SEN 2320
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1578
Table of Contents – SEN 2320
- Szentes HEC Cup 2017 - F1H competition before the World Championships
- It sure is sad …
- Invitation for VSM flying during the World Championships and for Szentes HEC CUP in F1H on August, 6th in Szentes/ HUN
- USA Nats – Social
- Start Planning for October
- Sierra Cup
- Kotuku Cup
Szentes HEC Cup 2017 - F1H competition before the World Championships
Dear Freeflight Friends,
the day after Budapest Worldcup on August,6th will be flown an international F1H contest in Szentes/ Hungary as HEC contest.
More infos about HEC you find on
You find the invitation on
or on Facebook
Bring your F1H model and fly with us !
Tamas Szteblak
It sure is sad …
From: Douglas Galbreath
It sure is sad to look at the results of FAI contests these days. Has F1c run it's course and never to return? What can be done to revive this event?
Douglas Galbreath
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Invitation for VSM flying during the World Championships and for Szentes HEC CUP in F1H on August, 6th in Szentes/ HUN
Dear free flight friends!
A World Championships is a great competition, which requires a lot of preparation and takes all of your energy to save your best performance for the contest day.
VSM sunrise flying is a good way for you to collect experience for the thermal free time of 1st round and evening or 10 min morning Fly Off. Therefore start test flights in the morning, when the temperature is pleasant and you can simulate the 1st round around 7.00 o’clock as start time of the World Cup and World Championships. In VSM it is also possible to fly these 3-5 flights on different mornings. Another possibility is to fly two models, then retrieve both, so you can have four flights on two different mornings or you find another individual own way ... be inventive!
So you are all invited to make 3 - 5 flights during the World Championship days in Szentes/ Hungary according your own timetable between 5"30 and 7"30 and trim your models for the World Champs FLY OFF! But of course all other, who are not in Szentes, can fly at home also VSM during this week.
If you reach the fly off and your model doesn't show the best glide or is stalling, you know what you have missed: “… a VSM session the days before!
If you want to place in the TOP TEN of this World Championships you need to test the performance of your model in calm air. Additional VSM information you find in the VSM Blog under and infos of Szentes VSM
Come out on August, 6th between 5”30 to 7”30 and fly with us a VSM sunrise contest, which will be held before the SZENTES HEC CUP. Bring your F1H model with you and enjoy the glance of HEC with us - more you find on
I wish you a successfull time at the World Championships and will be happy to receive your VSM results from the great sunrise of SZENTES !
VSM Coordinator
USA Nats - Social
From : John Lorbiecki
For those of you going to the NATS and going to the banquet....New prize this year- Wear the best Hawaiian shirt and win a prize...Pass the word...
Start Planning for October
Best time of the year at Lost Hills, the time of year of World Champs 2019
2 World Cup Events in one weekend
Starts Friday 6 Oct with F1E and ends Tues 10 Oct with F1E. All the flatland events in between! Details below
41st Annual Sierra Cup
FAI World and America’s Cup Free Flight Contest
October 8-11th, 2017 in Lost Hills, California
Sponsored by the Southern California Aero Team
Schedule of Events
Sunday, Oct 8th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q (Note the schedule change from past events)
Seven one hour rounds starting at 8:00 AM.
F1A , F1B, F1C and F1Q will have 240 second first round maxes.
Fly off schedule will be posted after round seven. All events will be flown from a line as opposed
to poles. The events will be flown to current FAI rules in a seven round format. An FAI license is
required for those competing for World Cup points and must be shown at registration on the field.
There will be a jury for any potential protests. Protest fee is $20.
Monday OCT 9th: F1G, F1H, F1J/P, F1S
There will be five 90 minute rounds starting at 9 AM which will be shared with Kotuku Cup Mini
Events (one flight per round in each contest). Unlike Kotuku Cup there is no fly to the ground first
round tie breaker. Fly offs will be flown after regular rounds for Sierra Cup. The Kotuku Cup
events will be decided by the early morning tie breaker flights. Maxes will be 120 seconds per
round until fly offs in all Sierra Cup events.
Tuesday Oct 10th: RESERVE DAY and F1E
Any events not previously decided or delayed by weather may use Tuesday as a reserve day.
F1E will be flown “on the F1E hill” starting at 10AM. There will be five rounds flown. F1E reserve
day is Wednesday Oct 11th.
Entry Fees:
FAI events: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1E are $30 per event.
F1G, F1H F1J/P and F1S are $15 per event.
AMA Juniors are $5 per any event.
Entries will be taken on the field prior to the first round of the first event entered. There will be no
assigned timers prior to fly offs and it is expected flyers will support each other for timing and be
available for fly off timer duties. AMA License and Lost Hills Field Association Membership or
daily use fee are required. There is no moto-flapping and RDT is allowed in all events. Care will
be taken to avoid flying into the orchard but if a flyer goes into the trees there are strict chasing
requirements to avoid damaging the orchards.
A potluck dinner will occur after flying at Kotuku Cup Saturday evening. Please bring something
to share. A grill will be provided.
Contest Director
Mike McKeever
981 Fairway Drive
Gardnerville, NV 89460
(916) 390-3212
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Oct 7th-9th Reserve Oct 10th, 2017 at Lost Hills Field, CA
Sponsored by Southern California Aero Team
NEW Friday, Oct 6th F1E 5 rounds starts at 10:00 am
Saturday, Oct 7th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 8:00 AM with extended max times
F1A ,F1B & F1C, 240 seconds first round, F1P AND F1Q, 180 sec first round
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Fly off schedule 30 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted
Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1G 7:30- 7:40; F1H 7:45-7:55; F1S & F1J 8:10 – 8:20
There may be a slight delay if F1A, F1B, F1C require morning fly offs
Standard Four [4) rounds 90 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes,
Fly to the ground to count as round 1 and will be the flyoff tiebreaker
90-minute rounds to be shared with Sierra Cup
Tie breaker as above 10 second engine time to the ground
F1S will run in rounds the same as F1H, F1G, & F1J (10 sec engine 2 minute max)
Entry Fees:
FAI events: FIA, B, C, G, H, J, P, Q; $30 first event, $10 for second
AMA age juniors: $5/event
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places in F1A, B, C, G, H, S, Q, & E
Junior Hi-Time Trophy Glider, Rubber
F1P & F1J 1st only
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY
FAI events run to the 2017 FAI rules
F1E Reserve Day Wednesday October 11th
Flight line will move as needed to avoid retrieval from fields of trees
No Moto-flapping
RDT allowed all events.
Contest Director
Brian Van Nest
2346 Cheyenne Dr
Bishop CA 93514
Home 760-873-5073
Cell 760-937-0177
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