SEN 1976
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1844
- Stonehenge Date Change
- Looking for a Wider Torque meter
- Re SEN 1975
- Little Dudes
- List Unsub
Stonehenge Cup Change of Date
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Due to updated Military activity on Salisbury Plain, the date of the STONEHENGE CUP has been amended.
The STONEHENGE CUP will now be combined with the EQUINOX cup. They will be 2 separate one day events to 5 rounds similar to the 2014 schedule.
EQUINOX CUP SUNDAY 27th September 2015
The Venue will remain unchanged-SALISBURY PLAIN, nr Salisbury, UK
We hope to see you there,
Peter Tribe
On behalf of the GBR FFTC
Looking for wilder torque meter
From: Tom Vaccaro
Hi Roger,
I'm looking for a Wilder F1B torque meter for a project. If anyone has one they would like to sell please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
RE: SEN 1975
From: michael achterberg
Congrats to all the winners last week.
No flyer meeting, but a lot of discussions.
I would like to purpose to Ian that we put a rule freeze for 2yrs and give the flyers time to work on reasonable proposals.
Also, this will allow time for manufacturers to do final development of a stand alone altimeter and GPS that we can then use for timing models. This is the key to saving free flight in my opinion.
Think of the possibilities. No longer will organizer being chasing enough timers in big flyoffs due to perfect no miss days. There job just got easy. For the flyers no more visual or line of site issues. The last one up wins the contest, not the last one in site. Great for the competitors!
Small fields become totally usable again. Yes, we still need permission to go retrieve model, but in most cases that is not a problem. Especially if we have GPS and know exactly where it is. Technology can and will save our sport.. Hell, we can have long flights in evening without any problems w darkness or visibility. It's a win, win for the organizers and the flyers..
The altimeter times model and all the flyer does is download at scorers desk.. It's fair, it's easy and in next couple yrs with testing a reality.. Alex, Massimo, Renee and others have the expertise to make this a reality.. We don't have to change model specs from what we have now. We just have to let technology save the day.
On F1b, a number of people flew 25 gr motors. For the most part they didn't get as high as a coupe. No fun. No fun at all. Lets try my approach before we choose the other route. This will work. And the stand alone unit might only cost about 125/150 euros, or so I've been told. This should be appealing to all, organizers and flyers ..
Thermals, Michael Achterberg.
Editorial comment
There was a suggestion by Allard van Wallene on FB that a test program be launched and moniored to try timing models with an altimeter. This idea has aloty of merit. This is very important as while there are a number of excellent, and not so excellent altimters in use, none are currently intneded for this purpose. We need to understand the issue involved in using them and what would be required of an electronic device to time models officially.
It is not reasonable to expect a person, no matter how smart to embarque on the development of such a device when they not not know what the rules will require.
Note that even though an electronic timing device might be used this does not necessarily remove the requirement to have a human observer. There are incidents such as line tangles and mid-airs that need to be observed. Often we draw parallels with various kinds of auto/motor sports and it does not matter if it is F1 or NASCAR both use electronic timing but have human observers as well.
Little Dudes
It appears that there are some errors down the Dude rankings , not affection the Top Dude. Missin a some people and a person there twice with a mis-spelling. We will check the calculations and republish. Also will add F1Q when we get the MM results.
list unsub
When people who subscribe to SEN unsubscribe that have the option of saying why. Reasons include a forced un sub because their mail provider thinks that SEN is spam, the person dies or thier interests change.
Maybe the following message I got is an object lesson for all of us, in this case the person thinks that we are spam or maybe we are longer having interesting technical discussions ? perhaps too much rules stuff ? maybe not a wide enough variety of contributors ?
XXXXXXXXXXX has unsubscribed
Reason given:
i have been involved in international free flight for over 30 years.
I am still interested in the technical part of ff models but discussions in
SCAT and contest reports are detoriating in quality heavily. For that
reason Scat is no longer required....
And I still do have the very first Scats in magazine format ..............
Roger Morrell