN-5
27 Pivonka, Jace 20 COL-2
28 Davis, Troy 15 NCA-3
29 Joyner, Lois 10 NAT-5
30 MacCleery, Rich 6 Hcu-5
31 Achterberg, Mike 5 NW -5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike 8 2
NAC 7 3
MM 8 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 1 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC 2 17
Can 2 18
FFF 0 19
NAT -x- 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC 1 27
Kot 6 28
Ser 1 29
SWC -x- 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 3 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Parker, Faust 101 SWR-1 Ike-4* NAC-1 MM-4* Spe-1 TCC-1 Kot-3*
2 Shvedenkov, Yury 77 MM-1 HC-1 Can-1
3 Mc Burnett, Ron 67 Ike-3 NWF-1 NW -1
4 Malkhasyan, Taron 48 Ike-2 MM-2* Kot-1
5 Menanno, Guy 46 NAC-2 Pat-1
6 Roberts, Mike 42 Ike-5* NAC-3* MM-3 Kot-4* Ser-1
7 Perchinsky, Rost 40 HC-2 Can-2
8 Mathis, Dick 38 Ike-1 NAC-4 MM-5* Kot-5*
9 Carroll, Ed 36 Kot-2 Pat-3
10 Loriecki, John E 25 I-C-1
11 Perkins, Daryll 20 Pat-2
12 Chesson, Don 6 NAC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike 1 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 4 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C -x- 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 1 20
NWF -x- 21
NW -x- 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 1 28
Ser -x- 29
SWC 1 30
Sim 1 31
Pat 1 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Secor. Randy 75 MM-2* Kot-1 SWC-1 Pat-1
1 Fedor, Mike 75 SWR-1 NAT-1 Sim-1
3 Hayden Ashworth (jr) 50 Ike-1 MM-1
4 Schneider, Glen 15 MM-3
5 Rounsaville, Dave 10 MM-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 1
Ike 11 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 1 4
SCA 7 5
SAN 1 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 4 14
COL 3 13
I-C 3 15
SKA 2 16
HC 2 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 13 20
NWF 1 21
NW 2 22
Bro 1 23
Rck -x- 24
USF 3 25
Har 5 26
TCC 2 27
Kot -x- 28
Ser -x- 29
SWC 6 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 5 32
AZC 2 33
1 O'Dell, Tiffaney 101 SWR-4* MM-1 SCA-3* CEN-1 COL-1* NWF-1* NW -1 SWC-1 Pat-1*
2 Clapp, John 100 HC-2* NAT-1 Har-1 SWC-2 AZC-1
3 Richardson, Mike 95 SWR-3* Ike-3* SCA-1 CEN-3* COL-2 NAT-2 Bro-1 USF-3* SWC-5*
4 Jones, Geralyn 77 SWR-2 Ike-5* I-C-1 SWC-4 Pat-2
5 Brocks, Peter 74 SWR-5* Ike-1 CEN-4 SWC-3 AZC-2
6 DeLoach, Don 54 CEN-2 COL-3 NAT-3
7 VanNest, Kurt 50 SAN-1 USF-1 Pat-5*
8 Jones, Ryan 49 Ike-2 SCA-4 I-C-3
9 Mathews, Tony 38 Ike-4 HC-1
10 Rousseau, Don 35 SKA-1 Har-4
11 Markos, Chuck 29 I-C-2 NAT-5
12 Ioerger, Tom 26 SWR-1
13 Pelatowski, Larry 25 SKA-2 Har-5
13 Reinhart, Pete 25 TCC-1
15 Jones, Charlie 21 SCA-2
16 Allen, Carrol 20 Har-2
16 Ewing. Rick 20 NW -2
16 Fedor, Mike 20 TCC-2
16 Pykelny, Mike 20 USF-2
20 Davis, Mike 16 Pat-3
21 Acton, Dave 15 Har-3
22 Simon, Greg 14 NAT-4
23 Secor, Randy 11 Pat-4
24 Tymchek, Bob 6 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 3 1
Ike 7 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 2 4
SCA 4 5
SAN 2 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 1 14
COL 1 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 5 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 1 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 1 28
Ser 1 29
SWC 4 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 3 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Jensen, Blake 101 SWR-1 Ike-1 MM-1* SCA-4* CEN-1* COL-1 NWF-1 Kot-1* Ser-1* SWC-3* Pat-2*
2 McKeever, Mike 95 SWR-2* Ike-4* SCA-3* SAN-1 NAT-2 SWC-1 Pat-1
3 Parker, Jim 70 SWR-3 Ike-3* MM-2 SCA-2* SAN-2* USF-1 SWC-4
4 VanNest, Brian 60 SCA-1 SWC-2 Pat-3
5 Sifleet, Bob 46 Ike-2 I-C-1
6 Bauer, Ken 25 NAT-1
6 Powell, Chuck 25 Rck-1
8 Lane, Robert 20 NW -1
9 Fedor, Mike 15 NAT-3
10 Hack, James 10 NAT-4
11 Farmer, Jim 6 Ike-5
12 Reuter. Wes 5 NAT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 3 1
