SEN 1879
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1796
- Ike Results
- Altimeter Timer
- Dino 1
- Kanga-Dino 2
Ike Winter Classic Non-FAI event scores
2015 Isaacson Winter Classic
Saturday MacCready HLG Total Place
Tim Batiuk 112 39 44 110 79 71 301 1
Don DeLoach 106 70 105 54 57 85 296 2
Jace Pivonka 59 82 56 67 77 53 226 3
Bill Koran 48 71 65 184 4
Saturday AMA CLG
Tim Batiuk 103 48 83 120 306 1
Bill Koran 4 100 120 12 62 35 282 2
Andy Bandy 68 55 75 74 62 8 217 3
Fred Terzian 44 44 47 135 4
Sunday MacCready CLG
Bill Koran 88 50 59 82 80 120 290 1
Jace Pivonka 57 57 72 83 100 100 283 2
Ralph Ray 47 54 38 120 83 66 269 3
Lee Hines 63 108 52 74 65 87 269 3
Malcom Campbell 56 71 64 64 38 43 199 5
Derek McGuckin 46 45 42 39 94 41 185 6
Kathy Burford 40 55 59 59 173 7
Paul Crowley 60 43 67 6 32 38 170 8
Fred Terzian 48 44 56 50 22 55 161 9
Jack Murphy 0 29 37 54 120 10
Jayden Sage (jr) 15 9 25 8 24 16 65 11 1st Jr
Ben Tarcher 23 23 12
Stan Buddenbohm 13
Sunday AMA HLG
Tim Batiuk 71 80 120 120 91 59 331 1
Ken Bauer 120 70 87 120 75 33 327 2
Jace Pivonka 48 72 120 66 48 120 312 3
Don DeLoach 120 74 88 53 54 95 303 4
Bill Koran 40 61 57 80 120 40 261 5
Gene Ulm 83 68 53 53 47 30 204 6
Fred Terzian 66 42 41 80 34 41 188 7
Andy Bandy 34 42 27 42 40 33 124 8
Stan Buddenbohm 120 120 9
Ben Tarcher 0 0 10
Classic Glider
Enes Pecenkovic 120 122 132 374 1
Jasminka Pecenkovic 120 51 195 366 2
Tim Batiuk 117 104 138 359 3
Stan Buddenbohm 120 120 120 120 120 120 720 1
Don Kaiser 120 120 120 120 119 599 2
Ralph Ray 120 120 120 120 116 596 3
Jack Murphy 120 120 120 120 95 575 4
Clint Brooks 120 120 120 120 480 5
Hal Cover 120 120 120 120 O/R 480 5
Derek McGuckin 120 120 120 92 452 6
Rich Ivers Jr 120 120 120 63 423 7
Lee Hines 120 120 108 348 8
Don DeLoach 120 120 38 278 9
Ben Tarcher 80 120 75 275 10
Dick Ivers Sr 0 0 11
Matt Gewain 0 0 12
Second E-36 World Open
(maximum score: 200.00%)
1 Ralph Ray 182.78%
2 Don Kaiser 155.68
3 Jack Murphy 144.15
4 Clint Brooks 137.99
5 Lee Hines 135.90
6 Hal Cover 130.16
7 Stan Buddenbohm 103.17
8 Derek McGuckin 95.06
9 Dick Ivers, Jr. 58.75
10 Ben Tarcher 54.06
Jack Murphy 71 71 1
Don Bartick (HB) 120 120 120 150 510 1
Paul Masterman 120 120 120 88 448 2
Don Bartick 120 120 120 68 428 3
Clink Brooks 120 120 116 356 4
Ates Gurcan 119 115 120 354 5
Mark Chomyn (HB) 97 95 120 312 6
Bill Koran 120 120 7
Don DeLoach 115 115 8
Jace Pivonka 0 0 9
Nejo Necar 0 0 10
Bill Gannon 0 0 11
Large Nos Rubber/Wake
John Pratt (Wake) 120 180 240 240 240 1020 1
Hal Cover (Wake) 120 180 240 240 237 1017 2
Ates Gurcan (Wake) 120 180 0 300 3
Mark Chomyn 95 95 4
Paul Masterman 142 180 180 502 1
Mike Mayea 180 164 150 494 2
Don DeLoach 180 180 360 3
Mark Chomyn 115 164 150 212 4
John Pratt 0 0 5
Hal Cover 0 0 6
Gollywock Mass Launch
Hal Cover Winner!
