SEN 1861
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1428
Today at 4:56 PM
Table of Contnets - SEN 1861
Where in Mongolia
Re the request for location of flying field in Mongolia, the Asian Champs
2014 bulletin gives the field location as 47 43'59.90" N, 107 23'34.17" E.
This shows a point just east of a military airfield. The area used for
flying is the 5x7km grass area which is east of this point.
Ian Kaynes
The next question potentential 2015 World Champs attendees are interested in accomodation packages. Reports of Westerners attending previous events indicated high cost of accomodation and local transport. However it is hope that the organizer's will have some attractive packages. But no news is forthcoming yet.
In the Press..
Circuit cellar Magazine April 2014 - Issue 285
Article by Jens Altenburg from Germany titled "High-Altitude Low-Cost Experimental Glider. This talks about the author finding a 1930 article about a magneticaly steered slope soaring glider and trying to replicate this with modern technology, including a GPS. While it would not qualify as is for F1E because GPS steering is excluded in F1E it is non the less interesting. Jens talks about a number of modern (software) tools used to work on his glider.
The article is also interesting from a philosophical point of view because here is an "outsider" (Jens'sbio does not including model airplanes or any kind) who gets interested in building a flying model and applying new technologies do so. How do we encourage this rather than try and squash it Luddite fashion.
2014 SCAT Annual Report
I arrived to LH late Thursday night. Even though the weather forecast did not look promising, Friday morning was the hoped for great LH morning weather. Brian VanNest said Thursday had been good. However, the weather forecast did not look good for Sat or Sunday. At about 2:00 pm Friday, the wind machine from the west was turned on- blowing dust-- the CD's nightmare. At 4:00 am the prospects of flying Saturday looked slim as the RV rocked and whistled in the wind. At 4:30 the wind dropped. At 7:00 my wind meter read 4-5 mph. At contest star ttime, 8:00 am, there was only a slight breeze. I was hoping to get 4 or 5 rounds in before the west wind came up again. We set-up on the north side ofthe standard flying location (where MaxMen was flown). As the day went on, the usual wind directio n swung around to come from the NW. To our surprise the wind never came! We stayed at the original location—only a few flights made it to the trees.
The early morning air was not the typical ‘solid’ air. Nine of the 14 F1B flyers dropped the 4minute first round (2 by early DT). Alex Andriukov miscalculated an early DTin the 4th round and dropped 2 seconds. Going into the 6th round Charlie Jones and Blake Jensen were the only max-outs—Charlie dropped and so Blake won with the only max-out.
Jeff Ellington and Lynn Pulley put up max after max in F1C.In the 7th round Lynn’s motor did not shut off until impacting mother earth. Lynn went and got another model and made the max. They decided to wait until 5:00 pm for their fly off. Interestingly enough, both DT’d at bunt! Imagine that. Jeff won with 78seconds to the ground to Lynn’s 58 second.
Matt Gewain flew a newly converted F1A in F1Q and Maxed-out for the win. John Oldenkamp kept up with him until the third round.
Five of the eleven F1A guys also struggled with the firs tround—one with a broken towline and one with a DT at the top of the launch. Theair was fickle and only Brian VanNest and I maxed out. We waited until 6:00 pm for the first fly-off, 7 minute. Brian flew his Flapper and I flew my recentl yrepaired long LDA. We both maxed. Brian launched first in the 9 minute round,early and on its back, the model was stalling. Victory in my sights, I launched the and just missed the recovery and into stall. Brian stopped stalling at about ½ line height--- my model never did stop stalling. Brian got this anticlimactic win with a 167 second flight.
Tim Batiuk starting putting in official OHLG flights earlier than usual thinking the wind would come up. The weather stayed good and soon Tim’s scorecard was using the second line to record 13 maxes and 88 seconds for the win. Lee Hines, Stan Buddenbohm and Ken Bauer battled for the second throug hfourth places. Tim was the only flye rin Classic Glider missing a maxout by 20 sec for the win.
