SEN 1853
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1435
- SEN and NFFS
- Stonehenge Cup
- Wanted M&K RDT
- Nordic News
We are very pleased to announce that a link to SEN will be published as a news feed on the NFFS Web site, The NFFS serves the interests of all kinds of Free Flight. NFFS has been an active supporter of the USA Free Flight teams over the years. The NFFS signature publication, the Symposium covers the best and latest in Free Flight from all over the world.
Membership in the NFFS is open to all, world-wide with an interest in Free Flight, details are on the NFFS Web Site. The NFFS Mission Statement gives an excellent summary of the objectives and activites of the Society so we include it here.
Mission of the National Free Flight Society -
The National Free Flight Society (NFFS) is committed to the preservation and promotion of free flight model aviation in all of is aspects and manifestations.
The National Free Flight Society is the only organization in the United States that serves the interests of all free flight categories. The Society was formed over 30 years ago to promote free flight activities and continues as a vital, growing organization dedicated to the advancement of the free flight hobby and sport.
The NFFS currently sponsors the following activites:
- The Unites States Outdoor Championships
- The United States Indoor Championships
- The annual Outdoor National Cup, anational competition involving a variety of AMA and Nostalgia model events flown at many AMA-sanctioned contests. The National Cup awards are presented at the NFFS Annual Banquet in July-August. See the Competitions section for complete information.
Society publications:
- Free Flight Digest, a bi-monthly magazine that contains the most complete free flight coverage published in the country
- The NFFS Symposium, published annually, presents articles on current state-of-the-art concepts and free flight developments, along with descriptions of the Ten Models of the Year and biographies of Inductees into the NFFS Hall of Fame
- An extensive list of full-size plans for Nostalgia and AMA-type models is maintained and made available. See the Shop for details about all NFFS publications and the Plans Service.
The National Free Flight Society is affiliated with the Academy of Model Aeronautics as a Special Interest Group.
Please Note 1/ These dates are one week earlier than previously published.
2/ Bargain Price Entry Fees
U.K. World Cup Free Flight Event
3rd/4th May 2014 Salisbury Plain
United Kingdom
World Cup Events
Saturday 3rd May 2014 F1B & F1C/F1P
Sunday 4th May 2014 F1A & F1Q
The site is situated to the North East of Salisbury to the south of the B390 between Shrewton and Chitterne and will be signposted from the B390. The terrain is undulating rough grassland crossed by dirt roads and tracks. The land is a military training area, which is carefully managed to preserve the history and wildlife. Model retrieval is usually on foot.
Saturday events will start at 09.30 . Sunday Events will start at 09.00. There will be 5 rounds plus fly-offs flown from poles. F1A and Q will be 210 secs for round 1, F1B and C will be 240 secs round 1. All other rounds will be 180 secs. These round times may be varied if the weather is inclement. The programme may be varied if unforeseen circumstances arise. All competitors will receive a Stonehenge Mug.
Rules-The relevant section of the FAI Sporting Code will be followed. All competitors must hold a valid FAI licence.
Entry Forms-Entry forms must arrive no later than 20th April 2014. Late entries will incur an additional charge of 12 Euro / £10
Payment-UK entry fees to be included with entry form (unless the Competitor holds a UK Season Ticket). Overseas entry fees may be paid on the day in £, $ or Euros.
Trophies-These will be awarded down to 5th place for F1A and F1B, and down to 3rd Place for F1C and F1Q
Timekeepers-Timekeepers will not be provided by the organisers for the rounds. Competitors must find their own timekeepers. Timekeepers will be allocated by the organisers for Fly-offs.
Information John Carter, Petite Maison,45 Grindley Lane, Meir Heath, Stoke on Trent
Staffs, ST3 7LN This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +44(0)1782398816
Emailed Entry Form Peter Tribe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Full Name
Post/Zip Code
Telephone No.
Mobile No.
E Mail Address
FAI License No.
World Cup Events
Please tick
Entry Fees
World Cup Event Single Class (Senior)
12 E/£10/$15 **
World Cup Event Single Class (Junior under 18 on 31/12/13)
6 E/£5/$7 **
Additional World Cup classes 12 E/£10/$15 **
**UK season ticket holders-no charge
Total Paid
UK entries to be accompanied by payment of total in GBP (cheque drawn on UK bank, or cash)
Cheques payable to: BMFA - Stonehenge Cup.
Post Entries to –John Carter, Petite Maison,45 Grindley Lane, Meir Heath, Stoke on Trent, Staffs, ST3 7LN
Entries from outside the UK:- Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Closing date for entries 20th April 2014
Wanted M&K RDT Version 7
Wanted - M&K RCDT receiver 870mhz for 7xx timer.
Im after one or two of these for my 7xx timers - they arent made any more as
the new 8xx timer has built in rdt
Does anyone have one they arent using that they are happy to part with
contact Antony Koerbin
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nordic News
Looks like the Holiday on Ice has been called off because the Ice is too think, but the other events will be OK. If concerned check with the organizers
Roger Morrell