Ike 4 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 2 4
SCA 1 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 2 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 2 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC 1 27
Kot -x- 28
Ser 2 29
SWC -x- 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat -x- 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Parker, Faust 100 SWR-1 Ike-3* MM-1* Spe-1 TCC-1 Ser-1
2 Lorbiecki, John E 71 I-C-1 NAT-1 Ser-2
3 Roberts, Mike 70 Ike-2 NWF-1 NW -1
4 Scheinder, Glenn 61 SWR-3 SCA-1 NAT-2
5 Fedor, Mike 51 SWR-2 Spe-2 NAT-4
6 Ashworth, Hayden (jr) 25 Ike-1
6 Hanford, Bob 25 Rck-1
8 Salburg, Peter 20 MM-2
8 Jim Parker 20 Rck-2
10 Mennano, Guy 16 NAT-3
11 Carroll, Ed 10 Ike-4
12 Morris, Gil 6 NAT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 4 1
Ike 5 2
NAC 4 3
MM 4 4
SCA 1 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA 1 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu 1 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 3 14
COL 2 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC 1 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 1 25
Har 2 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 4 28
Ser 3 29
SWC 1 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat 1 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Sifleet, Bob 101 Ike-2* NAC-3* MM-1 Hcu-1* CEN-1 I-C-1 NAT-1 Kot-1* Ser-1*
2 Murphy, Jack 100 SWR-3* Ike-1 NAC-1 MM-3* CEN-3* COL-1 NAT-3* NWF-1 NW -1* Rck-1* Kot-2* Ser-2* SWC-1*
3 Ioerger, Tom 90 SWR-1 Ike-4* NAC-2 MM-2* SCA-1 CEN-2* COL-2 NAT-4* Kot-4* Ser-3*
4 Ivers, Dick J 81 SWR-2 Ike-3 NAT-2 Har-1
5 Tarcher, Ben 75 NCA-1 USF-1 Kot-3* Pat-1
6 Schlosberg, Aram 61 MM-4 HC-1 NAT-5 Har-2
7 Parker, Julie 25 SWR-4 Ike-5 NAC-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR -x- 1
Ike 8 2
Cal 6 3
MM -x- 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 5 14
COL -x- 13
I-C -x- 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT -x- 20
NWF -x- 21
NW -x- 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 4 28
Ser 4 29
SWC -x- 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat -x- 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Sifleet, Bob 71 Cal-1 CEN-1 Kot-2 Ser-3*
2 Brocks, Peter 67 Ike-1 Cal-5* CEN-3 Kot-1* Ser-1
3 Richardson, Mike 53 Ike-2 Cal-2 CEN-4 Kot-4* Ser-2*
4 Ioerger, Tom 30 CEN-5 Kot-3 Ser-4
5 Jones, Geralyn 28 Ike-3 Cal-4
6 Pangell, Rick 20 CEN-2
7 Terzian, Fred 16 Cal-3
8 Furutani, Brian 12 Ike-4
9 Parsons, David 7 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 1
Ike 9 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 3 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN 4 6
NCA 3 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 5 14
COL 5 13
I-C 1 15
SKA 3 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 19 20
NWF 2 21
NW 2 22
Bro 2 23
Rck 4 24
USF 0 25
Har 2 26
TCC 1 27
Kot 2 28
Ser 3 29
SWC 3 30
Sim 1 31
Pat 1 32
AZC 4 33
1 Murphy, Jack 85 SWR-4* MM-2 CEN-2* COL-2 NWF-2 NW -2* Rck-1 Kot-2* Ser-3* SWC-2* AZC-3*
2 Parker, Julie 77 SWR-5 Ike-3* MM-3* TCC-1 Ser-2 Sim-1
3 McGuckin, Derek 75 Ike-5* MM-1 NWF-1 NW -1 Kot-1* Ser-1*
3 Ivers, Dick J 75 SWR-3 Ike-2 SKA-3 Har-2
5 Brooks, Clint 63 Ike-4 SAN-1 SWC-1
6 Buddenbohm, Stan 57 SWR-1 NAT-1
7 Tarcher, Ben 55 SAN-3 NCA-3 Pat-1
7 Mecham, Allan 55 CEN-1 COL-4* Rck-2 AZC-2
9 Hooke, Drake 50 SKA-1 Har-1
10 Sifleet, Bob 45 I-C-1 Bro-2
11 Terzian,Fred 40 SAN-2 NCA-2
11 DeLoach, Don 40 CEN-3 COL-1 Rck-4*
11 Avia, Yuda 40 SKA-2 NAT-3
14 Hines, Lee 37 SWR-2 SWC-3
15 Murphy, Jerry 35 CEN-4 COL-3 NAT-5
16 Ray, Ralph 28 Ike-1
17 Vanderbeek, Bill 25 NCA-1
17 Abernathy, Mike 25 Bro-1
17 Etherington, Chuck 25 NAT-2
17 Morris, George 25 AZC-1
21 Berry, Dan 15 NAT-4
21 Powell, Chuck 15 Rck-3
23 Crowe, Bernie 10 SAN-4
23 Donnelly, Rober (Robert?) 10 AZC-2
25 King, Troy 5 CEN-5
25 Pangell, Rick 5 COL-5
27 0
27 No. of entrants 26