SEN 1851
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1507
Table of Contents - SEN 1851
- Looking for F1B Box
- Happy Birthday Dukie
- 3 F1Cs for sale
- Flickr
- !!!Free Flight Dude Awards !!!
Looking for F1B Box
I am looking for a small metal or wood box that is less than 45 linear inches (l+w+h) so that it can be carried onto an airplane and can hold three or four F1Bs. If you have something like this that you would like to sell it please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me at 720-202-2936.
I am looking for a small metal or wood box that is less than 45 linear inches (l+w+h) so that it can be carried onto an airplane and can hold three or four F1Bs. If you have something like this that you would like to sell it please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me at 720-202-2936.
Thanks! Jace
Happy Birthday Dukie
Happy 80th Birthday Friday Feb 21st, to Doug Galbreath- he still keeps our Hummers humming and restores our old engines to better than they were from the factory !
Randy Secor
3 F1Cs For Sale
Ron Young has for sale :.
3 New FIC models that have never been flown, all have 104" wing span.
2 Have new Geared Nelson side port engines.
1 Is a direct drive and has a new Nelson side port engine.
$ 1500.00 Each and I have pictures if anyone is interested I am at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Flickr
Hi Roger,
any idea how to save some of the pictures to my pc? Do you have Malcolm`s
email address?
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Free Flight Dude Award
This is an unofficial award for this year
Performance over the World Cup Classes for the 3 Fab Feb Contests at Lost Hills . So who did best ?
This is one way to look at it.
Points allocated according to World Cup schedule but no bonus and up to 24 places allocated. No Mulligans - means all 3 events count
First NamLast Name Place Kiwi Py MM PlaceMM Pt NA PL NA Pt total
Anton Gorsky 2 40 12 13 1 50 103 Dude!
Roland Koglot 3 30 2 40 11 14 84
Jama Danier 1 50 0 3 30 80
Aviv Balassiano 14 11 1 50 15 10 71
Sergey Makarov 4Tie 25 4 25 7 18 68
Jes Nyhegn 8 17 10 15 5 20 52
Per Findahl 7 18 3 30 0 48
Enes Pecenkovic 22 3 0 2 40 43
Anders Persson 4Tie 25 0 9 16 41
Phil Mitchell 6 19 11 14 22 3 36
Andrew Baron 15 10 0 4 25 35
Avner Studnik 13 12 22 3 10 15 30
Rene Limberger 12 13 9 16 0 29
Frederic Aberlenc 24 1 8 17 16 9 27
Garrett Tremayne 17Tie 8 6 19 0 27 - Top Grommet
Didier Echivard 42 0 7 18 19 6 24
Brian VanNest 41 0 15 10 13 12 22
Robert Lesko 10 15 19 6 0 21
GottfriedBachmann 38Tie 0 6 19 0 19
James Parker 29 0 0 6 19 19
Logan Tetrick 20 5 0 12 13 18
Borislav Bardarov 28 0 0 8 17 17
John Carter 9 16 0 0 16
Cenny Breeman 33 0 18 7 17 8 15 1
John Cooper 16 9 0 20 5 14
Yuriy Evdokimov 17Tie 8 21 4 23 2 14
Alex Stalick 11 14 0 0 14
Steffen Jensen 26 0 17 8 21 4 12
Kyle Jones 0 13 12 0 12
Lauri Malila 37 0 14 11 24 1 12
Mike McKeever 35 0 0 14 11 11
John Williams 0 16 9 0 9
Kimmo Kulmakko 52 0 0 18 7 7
Amit Kidron 19 6 0 0 6
Abraham Baruch 0 20 5 0 5
Martin Greub 21 4 0 0 4
Malcolm Campbell 46 0 23 2 0 2
Shlomi Rosenzweig 23 2 0 0 2
Artem Bezchasnyi 36 0 24 1 0 1
First Name Last Name JRPlace KiwiMM PMM PNA PNA PTOTAL
Alex Andriukov 8 17 1 50 0 67 TIE Dude!
Walt Ghio 0 0 8 17 1 50 67 TIE Dude!
