SEN 1956
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- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1778
- Non-Debate on FB
- A Marketer's POV
- F1B Rules Change
- SCAT Annual Flyer
Non-Debate on FB
Editors comment
There has been a long one sided discussion on FB about the BFMA proposal for significant and staged changes to the FAI FF rules. The discussion is one sided because virtually all postings were against the proposals. There one statement by a former UK non-FAI who said “bring back the Builder of the Model rule” but this was hardly relevant. Well known UK F1A flyer and SEN reader, Chris Edge addressed some possible criticism leveled at the BFMA FFTC by assuring readers that they included experienced FAI flyers with World Champs and World Cup experience. Chris indicated some level of support for the proposal but no details.
But either the originators of the proposal are not on FB or they think there is no need to address any informal questions before the CIAM meeting. No doubt those in opposition to the BFMA proposal will provide input to the representative from their country to the CIAM meeting. Unless positive input is received I would think that most countries would be getting primarily negative input on the proposal.
We got a piece for SEN by Nick Bosley. I do not know Nick but understand that he is former UK flyer who has been involved with other active technical sports recently. In Nick’s piece he says the problem is marketing. He is probably correct in this. Nick suggests some issues that are the source of our problems and says the solution is obvious. It’s not to me. He suggests polling former World Champs as to why they are no longer active, it is probably more relevant to poll current flyers and people we would like have as flyers such as juniors or people in their 20s and 30s.
A Marketer's POV
The simple fact of the matter is that FAI models are over priced and unattractive products to promote to would be competitors. Sellers are becoming out of touch with the economic realities of life in a normal household. That is why folk are walking away from the sport or not joining the sport. The world has changed. Technology has reduced the price of other aeromodelling goods. It is easier to get a better bang for your buck elsewhere -- the FAI side of the FF hobby is uncompetitive in the wider toy market place.
All these technical discussions are about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg!!! None of them consider marketing the sport - oh sorry of course that is someone else's problem, nothing to do with competitor sportsman of course, that is someone else's job.
Why should National Model Flying Organisations subsidize a very minor FAI element of a very minor free flight element of their National Association ?
In the near term volunteers needed to run FAI competitions are not interested or have become too old or do not have the knowledge to run a competition.
A good market researcher would ask: WHY ARE YOU NO LONGER BUYING A:- VW, BMW, AUDI, FORD, ROLLS ROYCE , F1A F1B F1C ???
So why not ask why former free flight world champions why they are no longer competing ?
Perhaps to maintain their cash flow and income, all manufacturers should provide identical un trimmed models on the day of the competition of the world championship, for competitors to trim and compete with on that day and to take on to the fly off. Hiring the models out. This would encourage new national teams to enter. The models could then be sold on after the Championship. That is what we done in sailing for decades !!
Or in reality is it the short termism intention of some existing competitor's and manufacturer's to exclude, to keep others at a disadvantage by influencing the rule makers to maintain unlimited expensive technological innovation to protect their perceived advantage?
I suggest the answer is obvious, but no one has the nerve to upset the apple cart.
F1B rules change
From: Gaetano Vaccaro
I'm a relative newcomer to F1B, having only flown these models for seven years. The rules concerning models and contests haven't changed significantly since I started. Rubber has gotten better and we are all getting better at flying these things but I don't think either of these factors have increased performance to the point that we need to change anything. What is the problem these proposals are seeking to solve? The size of the fields I fly on haven't changed, weather is no different and the challenges that were present during a contest when I started are pretty much the same now.
It's true that sometimes we fly off the field when it's windy or we have strong thermals or a combination of both. In my opinion, it's also true that if our models had half the performance they now have that they would still fly off the field in the same conditions. I also believe that it's possible to fly a 10 minute early morning fly off at almost any field I fly on if typical calm conditions exist. My point is it's not the model performance that's making things difficult, it's the situations we find ourselves in during a contest. In my limited experience, that is the definition of free fight competition. We almost always find a way to finish a contest, sometimes under very difficult conditions.
Reducing model performance also doesn't make sense to me to "level the playing field" with respect to age. Winding motors and launching models are physically demanding activities if done properly. I personally have some things to work on to improve my launch. I know that it's the weakest aspect of my game and that improvement in that area would have been a lot easier 20 or 30 years ago. My point here is that one can't hope to fly F1B forever. At some point we will all get too old to continue (I'm 71 so I know what I'm talking about :-)). When that happens it's time to do something else. Changing the event to make it easier so that people will participate longer doesn't make sense. There is already an easier event to fly. it's called F1G. Dumbing down F1B for the old guys will just ruin it for others still capable of competing at the highest levels.
