SEN 1991
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 2071
- Mentor Award
- USA 2016 Junior Team program
- I never of such a thing
- Mini-Tri
- Our F1 Enjoy,ment
- to C or not to C, SAM?
- Ethanol Fuel?
Mentor Award
I would like to publically thank SCAT and the NFFS for bestowing upon me the perpetual Mentor Award. My support of Jr. F1B flyer Jace Pivonka has been personally rewarding in its own right and the last thing I expected was formal recognition. On the trophy my name looks quite out of place below the names of some of the great contributors to our sport. Thank you again for the honor.
Chuck Etherington
USA 2016 Junior Team program
5161 East Memorial Drive Muncie, Indiana 47302 (765) 287-1256 – Business (765) 289-4248 – Fax (800) 435-9262 – Membership Services |
The junior team selection program exists to provide a substantial reward to young Free Flight modelers who have demonstrated a high degree of interest in the sport and the willingness to continually improve their flying skills and the performance of their models. They must demonstrate a degree of proficiency of competing with their models without direct adult involvement. The purpose of this program is to provide a fair process of selecting the Junior Free Flighters to compete in the Junior FAI Free Flight World Championship currently scheduled for 2016 in Prilep, Macedonia.
Any person who will be under the age of 19 throughout the entire calendar year of 2002 is eligible.
Eligible interested individuals enter the program by filling out an application (Jr TSP Form A). It is recommended that the application be submitted as soon as possible to receive Junior Team selection newsletters but no later than September 1, 2015. There is no monetary charge for Junior Team Selection program entry. The AMA license fee and any contest entry fees are the responsibility of the entrant. The events to be flown are F1A Nordic, F1B Wakefield, and F1P Power.
The junior program will be governed by the Senior Free Flight Team Selection Committee. The JrTSC shall appoint a Junior Team Selection Committee (JrTSC) which is to be composed of three to four adults. The JrTSC members will hold the following positions at a minimum: Chairperson, Score keeper and Fund Raiser. It is desired to select active FAI FF modelers that attend numerous FAI FF contests in order to witness as many Jr FF modelers as possible. It is also desired to have one JrTSC member in the East, Central and West part of the country. Interested individuals should contact the JrTSC Chairman after the proceeding Junior World Championships. If a JrTSC member has a family member applying for the Jr Team, they will not be eligible to participate in that event's ranking process for that event. For this program, the JrTSC members are:
Chairperson: Charlie Jones
Score Keeper: Jim Parker
Fund Raising: tbd
The USA Junior FAI Free Flight Team Selection Program (JrTSP) for the 2016 World Championships will be based on a two- part process.
1. Ranking using 2015-16 America Cup Competition results.
2. Ranking based Jr Team Selection Committee’s evaluation of the Junior’s flying proficiency and team member interaction.
The junior’s three best AmCup contest points will be added together and ranked in order, highest point total ranked 1, seconded highest points ranked 2 etc. Points will be retroactively awarded for contests flown prior to entry.
Junior entrants ranking will be based on the total points from the three best America Cup contest results between January 1, 2015 and February 20, 2016, one of which must be from the following designated list.
- Southwest Regional’s, Eloy AZ, 2015 Martin Luther King Weekend
- Max Men International, Lost Hills, CA, 2015,
- Spence Memorial, Denton, TX, May 30-31,2015
- Hatscheck Int’l Challenge, Wawayanda, NY, May 30-31,2015InterCities Meet, Muncie, IN, June 20-21, 2015
- kyscraper Annual, Wayawanda NY, June 26-27 2015
- Centennial Cup, Denver CO, July 11-12, 2015
- United states FF Champs, Muncie IN, July 27-31, 2015
- NW FF Champs, Tangent OR, Aug 22-23,2015
- California Invitational (Livotto’s) Oct 2015 Columbus Day Weekend
- SW FAI Challenge, Las Vegas, NV Oct. 2015 date tbd
- Arizona Championships, Eloy, AZ, Dec.5-6, 2015
- Southwest Regional’s, Eloy AZ, 2016 Martin Luther King Weekend
- Max Men International, Lost Hills, CA 2016 Presidents Day Weekend
Note the dates are notional and should be verified before attending. The dates and locations of the America Cup contests are available at the National Free Flight Society, website:
In the event the junior attends one of the above designated contests and the contest is cancelled, or does not complete the required 5 rounds, the designated AmCup contest criteria will no longer apply. The junior still needs to complete three AmCup contests.
