SEN 2278 - 13 March 2017
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1789
Table of Contents – SEN 2278
- I kicked the bee's nest!
- SCAT Annual this coming weekend
- Crazy, man!!
I kicked the bee's nest!
From: John Lorbiecki
Well, I sure can create some "interest" at times, can't I? There have been a few comments in regard to who the heck is this dude...
For those of you that don't know me, I am the president of the National Free Flight Society. I (with my son) has been to three WC's, with the kid taking a second and first (Slovakia and France) in F1J, and a relatively solid (for his first shot) showing in F1C in the Ukraine- so I know a little bit about WCs. Plus, I do fly F1A for sport (yes McKeever), normally straight tow but have circled and bunted a bit. If you look at the Cup results in F1A my name is somewhere in the middle the last 5 plus years. And, because of my duties I haven't been able to fly what I really like, F1C and I do have four conventional non geared models as well as a geared fixed wing and a Babenko folder (geared). So I know a bit about that too. And I have been involved in WCs here in the US (the 1988 WC indoor event at Johnson City) as well as running the USA Nats many times.
My primary interest as NFFS president is increasing FF participation in the USA- both AMA and FAI. When I see an event dwindling in contestant count, I (as well as my board) try to see what can be done to improve it. My idea was mostly to rattle the cage a bit and see comments coming from it. And, we did see what is going on worldwide. I see that F1A has been very popular overseas and that is great!
As a mechanical engineer in the medical industry, I work with high tech items daily. I like state of the art processes and FAI is definitely that. And, that is good! FAI has been the springboard for most leaps in technology and this has the trickle down effect to all classes. AMA flyers now commonly use carbon in their structures. They use engine development to improve performance. They use the tracking devices to help find their models. All of this is a direct result of quantum leaps by the FAI fliers.
I do not want this to stop. However, I would love to see increases in participation here in the US. Ross made some good comments and he is a smart guy. I too (as I would bet everyone reading this) has a stock pile of old models that will never be flown again. These all come from the gains in performance making them irrelevant or rule changes. F1C is a perfect example- the 4 second engine run made it so that to truly be world champion material you need a specific style of model. This change made hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of very nice models somewhat obsolete- you can still fly them but when you know that after the 6 minute flyoff you now have the "knife at a gun fight" mode.
Let's keep the conversation going on this. Let's keep looking at how we can first, keep those flying the events flying and second, get more in the fold. Rule changes are just part of the gig, so we need to make sure that each change is properly vetted. Before the change is made, it should be tried out- perfect example is F1P as it seemed no one tried the event before accepting it for competition. Plus, we also saw similar things happen to F1D. Yes, we have many smart people that could fly a popsicle stick but we need to keep in mind that we are in this for the competition and the fun. And, after the trial period, reexamine the results and improve it. We can not just sit around a table and come up with rules. Ross's comments on P-30 and E36 are perfect. These started with a good idea and then it evolved to what they are today.
Thanks to everyone for commenting and looking forward to working with the community to make Free Flight Great Again (OK, so I copied that from someone else!)
SCAT Annual this coming weekend, March 18-19. 20th reserve day.
Green grass but no rain, no mud!
mid 55 deg F to mid 70 deg F
3 mph morning, 7 mph thermal gusts in afternoon.
Great Free Flight weather
After Saturday flying, SCAT sponsored burger cook by Chef McKeever.
Bring your own drinks and chairs. Unorganized potluck for chips-dips, dessert etc.
Planning for 18 burger + 6 veggie burgers. Salad.
RSVP to Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
**Saturday, March 18: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times
F1A and P: 240 sec, F1B and Q: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Flyoff times will be posted
**Sunday, March 19: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1S
Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1G 7:45- 7:55; F1H 8:00-8:10; F1J &S 8:15-8:25
Standard Five [5] rounds 45 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted.
If tied at end of standard and two FO rounds, tie breaker flight will determine the winner
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider, E-36, ½ A Nostalgia, Classic Towline Glider 8AM-5PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider, P30, ABC Nostalgia Gas, 8AM-4PM
We will be doing a mini catapult glider session with the Lost Hills Kids on Sunday, 10a to 1p, Jim Parker and Mike McKeever will coordinate but several helpers needed depending on number of kids that come. Flexibility of rounds for mini-event flyer / helps will be provided.
Thermals, JIM
Crazy, man!!
From: Bob Beecroft
I'm flying with Booth and others at Perris this morning and the phone beeped, an email. Looked and it's Norman Poti who's sent photos of two acoustical tachs asking me to make an offer...I didn't even know SEN was out with the request!
Done deal. Fantastic tool, SEN!
Thanks so much.