Vintage FAI Gas
Glen Schneider 180 180 180 540 1
1/2A Nos Gas
Don Bartick 180 180 180 100 640 1
Mike Mayea 0 0 2
A Nos Gas
Randy Secor 180 180 180 167 707 1
Don McNamee 123 132 180 435 2
B Nos Gas
Glen Schneider 180 180 180 106 646 1
Don Kaiser 0 0 2
C Nos Gas
Don McNamee 180 180 180 173 713 1
Jeff Carman 180 180 180 138 678 2
1/2A AMA Gas
Mike Mayea 144 180 148 472 1
Ken Kaiser 0 0 2
Terry Ellington 180 180 180 180 124 844 1
Jeff Carman (B) 127 180 180 487 2
Jeff Ellington 180 180 3
Jeff Carman (A) 180 180 3
Ken Kaiser (SD) 180 180 180 180 180 180 1080 1
Jeff Carman 180 180 180 180 180 167 1067 2
Terry Ellington 180 180 360 3
Re:Altimeter timer
From: Carrol Allen
With the talk of using altimeter data as a stop watch an interesting observation.
I use Andriukov simplicity timers that store the flight data.
During the Max Men competion I dropped the 3rd round by 8 secs. Looking at the flight data I made a max of 180 secs. The difference is that the timer only stores an altitude every 10 secs late in the flight, so the 8 sec drop wasn't recorded.
Altimeters would have to be upgraded to store every sec and I don't know if they have the storage capacity for a 10 min flight.
Editor's comment
Carroll and Craig (who made a comment a couple of issues back)
I think that Allard's suggestion on FB that some form of managed trial be done to make sure that all issues are addressed before making a rules proposal is very important for thi success of such an idea.
Some investment would be required to make a suitable device and it would help the developer if the requirements did not chnage too much.
That would also serve to keep the costs down.
Dino Corner1
From: michael achterberg
To fellow Dino's.
Well, it seems like nobody cares enough to write in to say No to 25gr. Everyone says they don't want it, but nobody takes the time to write and voice there opinion. After talking to everyone during the Feb contests was surprized to hear no one wanted the change except one. Problem is that the gap between the best and the rest is that the gap will widen. If you think its hard to beat Alex wait till u try with 25.
Hears an idea. Lets make a handicap system. Alex gets 25gr and the rest get 30gr. An I need 35gr.. Perfect.. Even throwing it out my ear I can do well with 35gr.. And coupe with there multi flyoffs is
Screaming for 5gr... Your welcome Tony😎..
Dino Corner 2
As we mentioned in a previous SEN there were no "offficial" meeting around the rules at the fab Feb events but there were a few leess formal gatherings, as mentioned by Dino leader Mike
Not sure how a Kangaroo is related to Dino but here is some further comments from another campfire session, (has to be a campfire as there are no pubs or bars in Lost Hills)
Results of rules Meeting Lost Hills.
These are my impressions of the meeting.
With twenty two countries in attendance at Lost Hills for the Fab Feb Meetings, i.e., Kiwi Cup, North America Cup and the Max men, it was certainly an excellent chance to get an overall view from the flyers of the world of what changes we, the flyers wanted.
After a lot of discussion it became very clear that those in attendance did not want any changes made to the model specifications on how we fly them at present.
One item that the group would like to see changed was wind speed.
1. That the maximum wind speed at present is 9 meters per second. If this was reduced to 5 or 6 meters per second, it would make smaller fields friendlier (flight distances would be reduced by a third).
2. There was also a lot of discussion on some form of electronic timing. To me this was over my head but seemed like a device that is attached to the model, starts on launch and records the time when the model lands.
No doubt someone in the electronic field could invent this device which would be great for the long fly offs where visibility can be a problem.
Overall it was an interesting evening without anyone getting out of control.
Roy Summersby
Roger Morrell