The points will be based on the individual’s regular round time total ratioed to the regular round time total of the winning score. Regular round time total means that the flyoff times are not used. The winning score is per the America Cup rules (that is, it includes all America Cup entrants including the open entrants but not foreign flyers). Three (best) contest point totals within 2% of each other will be considered a tie and the tied junior’s will receive the lowest (better) ranking.
Example 1: Top Reg. Rnd time = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 300sec FO + 455 sec FO = 2015 sec
Jr competitor = (180 x 3 rnd) +150 + 133 + 167 sec = 990 sec
Score = [990 / (180 x 7)] x 100 = 79 points
Example 2: Top Reg. Rnd time = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 300sec FO + 455 sec FO = 2015 sec
Jr competitor = (180 sec x 7 rnd) + 172 sec FO
Score = [180 x 7 / (180 x 7)] x 100 = 100 points
Example 3: Top Reg. Rnd time = 1135 sec
Score = [1135 / 1135)] x 100 = 100 points
The individual times and points achieved by the junior team entrants will be maintained by the America Cup Score Keeper and published on SCAT Electronic News (SEN) and sent by AMA a hardcopy of the Junior Team Section Newsletter to those who have registered per Section 1.0.
Junior Team Selection Committee’s Evaluation
The second ranking is the JrTSC evaluation of the junior’s flying proficiency, model preparation, interaction with other junior flyers. The level of competition, flying conditions and max times at the America Cup contests will also be considered during the ranking process. Also the maturity level of the junior as determined by the junior’s ability to travel overseas, this will be evaluated from an overview of the minor junior flyer with the parent or legal guardian that would attend the Junior World Championship. The junior flyer that is determined to require less adult intervention while preparing and flying their models will receive a lower (better) ranking. This will be determined by the observation of the JrTSC. They will also make inquiries of other active FAI Free Flight modelers as needed. The evaluation form in Appendix A will be the basis for the evaluation. Additional Criteria will be added if needed. The juniors will be ranked in order, highest point total ranked 1, seconded highest points ranked 2 etc.
Team Selection
The AmCup based ranking score will be added to the JrTSC ranking to determine the three team members and 4th alternate. In the event of a tie, the JrTSC will re-evaluate using the above described criteria to break the tie.
The top three junior flyers will be required to complete the AMA team membership agreement form, which will be sent from AMA. The final announcement of the Junior Team will then be made for the 2014 Junior World Championships with goal to do so by February 29, 2016. It is the prerogative of the JrTSC not to select a full 9-member team as deemed appropriate due to the qualifications of the applicants or funding constraints.
The JrTSC will also maintain the authority to place late entrants in uncontested Junior Team positions, but is not obligated to fill an open team position. Application for an uncontested team position must be submitted in writing or email to the JrTSC chairman by March 30, 2016. The junior must provide contest performance information as an attachment to Form A. If more than one application is received, the JrTSC will use the evaluation criteria listed above to fill the open team position.
Team members must have before traveling a current NAA membership and a passport for both travel and to verify age as required by FAI regulations.
The Academy of Model Aeronautics requires that all minors have a parent or a legal guardian with them during the Junior World Championship trip. A legal guardian must have documented power of attorney and commit to travel with the minor and be responsible for the minor for the entire trip. The Junior Team Manager must submit to a background check in compliance with AMA regulations. The Junior Team Manager has the discretion to accept or not to accept the legal guardianship of a minor if so requested.