We did a trophy award for Saturday’s winners and I took advantage to give Tim Batiuk his 2014 Mentor award—Tim could not make the AmCup banquet this year where we usually award the Mentor Trophy.
Sunday morning had delightful weather and no fly-offs to conduct.In the mini-events we use a 10 minute window tie-breaker flight to be used after two standard fly-off flights after the regular rounds. In F1G, Blake had the hightie breaker time of 242 seconds followed by Mike Richardson with 218. Geralyn Jones had timer problem and bonked her model enough that she could no tcontinue. No max out in F1G—Blake won and Mike was second.
In F1H Ken Bauer has tamed his LDA glider and put in the high time. The rest of use put up all maxes through both the regular 5 rounds and the two fly-off rounds to put pressure on the leader but Ken held tough and put in all maxes too and so was top dog.
Glenn Schneider put up 5 maxes with his Lucky Lindy for the win in Vintage FAI Power. Ken Kaiser was with him through round two but then had a bad flight.
We added E36 this year and had a good turnout of 7 flyers.This was Stan B’s day—8 maxes + 76 seconds which we will be submitting as a National record. Taron Malkhasyan was chasing him and got 7 maxes for second place. This looks to be a growing event and is being voted on to become an FAI event—I suppose the electric “mini-event” to the F1Q big brother.
Most were eager to get on the road. We were wrapped up and handed out the trophies- done at 3:00. I planned to stay over Sunday night as did Mike Richardson. Mike, Blake and myself were the only ones there at 4:30 when it got windy. It did calm at 6:30 pm and I got a couple test flights in before dark. Monday was a calm, I tested until noon then I left.
Thanks to all the competitors that came, knowing not to give too much consideration to the weather reports at Lost Hills. Special thanks to Dean Clark, Merry and Norm Smith and Sharon Emery who took care of the table and scores.
Jim Parker and Lee Hines, CDs
SCAT ANNUAL MARCH 22-23, 2014. Lost Hill, CA
Event /Name R
Plc F1A 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 540
1 BrianVanNest 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 167 1877
2 JimParker 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 105 1815
3 ShlomiRosenzweig 211 180 122 180 180 180 180 1233
4 TaronMalkhasyan 210 180 180 180 180 80 180 1190
5 KenBauer 180 180 180 180 180 70 180 1150
6 MikeMcKeever 210 180 180 96 180 180 106 1132
7 BenCoussens 210 180 180 180 180 0 180 1110
8 Don Zink 143 149 151 180 180 180 86 1069
9 PierreBrun 140 120 180 180 106 180 88 994
10 PeterAllnutt 126 150 82 49 180 180 180 947
11 Rene Limberger 25 dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf 25
Plc F1B 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 BlakeJensen 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
2 AlexAndriukov 240 180 180 178 180 180 180 1318
3 MartySchroedter 240 180 165 180 180 180 180 1305
4 Walt Ghio 212 180 180 180 180 180 180 1292
5 CharlieJones 240 180 180 180 180 147 180 1287
6 BobPierchio 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 1230
7 MikeRichardson 135 168 180 180 180 164 180 1187
8 JackEmery 60 180 180 180 180 180 180 1140
9 MikeDavis 163 131 113 180 180 180 180 1127
10 Dick Myers 190 180 180 0 180 180 180 1090
11 MikeActerberg 240 180 180 180 180 125 dnf 1085
12 Al Ulm 136 0 180 180 180 180 180 1036
13 RogerMorrell 60 180 180 100 137 180 180 1017
14 SevakMalkhasyan 195 180 180 180 dnf dnf dnf 735
Plc F1C 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 JeffEllington 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 78 1398
2 LynnPulley 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 58 1378
Plc F1Q 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 MattGewain 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
2 JohnOldenkamp 240 180 180 180 114 180 180 1254
3 MikePykelny 181 133 180 180 176 180 180 1210
4 MikeRichardson 0 180 86 180 180 125 133 884
Plc F1G 120 120 120 120 120
