SEN 2046
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1736
- NFFS Sympos Shipping
- Stonehenge and Equinox
- Mongolia report
- Geography and Politics not always the same
- Mongolian TV
2015 NFFS Symposium Now Ready to Ship
The 2015 Sympo is now available, and can be purchased on the NFFS website or by check directly from NFFS Publications Service, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR 97321. Cost is still $35 per copy, and shipping in the USA is still $5.75 .
Check the website for a picture of the cover and a copy of the table of contents. It's a very appealing issue.
26/27th September 2015
26/27th September 2015
Entries for these two World Cup events must be received by John Carter by not later than 18th September 2015.
Entry Forms and further details are available from Peter Tribe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RE: SEN 2045 - Mongolia Report
From: Gene Ulm
What a great report! As with any travel report, the real test is: after reading it, do you wish you were there? For me the answer would be definitely yes.
Report on Mongolia
From: Lee Hines
I must tell you how enjoyable it was reading your SEN commentary about Mongolia WCh 2015.
Seemed to be like a word painting!
Gene and Lee
I must admit that I went to Mongolia with a certain amount of trepidation but found all the things that really mattered for a major Free Flight contest to be taken care of and the people of Mongolia very accomodating to strange group of foreigners who descended upon them. When flying in the event you have to really focus on what you are doing so it is hard to report on the action in the contest and what a particular person did to win or not win for that matter. But I could report the general aspects of the event.
While some people were critical of the changing weather conditions I found, on F1B days at least that it presented a reasonable challenge that a top sportsman needed to be able deal with to become a World Champion.
I had originally thought of this as a once in a life time trip but like Chris Edge's comment on FaceBook I would certainly consider going back for another event.
Like most people who went to the event we did some touristing and enjoyed the 13th century camps, visiting Turtle Rock and the nearby Monastery, getting an over view of Mongolian History at the National Museum in Ulaan Baatar, wandering in the central Genghis Khan square in Ulaan Baatar, shopping for the grand kids in the State Department Store , looking at Cashmere and just admiring the countryside. When you look at a map of Mongolia and understand that we only went 70km from Ulaan Baatar you realize that we only saw a very small part of the entire country.
..... and Gene if you company gets the chance to do some work in Mongolia take it ....
Re: SEN 2045 - What's in Asia ?
From: Ben-Itzhak, Itzik
I hope this reaches all readers, but I guess a Geography lesson is needed. :-)
The opening statement about the FF WC in Mongolia, namely, "This was the first time the World Championships for Free Flight Model Airplanes had been held in Asia", is incorrect.
That should have been stated, correctly, in 1999, when Israel hosted the World Championship in Free Flight Model Airplanes.
Last time I checked the maps, Israel appeared to be in Asia... :-)
I am glad to hear that Mongolia hosted a beautiful championship, and my compliments to them for the organization.
I am just trying to keep our Geography knowledge correct.
Best Wishes,
Itzik Ben-Itzhak
(i.e. born in Asia :-)
So I wrote to Itzik ....
As far as the FAI is concerned Israel is in Europe because it takes part in the Euro Champs
And he replied ...
From: Ben-Itzhak, Itzik
Not exactly Roger, :-)
The whole middle east block was invited to join the European championship.... long story if you would like to hear why and how this was passed (the final resolution was a Russian one, surprisingly).
In spite of FAI definitions... Israel is still in Asia :-)
Link to Mongolian TV archives
The archives of MNB, Mongolian National Broadcaster, on of the sponsors of this years World Champs have some of the programs that were shown on Mongolian TV on line. Because of the distance to Mongolia from many countries there may be buffering delays. Even though the commentary is in Mongolia this was shot by a professional TV crew and the video is excellent. Great view of the opening and flying. Many well know international sportsmen are featured.
Roger Morrell