AMA will provide up to $400 (subject to change) for travel to and from W.C. per team member and the Junior World Champion entry fees and room and board per team member. Donations will be sought to offset any additional costs of travel and competitions. However, it will be the responsibility of the team member to pay for any additional costs if donation funds are not available.
Each model must have an identifying voucher on the wing per the FAI Sporting Code. Vouchers are available through AMA Headquarters. Other regulations are as specified for that model type in the FAI Sporting Code. These must be certified on the voucher as being in these regulations and vouching of models.
Mail Completed Form to or email equivalent information to:
Jim Parker
North Hills, CA 91343
I never heard of such a thing
From: Carrol Allen
A couple of years ago I watched a PBS program agout a hot air ballon contest held in Albuquerque,NM. They explained all the different events and I was just ammazied as I did not know there were balloning contest. The thought si could we some how to have PBS at the Nats or Lost Hill during February so that what we do is more visable. I talk to a lot of people that say"I never heard of such a thing"
Carrol Allen
From: William East
Hello Roger,
After reading the last SEN's it is apparent there is wide spread concern over the future of the priority F1 events.
SEN 1990 indicated that Electric power may be the way to go.
So ....... With Aringers new F1H the electric F1P and the Coupe F1G could be flown as a tri-athalon Event, in other words the same person flies all 3 classes to produce a score.
1.Small field events.
2.Easy to Transport.
3.Reasonably cheap.
4.Option to purchase model if required.
5.Juniors seem to be interested.
6. One day it might become a World Champs event.
Just a thought
Bill East
Our F1 Enjoyment
From: Roger Simpson
First let me make a statement pertaining to Competition Organizers.
Competitions are for the Competitors, not for the Organizers. Organizers,
if you seek to organize and conduct a competition, you do it with the rules
that are established for the Competitors. If your site has limitations.....
figure out how to deal with the imitations for your site... and don't expect
your limitations to dictate other competitions at other sites.
Hopefully Ian Kaynes and the rest of the CIAM Technical Free Flight
Committee members understand that the reason that all of us, we the
competitors, fly and compete in the F1 events, is that we, we the
competitors, enjoy doing it. We enjoy the level of technical advancement
that has gone, unchecked, into our models, and the performance that we
achieve from our models.
Also, I hope that the committee realize just how serious the F1 competitors
take their sport, and yes, we do resist the changing of any F1 event rules
and or specifications. We have much time and money invested in our
equipment, we vigorously oppose changing such rules when other avenues of
dealing with time and distance are involved.
It is no wonder that the Fab Feb contests each February at Lost Hills are
attended by so many countries and Sportsmen.. they come for and enjoy the
highest level of performance with their F1 models .... the size of the field
and the performance times that can be attained (yes, performance times at
Lost Hills are due largely in part because we fly over desert ground that
produces extremely buoyant air) and because of the ease of retrieving.
In 2014 there were in excess of 30 countries represented, 22 countries came
this year... most likely down this year as many Sportsmen were saving their
money for the expensive trip to Mongolia this summer for the World
Championships. They came to compete against the large number of other
competitors and because they could enjoy the performance of their models.
The size of the competition sites in other countries should never hold
hostage the larger sites that other countries have. I spoke of this earlier
in a SEN article... The flying site size can be tied to Competition
Categories, with predetermined Category rules.
Extreme flyoff distances and times can be controlled by a constant flyoff
time (say 5 or 6 minutes) and shorter flyoff windows (say 5 minutes for the
first flyoff round, 3 minutes for the second flyoff round, and 2 minutes for
any subsequent flyoff rounds). Believe me when I say the number of flyoff
maxes will drop dramatically. We did this at council contests in northern
California.. It works!
Yesterday I completed the NFFS survey regarding proposed rule changes. It
appears that all NFFS members are allowed to comment on the rules, I do not
agree with that, it is none of their business.
