SEN 2346 - 20 Sept 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1837
Table of Contents SEN 2346
- Bike for Sale
- Altimeters
- I C second Place
Bike for Sale
From:Merry Smith
Norm Smith is selling his 1981 Honda 125XL. Its original owner was Roger Simpson, one of our late flyers. The license is current and we can deliver it to Lost Hills if desired. The sale price is $500.
Contact us at 209-274-2841 or an email will also work.
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Next year the option to use altimeters as a timing aid will be permitted. There is a requirement that the device be certified by the CIAM group that certifies other electronic equipment for the CIAM, notably that used by the R/C ALES events.
So far to our knowledge no units have been certified.
The unit that has been talked about the most is the Fly Dream altimeter as sold by Hobby King and some other retailers. It is inexpensive. We have found that it can fail when temperatures reach the 35-40 C range. This can be read by a PC or Android device
There is also the Altis range by Aerobtec in Solvakia. See in particular the Altis Mini. This can be read by a PC program. This is a little more expensive that Fly- Dream but a more professional product.
I have also used Soaring Circuits earlier Ram2 product that was very good. They have now come out with the RAM3 that is lighter and with more memory. Again a professional product. This is made in the USA. They require a PC to read the altimeter. Their web site is
While their altimeters are not CIAM certified both Aerobtech and Soaring Circuits are familiar with the process as they have F5J certified products
Te altimeters in some popular timers cannot be used as is either because they cannot record the pre-flight signature or the rate of recording is not fast enough
I C second Place
From: Douglas Galbreath
It looks like the advent of the factory F1c models has paved the way back to flyer-built models. Almost any model will get at least second place at any of the recent contests. It was a lot of fun when we built our own models.
editor's comment: maybe Bruce, Doc or John should have flown their classic FAI power models in the event.