SEN 2314 - 5 July 2017 #Lidberg and SWR # UK Issue # EASA regs?
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1478
Table of Contents – SEN 2314
- Al Lidberg and Southwest Regionals
- F1B Timer for Sale
- Recommended Tracker?
- Share Ideas and Issues
- UK ? SEN Item
- EASA Notification of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-05(A)
Al Lidberg/ Southwest Regionals
from Peter Brocks and Elmer Nelson
Al Lidberg passed away Friday, June 23, 2017. As many of you know, Al had been fighting cancer which ultimately took his life. More information will be passed along to you as arrangements are developed by his family. In the meantime, feel free to email me or call me.
For those who have any question regards the 2018 Southwest Regionals Contest, the organization that Al created will bring that event to you. We have a lot of work to do and have already begun the task.
Elmer Nelson
480-460-1366, cell:602-300-3908, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1B Timer for Sale
Sidus Series 1 F1B Timer system including all parts including timer arm unit, timer board, LiPo battery and charger, programmer, mini RDT TX, and armband holder for mini TX, all as shown, never installed or flown. Price $300USD. Packaging and postage extra.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ted Burfein
Recommended Tracker?
From: George Voss
I’m looking into a new tracking system and I wanted to hear from those who have actually used the item. The two I’m most interested in are the Pyxis and the Icare units. I also looked at the Marco Polo which some use on drones but it weighs 12g which is 3x heavier than the other two. If there are other options out there please feel free to comment on them also. My budget is $500 or less and I’d want 2 transmitters. George Voss
Share Ideas and Issues
In the article after this one Martin Dilly talks about some issue that Free Flight modelers in the UK are currently facing. He did question if a UK “issue” should be brought up in SEN. There is no doubt that we face many issues and also have many good ideas that apply either wholly or partially to us all no matter where we live. Each country does have unique issues caused by geography, weather, history , etc but by sharing questions we can come up with answers quicker.
UK ? SEN Item
From: Martin Dilly
While I’m reluctant to use SEN for what at present is a UK matter, the following has been sent to the UK Free Flight Technical Committee, who have asked for input on rules and changes. A wide dissemination this way will ensure that our increasingly ageing competitors make their thoughts known to the FFTC before we lose more flyers because of unnecessary restrictions or in case the proposal gets mislaid before it can be discussed.
_Motorised Retrieving_
__The average age of free-flight competitors is rising and for a number of the older flyers the physical challenge of retrieving models is now a major problem. Several have stopped competing because of an apparently arbitrary ‘rule’ or guideline that purports to prevent the use of cars for retrieving models, while ‘permitting’ the use of electric bicycles.While cycling off downwind on a convenient runway is the preferred method for most flyers, the upwind return, carrying a model in the face of a strong breeze, poses a serious health risk to some of the older competitors; the last thing that free-flight needs is a mid-field cardiac arrest.
While _chasing_ a model in flight by car is clearly to be discouraged (and indeed I am unaware of anyone having done this on an airfield in the past 50 years or more), using a car to drive round the peri-track to the area in which a model has been seen to land is not a problem; obviously there are not military or other reasons putting peri-tracks out of bounds, or we would not allow forty or so cars to trundle off /en masse/ when there is a wind change, or if someone needs to take a car full ofretrieval equipment or ladders to recover a tree’d model.
A new guideline needs to be published making it clear that a car may be used for retrieving a model providing it keeps to the peri-track and is driven at a suitable speed (is there an military-approved speed for airfields?). The car should not be used to follow a model in flight but only to reach the location in which the model has already been seen to land.
Martin Dilly
EASA Notification of Proposed Amendment NPA 2017-05(A)
From: Julian.pennington
A colleague has brought to my attention the following Notice of
Proposed Amendment issued by EASA which might have implications for Free
Perhaps the wider SEN readership might wish to register comments with EASA
which although is clearly drone focussed it does make reference to
model aircraft....
The proposed regulation is “* NPA 2017-05(A) Introduction of a regulatory
framework for the operation of drones.”*
*The proposed regulation can be accessed at:
*Please note the expiration dates for comments*
Dear Roger
I wonder if you could highlight a series of E Bay adverts for some F1A gliders suitable for gentlemen. Many thanks. Nick
ebay item nos.
Professionally made 15-20 years ago. Suitable for conversion to BMFA Glider, Open glider, can comply with F1A rules. Perhaps F1E wings.Various main long span wings as drawn and shown are available. Some wings are "as new" and uncovered. Some have been used covered with polyester with repairs.
All fuselages & stabs will have been used and repaired, & will require checking, familiarisation and a little refurbishment before use.
Mechanical timer started upon towline release for bunt launch with 2 stage wing wiggler, stab movement for bunt and d/t tip up. Does not require the ridiculous huge effort of a modern F1A glider to launch.
SO DO Contact Seller with requirements to progress.
Various other related items are available.Photos will be added and/or sent.Postage will vary with box size
Collection at East Anglian Gala, Sculthorpe 22 - 23 JULY (Please you will need to be a BMFA member for access to airfield, see BMFA website for reduced joining fees) possible by prior arrangement.