SEN 1996
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- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1737
- contENts, F1S, nitpick, etc...
- FAC @ Perris
contENts, F1S, nitpick, etc...
From: Lee Hines
Sir SENer RM, I for one have had many a guffaw uPOn opening the latESt SEN misSIves, to observe if the header has an interesting spelling/misspelling to triGGer my variable pulse rate...or nOT. HeNCe, I for one apPREciate our somEWhat dislexic SEN RedaCTuers' siGNatory indiCAtor of the geNUine aRTicle.
NUF sed there, but in all seriousness re F1S inclusion: I totally agree with Don Kaiser. We, as is SCAT longtime thrust, should be encouraging any FAI contest organisers to run F1S along with their MINI events. With the visible gain of E36 flyers, it seems logical that it should be embraced by the FAI global community.
Free Flight Quarterly #55 has appeared
From: Sergio Montes
As in past occasions, could you please publish in SEN this summary of the contents of the new issue?
The editorial of the new issue of Free Flight Quarterly considers the reaction to the proposals put to CIAM by several countries. It does seem that most of the modellers writing to SEN (as a forum) have taken a very adverse position with respect to these proposals. They criticize the actual measures suggested in the proposals to make contest FF more accessible and to stimulate the flagging numbers in some of the categories, particularly F1C.
The high wing cabin model has been a very popular design in the small rubber category, with hundreds of rather similar designs coming from USA, UK and other European countries in the period 1935-1970. In this 3-part series, it is shown that these models are quite clearly derived from the light civil aviation airplanes developed from the late 1920's and which achieved a surprising popularity when Piper, Aeronca, Taylocraft and other manufacturers created in the middle 1930's an affordable and easy to fly type of airplane. On each of the parts of the article there are plans and an analysis of the models presented. The first part considers the Phantom Fury, Korda Victory, Lanzo Cabin and Veron Sentinel. All the models share specifications of between 24" to 36" span, with a free-wheeling propeller and a two-wheel landing gear.
Allard van Wallene contest report brings us to the Rhone World Cup F1A event of 2014, which had a star concurrence of 42 competitors at the highest level. The event was finally won by Roland Koglot in a close fly-off against Jama Danier and Mikhail Kosonoshkin.
In the early 1940's, the prolific American designer Sal Taibi brought out one of his most popular creations, the Pacer Class C and class B gas designs. The Pacer had a feature that has intrigued modellers ever since, namely the fact that the stab has an inverted profile, and is set at a negative decalage (stab at a higher incidence than the wing) . There is no doubt that Pacer performs well with this unorthodox stab arrangement. It is shown in the article that, in spite of the inverted position, the stab does not lift downward. The arrangement in the end was similar to the orthodox one and had no advantages and a much larger drag.
Jim O'Reilly wrote in 1978 a very famous article for /Model Aviation/ on how to make laminated prop blades. He has updated this article for FFQ, including now the planform and pitch distribution of the Stefanchuk blades, to supplement the Schwartzbach blade design of the older article.
The saga of the Dick Korda's victory in the 1939 Wakefield competition is told in fresh and vivid terms by Bill Winter in the original /Air Trails/ article of November 1939, that we reprint with an excellent original plan of this famous model.
John Kamla, the very well known P-30 designer, presents here accurate and detailed plans for the construction of a torque meter suitable for this small-rubber category. The design of the torquemeter is such that it can be built with very simple tools and does not require separate calibration.
Not many measurement of a a large glider in calm indoor conditions are available. In this short article Oskar Czepa tells the story of his research using an A2 (F1A) size glider in a large gymnasium in Austria. Accurate measurements of flight speed, glide angle and wing characteristics were obtained. The model was launched at the correct angle and speed with a drop-weight system not unlike that used by the Wright brothers.
Gavin Manion describes his F1G model, presenting the development of this already successful design, which was inspired essentially by the SOCoupe of Sean O'Connor, and also incorporates the noseblock and propeller by Edgardo Figueroa.
Paul Rossiter contributes a highly detailed article on "Thermals and Picking Lift", an article (with abundant references) that will surely inspire many competitors. Paul addresses the structure and movement of thermals, the systems that enable measurement of their speed and temperature and more importantly, the interpretation of this data, crucial for the effective implementation of the information.
We conclude with the second part of the 1957 article from /American Modeler /magazine that surveyed the techniques for trimming power models. /American Modeler/ interviewed more than 20 of the top designers of the time in USA and summarized their views in this useful compilation.
The cover and full table of contents of the new issue is available in our website :
Sergio Montes
From: Roger Willis
April 18th and 19th kicks off the FAC season in California with a BIG 11
event contest organized by the SCALE STAFFEL FAC-41. It will be held at
Taibi Field in Perris California. The Red Lion hotel is 5 minutes from the
field . Ontario airport is best for this event.
This will be much fun with 4 mass launches and several duration events [
remember no folders ].
Contest Directors: George Mansfield and William Scott
Roger Morrell