Also, I was appalled by the number of proposals that were submitted. I
really wonder why, why so many.... were some of the proposals meant to lower
performance for dubious reasons, say by some individual or country that has
slipped in there competition performance, or by some country that has no
suitable flying sites suitable for any level of performance. Or perhaps a
desire to cripple the model industry in a particular country.
Does everyone realize that now there are only three sources for competitive
F1C engine. All in the Ukraine. The Nelson is gone (Doug does a great job
in keeping the existing ones running}. Only Verbitsky's gear engine,
Babenko's B2 direct drive engine, and the Fora factory engines are
available. Two of these three sources are individual F1C fliers who do it
for the good of the F1C event. If drastic F1C rule changes are enacted that
effect either of those two, availability will become a real problem.
Lastly, to all the non F1C fliers who are interjecting the demise of F1C,
why are you doing it? My event is none of your business. Concentrate on
your own event, become successful in your event, I wish you much success.
As to the future, look forward.. what happened in the past is old news, the
world will never return to the builder of the model rule, today's youngsters
will fly F1 events if they want to, if not there is nothing you can do about
it. And if they do, they will want something that challenges them, their
minds are desiring technical challenges, not a sanding block.
Roger Simpson
to C or not C, SAM ?
From: Ross Jahnke
The last US SAM Champs, the biggest SAM contest in the country, for which
results are posted online is the 2013 event in Nevada. By my count 37
individuals *actually flew* free flight models at that event. The number of
DNF's in the free flight events was exactly half of the number of entrants.
Though I didn't track the names of the DNF's, the total number of people
who paid an entry fee is likely between 55 and 65. The small rubber classes
saw more than ten entrants complete a flight, most events had five or less
do so. Does "nearly extinct" describe 37 actual participants at a national
contest? Its your call Gil.
And the others are right, if a simplified F1C would attract competitors,
then we should see more than three adults flying F1P. With no evidence that
people are clamoring to fly a simple FAI gas event, all a rule change will
do is cause upheaval for current participants. F1C will survive the longest
if it is left alone, so that existing models, modelers and manufacturers
continue without interruption.
Ethanol in F1C fuel
From: Roger Simpson
Again, I sincerely hope that the CIAM Technical Free Flight committee
members are taking a hard look at all the rule change proposals, especially
the proposal to replace Methanol Alcohol in our F1C fuel with Ethanol.
Methanol has been the basic ingredient for all glow model airplane engines
as long as I can remember (I ran my first glow engine in 1948.. was hand
starting .35 engines for older combat fliers when I was 16..loved it!!!) We
use to have Nitro Methane in our F1C fuel, than went to the standard
methanol/oil for F1C in 1966. All of our engines, I repeat, all of our F1C
engines worldwide, are set up to run the methanol/oil fuel.
So is this Ethanol proposal submitted with all kinds of test data, actual
results over many years, with many engines tested, and the test result
officially and properly authenticated? Or is this just the result of
beerhall musing? Does, or has, the country that made this proposal ever
manufactured a F1C engine, does anyone from this country fly F1C?
I personally consider this proposal stupid. We have, literally, many
thousands of dollars of F1C engines worldwide that are set up to run on our
standard methanol/oil F1C fuel. Why on earth would we even consider any
change to our fuel when we know nothing about how any engine would run on
ethanol fuel?
Another statement that was part of the NFFS survey dealt with how did I feel
about F1C fuel exhaust polluting the environment.
Really??? I am out in the middle of Lost Hills flying F1C, nothing around
for miles, dealing with the smell of the processing plant four miles to the
North, trying not to step in the sheep droppings, dealing with the smell of
the droppings, or I am on the flying field in Sacramento or the only one
here in Texas and I am trying not to step in all the cow piles.. and I
should worry about F1C exhaust fumes polluting the environment..... give me
a friggen break!
In 1974 I flew in a contest in northern Germany, near Bremen. There were
cow piles everywhere and the biggest damn bull I had ever seen. They kept
him chained to a huge stake, thank heavens.
Roger Simpson
Roger Morrell -->