Event /Name TieBrkr Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Total
1 BlakeJensen 242 120 120 120 103 120 825
2 MikeRichardson 218 0 118 113 117 0 566
3 GeralynJones 13 13
Plc F1H 120 120 120 120 120 FO1 FO2
Event /Name TieBrkr Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 180 240 Total
1 KenBauer 256 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1276
2 JimParker 242 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1262
3 BrianVanNest 241 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1261
4 MikeMcKeever 218 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1238
5 LeeHines 183 att dnf dnf dnf dnf 0
F1P noentrants
F1J noentrants
Plc E36
1 StanBuddenbohn 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 76 1036
2 TaronMalkhasyan 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 88 928
3 DonKaiser 120 120 120 120 91 571
4 JohnOldenkamp 120 120 120 76 436
5 SevacMalkhasian 120 120 120 52 412
6 LeeHines 120 110 101 331
7 MattGewain 120 120 240
8 MikeRichardson 120 13 dnf 133
1 TimBatiuk 120 *106 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 88 1648
2 KenBauer 120 *46 120 120 120 120 68 668
3 StanBuddenbohm 0 120 *95 120 120 52 532
4 LeeHines 120 120 *53 *20 120 47 407
Plc CatapultGlider Flt1 Flt2 Flt3 Flt4 Flt5 Flt6 Total
1 TimBatiuk 120 120 120 120 33 513
2 LeeHines *55 *68 86 *54 98 120 304
Plc VintageFAI Power
1 GlennSchneider 180 180 180 180 180 720
2 KenKaiser 180 180 43 403
Plc ClassicTowline Glider Flt1 Flt2 Flt3 Total
1 TimBatiuk 120 160 240 400
NostalgiaWake noentrants
Thermals, JIM
Roger Morrell
- Where in Mongolia?
- In The Press
- 2014 SCAT Annual Report
Where in Mongolia
Re the request for location of flying field in Mongolia, the Asian Champs
2014 bulletin gives the field location as 47 43'59.90" N, 107 23'34.17" E.
This shows a point just east of a military airfield. The area used for
flying is the 5x7km grass area which is east of this point.
Ian Kaynes
The next question potentential 2015 World Champs attendees are interested in accomodation packages. Reports of Westerners attending previous events indicated high cost of accomodation and local transport. However it is hope that the organizer's will have some attractive packages. But no news is forthcoming yet.
In the Press..
Circuit cellar Magazine April 2014 - Issue 285
Article by Jens Altenburg from Germany titled "High-Altitude Low-Cost Experimental Glider. This talks about the author finding a 1930 article about a magneticaly steered slope soaring glider and trying to replicate this with modern technology, including a GPS. While it would not qualify as is for F1E because GPS steering is excluded in F1E it is non the less interesting. Jens talks about a number of modern (software) tools used to work on his glider.
The article is also interesting from a philosophical point of view because here is an "outsider" (Jens'sbio does not including model airplanes or any kind) who gets interested in building a flying model and applying new technologies do so. How do we encourage this rather than try and squash it Luddite fashion.
2014 SCAT Annual Report
I arrived to LH late Thursday night. Even though the weather forecast did not look promising, Friday morning was the hoped for great LH morning weather. Brian VanNest said Thursday had been good. However, the weather forecast did not look good for Sat or Sunday. At about 2:00 pm Friday, the wind machine from the west was turned on- blowing dust-- the CD's nightmare. At 4:00 am the prospects of flying Saturday looked slim as the RV rocked and whistled in the wind. At 4:30 the wind dropped. At 7:00 my wind meter read 4-5 mph. At contest star ttime, 8:00 am, there was only a slight breeze. I was hoping to get 4 or 5 rounds in before the west wind came up again. We set-up on the north side ofthe standard flying location (where MaxMen was flown). As the day went on, the usual wind directio n swung around to come from the NW. To our surprise the wind never came! We stayed at the original location—only a few flights made it to the trees.