I read something recently written by Bernard G. that the technology and performance of F1B are what attracted him to fly it in the first place and what keeps him interested. I completely agree with this sentiment. Flying F1B is one of the most challenging things I've done in my life. It feels great when you have a good day because it is so challenging. Don't change it.
Tom Vaccaro
March 14 & 15, Reserve March 16, 2015 at Lost Hills Field, CA
NEW for 2015: P30, 1/2A Nos Gas, ABC Combo Nos Gas
**Saturday, March 14: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q F1P
Seven 18dfb0df7cee95c90f2b17077a270457 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times
F1A and P: 210 sec, F1B and Q: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Flyoff times will be posted
**Sunday, March 15: F1G, F1H, F1J
Tie Breaker flight to the round. F1G 7:45- 7:55; F1H 8:00-8:10; F1J 8:15-8:25
Standard Five 2007-03-12 22:18:15 rounds 45 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round Event start times will be posted
If tied at end of standard and two FO rounds, tie breaker flight will determine the winner
2014 Winners: F1A- Brian VanNest, F1B and F1G- Blake Jensen, F1C- Jeff Ellington, F1Q- Matt Gewain, F1H- Ken Bauer
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider, E-36, ½ A Nostalgia, Classic Towline Glider 8AM-5PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider, P30, ABC Nostalgia Gas, 8AM-4PM
Other Events: Sat 8AM - 5PM and Sunday 8AM-4PM
Vintage FAI Power, 2010 Ghio rules, 5 flts,180 sec maxes (may enter multiple eras and days)
Nostalgia Wakefield, Sat 8AM - 5PM and Sunday 8AM - 4PM (may enter both days)
FAI events: FIA,B,C,G,H,J,P,Q ; $25 first event, $10 for second
Other events: $15 for first event, $5/each added non-FAI event
All-In Fee of $40 to fly your little hearts out!
AMA age Juniors: HLG & P-30 free, Other events $5, or All-In Fee of $10
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places
Perpetual trophies for F1A,B,C,G,H,J and Nos-Wake winners receive a perpetual trophy (if it shows up at the field!)
Due to low entry levels; F1J, P, Vintage FAI Power, Classic Towline and Nostalgia events 2nd and 3rd place awards will be sent post-contest.
Junior Hi-Time Glider, Rubber and Power Trophies
$100 to the top 20 Something F1ABC flyer
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are required
FAI events run to the 2015 FAI rules
Protest in addition to $30 requires equipment needed for model processing
Q flyers to measure, calculate and monitor one another’s motor runs
No Moto-flapping
Lee Hines Jim Parker
376 Magnolia St 9534 Ruffner Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Northridge, CA 91343
March 14 & 15, Reserve March 16, 2015 at Lost Hills Field, CA
Seven 18dfb0df7cee95c90f2b17077a270457 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times
F1A and P: 210 sec, F1B and Q: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec
Tie Breaker flight to the round. F1G 7:45- 7:55; F1H 8:00-8:10; F1J 8:15-8:25
Standard Five 2007-03-12 22:18:15 rounds 45 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round Event start times will be posted
If tied at end of standard and two FO rounds, tie breaker flight will determine the winner
2014 Winners: F1A- Brian VanNest, F1B and F1G- Blake Jensen,
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider, E-36,½ A Nostalgia Gas, Classic Towline Glider 8AM-5PM
Vintage FAI Power, 2010 Ghio rules, 5 flts,180 sec maxes (may enter multiple eras and days)
Nostalgia Wakefield, Sat 8AM - 5PM and Sunday 8AM – 4PM (may enter both days)
FAI events: FIA,B,C,G,H,J,P,Q ; $25 first event, $10 for second
Other events: $15 for first event, $5/each added non-FAI event
Perpetual trophies for F1A,B,C,G,H,J and Nos-Wake winners receive a perpetual trophy (if it shows up at the field!)
Due to low entry levels; F1J, P, Vintage FAI Power, Classic Towline and Nostalgia events second and third place awards will be sent post-contest.
Protest in addition to $30 requires equipment needed for model processing
F1Q flyers to measure, calculate and monitor one another’s motor runs
Contest Directors
Lee Hines
Roger Morrell