SEN 1876
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1496
- Big Al's Flash
- Info Needed on Sergey Samkish's 1977 F1B
- NFFS Sympo Patrons
- Walston Tx for sale
Big Al's Flash
Mike Mc Keever
Ted Stalick
Shomi Rosenzweig
Marty Schroedter
Troy Davis (j)
Blake Jensen
Randy or Cody Secor
Cody or Randy Secor
Bucky Servaites
Taron Malkhasyan
Tiffaney O'Dell
Mike Pykelney
Mike Richardson
Mike McKeever ?
Jim Parker?
To All interested Free Flighters. 2014 NFFS Symposium
The 2014 NFFS Symposium Patrons Program is underway, and all NFFS members
should have received a letter asking them to participate again this year. The
deadline for sending in your money and completed form is June 15, so time
is speeding by. If you did not get a letter, cannot find your letter or are
unsure, you can download one from the NFFS website <>, but you
need to send it in soon, as time is running out.
Bob Stalick, 2014 NFFS Patrons Program Chairman.
Walston Tx for Sale
I have a Walston MODA 2312 MVS-F "LONG RANGE LITE" transmitter on 220.095 for
sale. Unused by me, I bought it 'lightly used' before I had any receivers and
figured I'd get one with that channel. Well, I now have all the receivers I will
want and need and none work with that transmitter.
Current Walston price is $159. How about $120 shipped in the US or Canada?
A nice transmitter, very small and light, I wish I could use it, but getting one
of my receivers changed to include this channel costs $200 or more! So time to
let it go.
Greg in Mississippi
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Dear Free Flight Friends:
The BOB HATSCHEK MEMORIAL INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE (Americas Cup, National Cup, run by the Brooklyn Skyscrapers) is taking place at Barron Field, Wawayanda, New York. Sat&Sun. May 31 and June 1. It has FAI,AMA and NFFS events with Dave Acton, CD. The FAI events are in rounds, with F1G,H,J,Q saturday starting at 9:30am and F1A,B,C,P sunday with one hour rounds starting at 7:30am (with no round overlap for the sunday FAI events). The AMA/NFFS events are HLG, CAT, Mulvihill, P-30, Dawn Unlimited, E-36, Electric B, 1/2A,AB Classic Gas/ Nostalgia Gas, Classic Towline, Pee-Wee 30 Gas, 1/4A Nostalgia/.020 Oldtime replica. Dawn Unlimited is Sunday 6:45am to 7am. The AMA/NFFS events are Saturday May 31, 9am-5pm and Sunday June 1: 8am-3pm and may be flown either day, though there is a preferred day for each for National Cup purposes. Additional contest details may be posted at
For the F1ABCP events Sunday, to facilitate organization of the flight line and flight line moves, we have eliminated the overlap in the rounds and we fly in one-hour rounds instead. To accomodate these rounds the CD and Field Marshall have the discretion to delay starts of rounds in response to flights that may go off field. Keep Dave and Andrew (cell 203-645-2786) informed of any retrieval difficulties that may arise and try to avoid flying near the end of the round.
The first round max times will be per FAI rules (e.g. F1A 210 seconds, F1B 240 seconds) sunday 7:30am to 8:30am. First round time-to-ground as a provisional flyoff is possible, dependent on the weather conditions, but such provisional flyoff requires agreement of the CD and the event participants who are present at a fliers meeting at 7:20am. Such additional time (beyond the standard FAI first round max) would be activated only for those who max-out the seven rounds. In the absense of a provisional flyoff, the CD and Field Marshall are pleased to orchestrate a traditional flyoff for those maxed-out after the end of round seven.
Andrew Barron
cell 203-645-2786 or 203-997-5229
Roger Morrell