SEN 1849
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1486
- Fab Feb Finished
- Vivchar model box for sale
- For Sale F1A
- Ike F1H
- Kiwi F1E
- Maxmen F1Q - Corrected
Fab Feb Finished
The Fab Feb contest series at Lost Hills has finished. Has to be as we took the last group of friends to LAX last night. Great events, outstanding performances and the weather cooperated. It was a little breezy for some parts of the Ike/Kiwi events but otherwise absolutely perfect. Not bad for the middle of winter. Thanks to all of those who helped in the running of the events.
We had people from 30 countries !
Great Britain
New Zealand
It looks like we had all continents represented except Africa, there are at least a couple of F1B guys that were born there ...
We tried to figure who traveled the farthest ? Paul Rossiter from Perth , Australia,? The Mongolian Team ?, Did Andrey Burdov travel further than the guys from Moscow or is it farther to Istanbul.
When it comes to driving you can't beat the Breemans who drove from Belgium for distance . But if you look at the people who just drove there and back was it ?
Oregon - Brun , McBurnett, Mc Gluckin, Jensen & O'Dell
Canada - Vancouver - Beattie
Kansas City - Powells
Texas - Parkers and Vanlandinghams
Louisiana - Mathis, Chesson
Who had to dig out of the most snow ? was it ?
The Jones family?
Tom Vaccaro ?
Ron Felix ?
or maybe a Canadian ?
In other statistics who was the oldest ?
We had several over 80 and in the FAI classes one of the "masters" sportsmen made the top 10 in that 40 person MaxMen mega F1B flyoff ! some achievemnent!
And who was the youngest, Aleksi Puhakka ?
For Sale Vivchar Model Box
Most of you at the Fab Feb Events saw Igor Vivchar's beautiful model box. Actually he brought over 2 of these and the other one was left here and is for sale. The main difference is that this one does not have the Ukranian crest on it and was not taken out of my trailer at Lost Hills. It has a metalized foam protective cover.. Not a cheap item but if you are interested email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Incidentily we have some more Vivchar parts and airplanes in stock too.
F1A Wing and Fuse for sale
1. M&K Long wing - M&K built. Excellent condition.
2. Electronic fuselage - Reg Magic timer, 1 servo, with stab. Good
Can put together wing and fuse.
Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Electronic fuselage - Reg Magic timer, 1 servo, with stab. Good
Can put together wing and fuse.
Contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ike Winter Classic - Missing F1H Results
First NamLast Name Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5FlyoffTotalPlace
Amit Kidron 120 120 120 120 120 293 893 1
Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120 245 845 2
Brian VanNest 120 120 120 120 120 224 824 3
Aviv Balassino 120 120 120 120 120 210 810 4
Kathy Burford 83 120 101 120 120 544 5
Vasyl Bezchasnyi 69 120 120 72 100 481 6
Avner Studnik 120 120 120 120 0 480 7
Brian Lavis 120 120 120 58 57 475 8
James Parker 120 120 100 120 460 9
Malcolm Campbell 0 79 111 72 87 349 10
Yehuda Zak 87 120 120 0 0 327 11
Kiwi World Cup F1E
First NamLast NameRound 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Place
SecondsPct SecondsPct SecondsPct SecondsPct SecondsPct
Peter Brocks 91 100.00 106 73.61 114 78.08 107 88.43 179 99.44 439.56 1.00
Maurizio Tomazzoni 87 95.60 107 74.31 135 92.47 121 100.00 130 72.22 434.60 2.00
Garrett Tremayne 70 76.91 144 100.00 84 57.53 87 71.90 180 100.00 406.34 3.00
Mara Straffeli 57 62.63 131 90.97 146 100.00 101 83.47 92 51.11 388.18 4.00
Ian Kaynes 80 87.91 124 86.11 66 45.21 85 70.25 36 20.00 309.48 5.00
Tom Ioerger 26 28.57 135 93.75 96 65.75 108 89.26 40 22.22 299.55 6.00
Dick Wood 36 39.56 52 36.11 94 64.38 4 3.31 72 40.00 183.36 7.00
Corrected Maxmen F1Q results
1 Crowe, Bernie USA 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 210 1470
2 Kaynes, Ian GBR 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 129 1389
3 Oldenkamp, John USA 136 180 180 180 180 180 180 0 1216
4 Pykelny, Mike USA 180 161 180 138 180 180 180 0 1199
5 Parker, Julie USA 162 180 134 180 180 140 180 0 1156
6 Schlosberg, Aram USA 79 130 180 180 180 107 43 0 899 0
...........Roger Morrell