The early morning air was not the typical ‘solid’ air. Nine of the 14 F1B flyers dropped the 4minute first round (2 by early DT). Alex Andriukov miscalculated an early DTin the 4th round and dropped 2 seconds. Going into the 6th round Charlie Jones and Blake Jensen were the only max-outs—Charlie dropped and so Blake won with the only max-out.
Jeff Ellington and Lynn Pulley put up max after max in F1C.In the 7th round Lynn’s motor did not shut off until impacting mother earth. Lynn went and got another model and made the max. They decided to wait until 5:00 pm for their fly off. Interestingly enough, both DT’d at bunt! Imagine that. Jeff won with 78seconds to the ground to Lynn’s 58 second.
Matt Gewain flew a newly converted F1A in F1Q and Maxed-out for the win. John Oldenkamp kept up with him until the third round.
Five of the eleven F1A guys also struggled with the firs tround—one with a broken towline and one with a DT at the top of the launch. Theair was fickle and only Brian VanNest and I maxed out. We waited until 6:00 pm for the first fly-off, 7 minute. Brian flew his Flapper and I flew my recentl yrepaired long LDA. We both maxed. Brian launched first in the 9 minute round,early and on its back, the model was stalling. Victory in my sights, I launched the and just missed the recovery and into stall. Brian stopped stalling at about ½ line height--- my model never did stop stalling. Brian got this anticlimactic win with a 167 second flight.
Tim Batiuk starting putting in official OHLG flights earlier than usual thinking the wind would come up. The weather stayed good and soon Tim’s scorecard was using the second line to record 13 maxes and 88 seconds for the win. Lee Hines, Stan Buddenbohm and Ken Bauer battled for the second throug hfourth places. Tim was the only flye rin Classic Glider missing a maxout by 20 sec for the win.
We did a trophy award for Saturday’s winners and I took advantage to give Tim Batiuk his 2014 Mentor award—Tim could not make the AmCup banquet this year where we usually award the Mentor Trophy.
Sunday morning had delightful weather and no fly-offs to conduct.In the mini-events we use a 10 minute window tie-breaker flight to be used after two standard fly-off flights after the regular rounds. In F1G, Blake had the hightie breaker time of 242 seconds followed by Mike Richardson with 218. Geralyn Jones had timer problem and bonked her model enough that she could no tcontinue. No max out in F1G—Blake won and Mike was second.
In F1H Ken Bauer has tamed his LDA glider and put in the high time. The rest of use put up all maxes through both the regular 5 rounds and the two fly-off rounds to put pressure on the leader but Ken held tough and put in all maxes too and so was top dog.
Glenn Schneider put up 5 maxes with his Lucky Lindy for the win in Vintage FAI Power. Ken Kaiser was with him through round two but then had a bad flight.
We added E36 this year and had a good turnout of 7 flyers.This was Stan B’s day—8 maxes + 76 seconds which we will be submitting as a National record. Taron Malkhasyan was chasing him and got 7 maxes for second place. This looks to be a growing event and is being voted on to become an FAI event—I suppose the electric “mini-event” to the F1Q big brother.
Most were eager to get on the road. We were wrapped up and handed out the trophies- done at 3:00. I planned to stay over Sunday night as did Mike Richardson. Mike, Blake and myself were the only ones there at 4:30 when it got windy. It did calm at 6:30 pm and I got a couple test flights in before dark. Monday was a calm, I tested until noon then I left.
Thanks to all the competitors that came, knowing not to give too much consideration to the weather reports at Lost Hills. Special thanks to Dean Clark, Merry and Norm Smith and Sharon Emery who took care of the table and scores.
