SEN 2255 - 4 Feb 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1373
Table of Contents - SEN 2255
- CIAM Next Few Months
- America’s Cup Banquet
- Organizer’s links
- Fooled by Fancy Format
- Another weather station
CIAM Next Few Months
The CIAM Technical Committee and Plenary meetings will take place April 28 & 29. As Ian Kaynes’ mentioned in his FF News report (see SEN 2241), the official agenda of Free Flight proposals will not likely be available until late Feb. At that time, a U.S. poll will be conducted via Survey Monkey to gather preferences and opinions. As was done last cycle, the results will be evaluated by group (F1A, B, C, E team selection program participants, F1A, B, C, E, G, H, J, P, Q, S non-program flyers, non-FAI flyers, etc.). Once the U.S. has developed opinions on each issue, the real work starts - networking. There will be many flyers around the world who share our views and they need to be having conversations with their respective CIAM Technical Committee (TC) representatives. It is vital to the process that each TC member comes to the April meeting with an understanding of the wishes of the flyers he/she represents. I will be sharing the U.S. polling data and debating the issues with them, but it is as much, or more, important that we discuss these proposals with our international friends and encourage them to engage their TC representatives. I will advise when the official agenda is available. Thanks.
Chuck Etherington
America’s Cup Banquet
Menu for the Am Cup Banquet , Feb 18, 2017, 7:00 pm.
Catered by the Willow Ranch Restaurant:
Pork loin
Deep Pit Chicken
Potatoes Au Gratin
Green Beans
Dinner roll
BBQ sauce and salsa
Brownies and Cookies
Bottled Beer, Soda and water
Red and White wine (new this year)
First six paid vegetarians get main dish from the Van Nest kitchen, thereafter: veggy burgers along with the potatoes au gratin, green beans and dinner roll
The banquet is near capacity so sign-up using the Fab Feb on line registration.
All Fab Feb attendees welcome
Note if you have already entered and now decide you want to do the banquet you can reply to you sign up confirmation email with the changes or send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: Lost Hills California, Wonderful Park, Highway 46 and Lost Hills road.
North Recreation Building, (just North of Lost Hill Fire Department on Lost Hills Road)
Thermals, JIM
America’s Cup Coordinator
Online Links to Fab Feb
Last year one of the International sportsmen coming from the Ukraine was asked by Customs and Immigration at the point of entry to the USA for web site about the Model Airplane event he was attending. For our international visitors here are 3 links that have that information,
The organizer’s link
The NFFS link
The AMA’s Link – this generates a search of the AMA calendar that finds our events. The AMA calendar holds information on all events nation wide. This show s FF event in CA for Feb.
Fooled by Fancy Format
(geek section)
One person who has entered fab Feb was worried because he could not find his name on the list in the last SEN. Our new SEN service provider gives us automatic reformatting for screen size. The names were in two columns in alphabetical order of family name. When views on a mobile phone in portrait format it mashed the two columns together so he did not see his name . Viewing it in landscape format or on a PC or MAC would have shown the 2 columns and he probably would have found his name.
We think about half of our readers view SEN on a mobile device so will look at making the formatting even more fancy in the future so it is more clear to all.
Another weather station
It turns out that you can also get the Lost Hills weather from James Dean at Blackwells Corner on Wunderground. So for another look enter Blackwells Corner into Wunderground or try
Thanks for Rene at Favionics for this update, maybe his electronics found it ?
For the James Dean story go to Blackwells Corner or try Google.
Not sure which station gives the most reliable results – someone care to report after the events ??