SEN 2367 - Kiwi F1E - I'm just a regular sportsman, Ike is coming
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 2056
Table of Contents – SEN 2367
- Kiwi World Cup F1E
- I’m just a regular sportsman too
The Isaacson winter classic
PLACE: Holloway Hill, 1.5 miles SE of Bissonette Mirage Field parking, Lost Hills, California - coordinates 35.655°N, 119.787°W. Hill is accessible by car.
SCHEDULE: Five (5) 50-minute rounds
9:00 am Arrival on- Holloway Hill
1st Round 10:00 - 10.50
2nd Round 11:00 - 11:50
3rd Round 12:00 - 12:50
4th Round 13:00-13:50
5th Round 14:00 - 14:50
Fly-off to be announced
AWARDS: 1st through 3rd place awards after completion of contest
EVENT DIRECTOR F1E KIWI CUP: Peter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HEAD JURlST F1E KlWl CUP: Henning Nyhegn, Denmark
NOTE: FAI Sporting License and AMA membership required.
2018 FAI Sporting Code will apply.
Timers will not be provided. Please team up for timing – time one, fly one. .
This is also an America's Cup contest.
In case of inclement weather reserve days are Feb. 13 or 15
HOLLOWAY HILL: This hill was made from overburden when excavating gypsum from the pit. The vertical distance from the hill to the pit floor is approx.. 34m (111ft).
I’m just a regular sportsman too
From:Ian Kaynes
I am replying to Frederic’s comment in SEN2364 about the Bern flyoff that “nobody including Ian Kaynes” has made a protest.
When I am at an event in an official CIAM position I will do everything I can to make sure the event is run as well as possible.
When I am a competitor I am very careful about contact with the organisers during the event for two reasons.
1)There is the potential for conflict of interest when I would be open to criticism that I was arranging the contest to suit myself.
2) It could be very time consuming when I want to be busy in the cycle of retrieving, charging batteries, and flying.
That is not to say that organisers do not ask for my opinions. On Saturday afternoon I was asked about the idea of a six minute max for the last round. I agreed it was a sensible option given the good weather and the shortage of daylight time. But that was without any mention of it only being 6 minutes for the full scores and 4 minutes for the others. That was as much a surprise to me as to anyone else. I didn’t protest because it didn’t affect me. The jury are there to handle protests from anyone who was affected and did protest.
February 10-12, 2018,
Lost Hills,
From: Norm Furutani
It’s coming! The Isaacson Winter Classic / “Kiwi” World Cup and the 2018
edition of Fabulous February! A week of Free Flight at Lost Hills, CA.
It begins with the Ike, February 10 and ends with the MaxMen
International. Registration for the FAI events will actually be Friday,
February 9th.
Three NEW events for the Isaacson: See the flier for specific times
The E36 World Challenge will be held on MONDAY! Thanks to Bill
Vanderbeek, we will have $1000 in prize money. Special T-shirts will be
available. Monday to maximize international competition.
Sunday - Don DeLoach’s Rocky Mountain 5X5 Hand Launch Glider event. 5
rounds, 5 minute window, 15 minute chase period. Max time 90 seconds.
$100 cash prize for 1st place! A special prize for the best 3 man team.
Hulan Mathis’ Old-Time Sport Glow - RPM limited, glow powered, Old
Timers! Ex. Strato Streak powered by an OS Max15. Special, hand crafted
awards. See: for rules
We’re going to again do Tahn Stowe’s Aussie Scramble, so dust off that
Dakota/Ebeneezer etc. and join the fun. Tahn’s bringing more Flying
Carpets and a beautiful little diesel for a prize! After the awards
The full Ike/Kiwi contest flyer will appear in the next SEN
Norm and Roger, CD’s