Jim Parker and Lee Hines, CDs
SCAT ANNUAL MARCH 22-23, 2014. Lost Hill, CA
Event /Name R
Plc F1A 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 540
1 BrianVanNest 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 167 1877
2 JimParker 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 420 105 1815
3 ShlomiRosenzweig 211 180 122 180 180 180 180 1233
4 TaronMalkhasyan 210 180 180 180 180 80 180 1190
5 KenBauer 180 180 180 180 180 70 180 1150
6 MikeMcKeever 210 180 180 96 180 180 106 1132
7 BenCoussens 210 180 180 180 180 0 180 1110
8 Don Zink 143 149 151 180 180 180 86 1069
9 PierreBrun 140 120 180 180 106 180 88 994
10 PeterAllnutt 126 150 82 49 180 180 180 947
11 Rene Limberger 25 dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf 25
Plc F1B 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 BlakeJensen 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
2 AlexAndriukov 240 180 180 178 180 180 180 1318
3 MartySchroedter 240 180 165 180 180 180 180 1305
4 Walt Ghio 212 180 180 180 180 180 180 1292
5 CharlieJones 240 180 180 180 180 147 180 1287
6 BobPierchio 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 1230
7 MikeRichardson 135 168 180 180 180 164 180 1187
8 JackEmery 60 180 180 180 180 180 180 1140
9 MikeDavis 163 131 113 180 180 180 180 1127
10 Dick Myers 190 180 180 0 180 180 180 1090
11 MikeActerberg 240 180 180 180 180 125 dnf 1085
12 Al Ulm 136 0 180 180 180 180 180 1036
13 RogerMorrell 60 180 180 100 137 180 180 1017
14 SevakMalkhasyan 195 180 180 180 dnf dnf dnf 735
Plc F1C 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 JeffEllington 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 78 1398
2 LynnPulley 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 58 1378
Plc F1Q 240 180 180 180 180 180 180
1 MattGewain 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
2 JohnOldenkamp 240 180 180 180 114 180 180 1254
3 MikePykelny 181 133 180 180 176 180 180 1210
4 MikeRichardson 0 180 86 180 180 125 133 884
Plc F1G 120 120 120 120 120
Event /Name TieBrkr Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Total
1 BlakeJensen 242 120 120 120 103 120 825
2 MikeRichardson 218 0 118 113 117 0 566
3 GeralynJones 13 13
Plc F1H 120 120 120 120 120 FO1 FO2
Event /Name TieBrkr Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 180 240 Total
1 KenBauer 256 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1276
2 JimParker 242 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1262
3 BrianVanNest 241 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1261
4 MikeMcKeever 218 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 1238
5 LeeHines 183 att dnf dnf dnf dnf 0
F1P noentrants
F1J noentrants
Plc E36
1 StanBuddenbohn 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 76 1036
2 TaronMalkhasyan 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 88 928
3 DonKaiser 120 120 120 120 91 571
4 JohnOldenkamp 120 120 120 76 436
5 SevacMalkhasian 120 120 120 52 412
6 LeeHines 120 110 101 331
7 MattGewain 120 120 240
8 MikeRichardson 120 13 dnf 133
1 TimBatiuk 120 *106 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 88 1648
2 KenBauer 120 *46 120 120 120 120 68 668
3 StanBuddenbohm 0 120 *95 120 120 52 532
4 LeeHines 120 120 *53 *20 120 47 407
Plc CatapultGlider Flt1 Flt2 Flt3 Flt4 Flt5 Flt6 Total
1 TimBatiuk 120 120 120 120 33 513
2 LeeHines *55 *68 86 *54 98 120 304
Plc VintageFAI Power
1 GlennSchneider 180 180 180 180 180 720
2 KenKaiser 180 180 43 403
Plc ClassicTowline Glider Flt1 Flt2 Flt3 Total
1 TimBatiuk 120 160 240 400
NostalgiaWake noentrants
Thermals, JIM
Roger Morrell