Charlie Jones 13 12 3 30 6 19 61
Evgeny Gorban 4 25 0 4 25 50
Marty Schroedter 1 50 0 0 50
Bill Booth 7 18 13 12 10 15 45
Ladi Horak 5 20 11 14 14 11 45
Tuvia Fibish 24 1 0 2 40 41
Vegar Nereng 2 40 0 0 40
Tom Vaccaro 0 0 2 40 0 40
Russell Peers 9 16 16 9 13 12 37
Blake Jensen 6 19 16 9 22 3 31
Dag Larsen 3 30 0 0 30
Paul Squires 26 0 0 3 30 30
Ismet Yurtseven 15 10 7 18 0 28
Mike Achterberg 10Tie 15 21 4 18 7 26
Bernard Guest 0 0 4 25 0 0 25
Paul Lagan 0 0 4 25 25
Jean-ClaudeCheneau 17 8 0 11 14 22
Thorvald Christensen 12 13 0 16 9 22
Vin Morgan 22 3 23 2 9 16 21
Savak Malkhasyan Jr 37 0 5 20 0 20 - Top Grommet
George Batiuk 21 4 10 15 0 19
Tony Mathews 38 0 6 19 0 19
Tetsuro Matsuo 29 0 0 7 18 18
Jean-Luc Bodin 39 0 0 8 17 17
Jack Emery 0 0 9 16 0 16
Giles Chauveau 30 0 14 11 21 4 15
Bror Eimar 10Tie 15 0 0 15
Robert Cheesley 46 0 0 12 13 13
Migiddory Gongor 0 0 12 13 0 13
Hakan Broberg 14 11 0 24 1 12
Guy Buisson 20 5 0 19 6 11
Mike Woolner 36 0 24 1 15 10 11
Minoru Nishizawa 0 0 15 10 0 10
Abraham Baruch 16 9 0 0 9
Roger Morrell 0 0 17 8 8
Aram Schlosberg 18 7 0 0 7
Mike Davis 0 0 18 7 0 7
Andrey Burdov 19 6 0 0 6
Mitsuyasu Nakata 0 0 19 6 0 6
Igor Vivchar 25 0 20 5 0 5
Camercon Ackerly 0 20 5 5
Philipp Seifert 0 0 22 3 0 3
Carol Allen 23 2 0 0 2
Pim Ruyter 45 0 0 23 2 2
First NamLast Name Place Kiwi Pt MM Pl MM Pt NA Pl NA Pt Total
Artem Babenko 1 50 1 50 4 25 125 Clearly a Dude!
Alan Jack 6 19 3 30 1 50 99
Ron McBurnett 2 40 12 13 2 40 93
Reinhard Truppe 4 25 4 25 3 30 80
Roy Summersby 9 16 2 40 6 19 75
Eugene Verbitsky 5 20 6 19 9 16 55
Richard Mathis 11Tie 14 13 12 5 20 46
Jeff Ellington 3 30 11 14 0 44
Roger Simpson 13` 12 9 16 10 15 43
Don Chesson 14 11 16 9 8 17 37
Lynn Pulley 8 17 5 20 0 37
Matt Gewain 11Tie 14 18 7 11 14 35
Randy Secor 10 15 10 15 0 30
Gil Morris 14 11 7 18 29
Ed Carroll 7 18 17 8 0 26
KishigbatTerbish 7 18 0 18
Faust Parker 8 17 0 17
BilguunbaErdenebattar 0 12 13 13
Henning Nyhegn 15 10 0 10
First NamLast Name PlaceKiwi Pt MM Pl MM Pt Total
Bernie Crowe 1 50 1 50 100 - Dude!
Ian Kaynes 7 18 2 40 58
John Oldencamp 4 25 3 30 55
Mike Pykelny 5 20 4 25 45
Rich Ivers, Jr. 2 40 0 40
Jack Murphy 3 30 0 30
Julie Parker 0 5 20 20
Dick Ivers 6 19 0 19
Aram Schlosberg 0 6 19 19
Paul Masterman 8 17 0 17
F1E to follow
Certificates and Surfboards too
Roger Morrell